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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Yup The tax laws make these old rich guys and gals marry these young bimbos or boy toys.
  2. Yep. He was in a season-long snit, wanting more money or to be traded. I didn't think that the Whitner hit amounted to much - moreso that a drama queen at the time, decided to milk it. He has a remarkable recovery in the hospital, and was on the plane with the rest of the CIN team for the return flight. He is notable for absorbing hits and bouncing back. Here's a good one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4KZnxHFrVk
  3. White or red, with tonight's plain soy burger on wheat roll with re-heated canned wax beans?
  4. What a funny bunch we are! A topic about Bryan Beluga hatches a polemic about sump pumps...
  5. That's a good sign, IMO.
  6. Nice avatar! The odds are slim - I hope the club gives him a decent shot during the preseason.
  7. My wife predicts that it will turn up in one of those "funniest commercials" shows that pop up time to time.
  8. LSI used to do same. I wonder how he's doing? - I thought him a decent young chap, albeit a bit on the (innocent) rambunctious side.
  9. Starting game day threads more than a few minutes before kick-off is a known jinx.
  10. Paul Brown and son Mike beat the tax man. I wish I could recall the details - they somehow "lent" a substantial portion of the team's value to a family friend, and were able in large part avoid taxation on the franchise's appreciation in value.
  11. Same here. Stafford looked good IMO (still surprised they continued to play him with a bum shoulder), and rookie rb Jahvid Best should help.
  12. 3 pages - not a word about #2 pick Troup. Is he in camp?
  13. I predict that WAS doesn't give a rat's fanny and will be busy trying to evaluate their own bunch of unproven millionaires.
  14. When OH re-instituted concealed carry (with a ton of restrictions), many commercial establishments rushed to put up signs and decals saying no concealed carry allowed. The restrictions have been lessened, and the merchants that listened to their lawyers found out through the years that their signage ended up being an announcement to criminals who interpreted such as "C'mon in! We are an easy mark. Come and kill and rob us." And it happened. Often. I refused to patronize such businesses that have that signage. I'm not alone - they have been steadily been removed as merchants think about their falling number of patrons. Long before today's troubles.
  15. Oh. Another fast-paced score fest, then.
  16. Kilowatt44 - one of America's most respected, proven, football commentators.
  17. Er - the reason clubs hire WR coaches is to teach those "tricks"...bringing in a vet, taking up a roster spot - preseason or regular - to do same, isn't very wise. IMO.
  18. Even though it's preseason, I hope it doesn't end up being another one of those 16-10 numbingly dull things the Bills have been famous for in the past several years. A little pizazz, please!
  19. My take is that there is a solid contingent of diehard Bills fans across the nearby regions of the Niagara Peninsula. I'll pick numbers out of my hat - perhaps 10K that are regular attendees. Maybe 50K that follow the club -who knows? I agree about the lack of any significant TOR base. An NFL game for many Canadians, is just a pleasurable -i pricey piece of entertainment on a Sunday. If the Bills moved elsewhere, they would be just a remembrance. And TOR is a pricey place to live - how do you convince the average Joe to fork over NFL ticket $$$, in numbers enough to fill an NFL stadium 8 times a year? I know some like to make jokes about the CFL. I don't - I've been a fan for years. Go Ti-Cats! Here in the States, there is an ingrained football tradition. Many areas are ga-ga about H.S football. That's the case here in OH, when I lived in the PGH area, same in the south, in Texas, Oklahoma, the west coast, and so on. Then add in the rabid following of college football. That's really not there to any meaningful degree in Canada. I think you are 100% correct.
  20. Isn't that a political post? Tsk, tsk. As KY and OH (finally) joined the majority of States that woke up and permitted concealed carry, there were no end of dire predictions about mayhem in the streets. See also FLA and TX. Of course, that didn't happen, and the screeching yowlers are nowhere to be found these days. The OH contingent managed to make permit holders a matter of public record initially, but that has been stopped. Vermont. The State's leanings are well known. However, they somehow cut short those leanings when it came to protecting themselves. The hypocrisy drips, of course, but the low crime rates in Vermont are enviable. Coincidence? VT firearm law: http://crime.about.com/od/gunlawsbystate/f/gunlaw_vt.htm
  21. Depends on how long it has been in service. Warranties have time limitations. And they have specific terms re maintenance. As in ensuring that the float isn't crapped up - something you have to check. And filling up the sump every few months to check for operation, and free flow through the discharge piping. If yours isn't backed up with a battery (that you maintain properly), and the power goes out and the rain continues, it's no fault of the seller or the manufacturer. My next door neighbor, since moved on, suffered a catastrophe. He had a pump and a back-up. He was a very competent tradesman. And I am sure he kicked himself black and blue, as he hauled out furniture, soaked plaster board, tools etc., knowing that he failed to maintain. If you purport to blame the manufacturer for a failure, you will find it tough slogging. You may have a sump pump to remove small seepage over time - that's one thing. If you depend on one to handle heavy rain events (1 1/2" over a half hour per my rain gauge yesterday afternoon), you will have a load of headaches if you don't apply due diligence. Henry Thoreau observed - "A man does not own a house. A house owns a man." Still true.
  22. If your sump fails, you are FUBAR. You can put on your Wellies or scuba outfit - whichever applies - and remove it and try to return it.
  23. I'll need more solar cells, then. I 've been working on a wind turbine recently, using an old automotive generator and the fan assembly from an out-of service ceiling fan. It will be a portable thing, erected and put outside if there is a desperate need. I'm doubtful that I will succeed.
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