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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. I have a down-dip driveway with a drain that goes into a sump well. There is the main pump with a battery back-up. I have an additional battery back-up higher up in the well, which his valved to allow for an alternative discharge circuit. Two deep cycle batteries under constant trickle charge, with low fluid alerts. I have an additional free-standing deep-cycle battery that is trickle charged with a solar cell. I have a portable generator, two battery chargers and and two inverters that can be connected to same, as well as the ability to use my truck 12v socket to power the inverter to power the charger to recharge the batteries. I mated a manual pump to an exercise bike, with necessary discharge hosing. I also engineered a coupling for an electric drill to run the pump. I have a garden-hose venturi effect vacuum device as recommended by our poster EEI. I purchased cartons of electrolyte and bottles of distilled water sufficient to rejuvenate all 3 batteries. I cobbled up an easily-installed emergency weir, and have taken steps to insure that in case of total lack of power, the water pouring from the sump well is shunted to a free flowing basement floor drain. I have sufficient 2x4s, other lumber, and visqueen sheeting to manufacture a tent structure over the driveway. I drilled strategic pressure relief holes between the basement and slab, and installed drainage dams that direct seepage to the floor drain. Tenny...OK if I buy that refrigerator?
  2. The NFL is and always has been nothing but show business, and it contains all the greed and lack of ethics that define show business. It's all for the buck. Why are you shilling for either side? The players work throughout their youth to get in a position to grab a pile of gold. The owners provide the venue for them, chasing the same pot of gold.
  3. I have recent memory of several local incidents where a citizen used deadly force to save his or his family's life. A clown that pointed a gun at a convenience clerk, then hit him hard in the head with a canned good. Clerk came up off the floor with a .357 revolver and killed the perp. Two punks charged into a local bar to steal, and hit an old patron with a pistol barrel. Old guy grabbed it and splattered one set of brains and hit the other in the chest. A fellow who had a concealed carry permit came out to see a kid steal his car, zoom down the street, then drove up over lawns to run over him. He unloaded and killed the kid who had a monumental rap sheet. A boss dropped his female worker off at home after working late. Her ex sprung from the bushes, and felled her with a pistol whip. He was ready to plug her, but the boss in his car hit the horn, and the perp fired a shot at him. The boss gunned the motor and killed him against a tree. All cases went to a grand jury. No charges were levied.
  4. I'm not clear what you are asking. I look at your 1st link - frames and artwork combined, which you say you will purchase. In the 2nd link - are you looking to purchase just a frame in that style, to mount something of your own choosing into?
  5. Hard to think that there would be any team that would trade one of their starting OTs for ML or Jackson. Most all clubs have rbs that have been in and out of their camp or on the roster, who are sitting idle and can be brought in with a phone call. And they can become effective in fairly short order - rbs, whatever their physical talents may be, are generally good students of the game IMO, and learn the line calls and play calls. If they couldn't do so, they would have a poor time of hitching onto a job.
  6. Wow. In these parts, those punks would have been slapped senseless by the crowd. And when it hit grand jury proceedings, the empaneled citizens would decline charges against the folks who flattened those jerks.
  7. They spent their young years wanting to grab that big payout, and the fame. Many, when they cash in, start up a personal posse and bedeck themselves with bling. Don't you think that they somewhere along the line, learned the risks? Of course they did. NFL players aren't little sheep lost in the woods. The folks who watch the tv games, buy the stadium tickets, buy the trinkets are appreciated, but at the end of the day, it is they that fork over the $ that pays the big dollars to this eclectic crowd who took their jobs with eyes (and wallets) wide open. The players act for themselves, first and forever. How many of us work in a job that has a guaranteed contract? Has a minimum salary for even a few weeks of showing up? The CIN acquisition, wr Antonio Bryant, will pocket $8M if his knee continues to ail, simply because he passed his initial physical. And may never play a down for that club. There is no end of dangerous occupations - mining, iron working, chemicals, farming - you name it. And they have no guarantees.
  8. Here's another one - punks break into Ohio home, pistol whips the homeowner, who then gets his rifle and sends one of 'em off to see Jesus, and the other one is in bad shape in our local taxpayer hospital: http://nky.cincinnati.com/article/AB/20100...ed-at-war-zone-
  9. Yes - a bit can add to a sauce. A dash is added to my M&C and ham chunk recipe.
  10. I'd give Brown some plays. You have to give the young'uns a taste of live action.
  11. Dunno - but it wouldn't make any sense to apply a restriction while clubs are trying to plan their regular season roster,
  12. Good question. Having Edwards play a full quarter (depending on the situations) would be out of the ordinary. I can't see them not giving Fitz some time. If that turns out so, I'd say he's a goner. Soon. I would think that they would want to give the rookie Brown some snaps, also.
  13. Federal workers earning double their private counterparts Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY 8/11/10 "At a time when workers' pay and benefits have stagnated, federal employees' average compensation has grown to more than double what private sector workers earn, a USA TODAY analysis finds."... http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/inco...dpay10_ST_N.htm
  14. The Mustard Museum: http://atlasobscura.com/place/mustard-museum
  15. Yikes! Not that! Sorry for my venom - I've been chaffed all day with today's news out of Washington.
  16. Yeah - like one of Byrd's pork pieces - the US Coast Guard Operations Systems Center in land-locked Martinsburg, West Virginia. Like Byrd, he extracted money from innocent others so you would elect him again. And again. And again etc. Rather selfish of Alaskans, who never miss an opportunitity to tell us about their independent spirit, eh?
  17. Really. Hello, Mark! I'm straining to recall what the "VI" stood for. Village Idiot? I think I need to dig out the Ouija board to see if this re-appearance is valid.
  18. I'm on my 2nd T-W HD DVR, and before that 3 or so non-HD boxes. No problems with replacements - well not for me - I live a few miles away from a mall office they have. They do staff it - typical wait time is 5 minutes for the exchange. They tell you that the new one has been "checked out.' That check-out never seems to include cleaning off the accumulated grime from the former owner, however. They are happy to have a serviceman replace anything, if you want to sit home on a particular day in a 4 hour window. I used to clean my T-W box off before exchange, but I've stopped that. Give as you get, now. If you need a new remote, they are factory-fresh - they wouldn't dare hand over a used one with the filth that those things collect.
  19. If they wanted to laud Jimmy, they should have named it the USS Ayatollah Khomeini...
  20. Please wait until the agencies write the regulations and the enforcement verbiage and it is published in the CFR.
  21. Or the Highway to H*ll...
  22. Recalling the the interest rates back then - at least 17%
  23. The USS Jimmy Carter.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Jimmy_Carter_%28SSN-23%29 One would have thought it would have been an inflatable...
  24. Chain saws, 7 workers, bucket truck, nylon roping, dump truck, block and tackle, safety slings, wood grinders hitched to a truck, bobcat with grasping jaws, insulated water cooler jugs vs. One man with an axe.
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