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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Deep fryers...have a 240 ABC fire extinguisher at the ready.
  2. 11 PM EDT, Mon. 4/19, Travel Channel. 1st stop: Italy, with Olympic cyclists.
  3. I think your avatar is Wade's mother.
  4. If he's not picked - that name alone should get him an off-Broadway billing.
  5. Wiz...great selection, but I'd be surprised if Barns lasted into the 7th. He's a late-round gem for a team that doesn't need an immediate impact player and can afford to take time to develop him.
  6. Rules: 1) I will post a complimentary haiku in your honor. Suitable for framing. 2) You have to remind me if you win via resurrecting this post. PMs not accepted. I won't record, compile, track, or otherwise go out of my way for anyone that bothers to respond to this thread, so it's up to your innate sense of fair play. 3) First winning post, first served. Come the end of this extended draft extravaganza, post if you win. Ye shall publicly, eloquently, be praised.
  7. What person would make that? Mapplethorpe?
  8. ??? I was just commenting on the Steelers' fans and their ardor for their team.
  9. Right you are - I lived in SW PA for 11 years.
  10. I'm sure that's celebrated best, in El Paso TX.
  11. 1: Jim Clausen SF 2: Tim Tebow JAX 3: Eric Berry CLE 4: CJ Spiller DEN 5: Dez Bryant PIT
  12. I think Hughes will be selected by someone before the 2nd round ends.
  13. Seems like a nice kid. I hope he enjoyed the soiree. Doubt if he has ever got into a clubhouse, ever spoke with any player. My guess is that he is trying for a degree in Communications. Whatever that is...
  14. Good enough for their college studies, evidently...
  15. The pinnacle of the VW passenger car boxer pancake motor vehicles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Type_4 The Super Beetle (front struts instead of torsion bar axle) hung around till the late '70's - FI motor. But the dollar/deutschmark exchange at that time made it too expensive for sale in the US market. The Beetle hung on for many a years in Mexico, as well as the original Type II bus. In it's waning years in the Mex. production, the VW water-cooled 4 cyl. was installed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Type_2 Note the reference to the "Chicken War." I've mentioned it several times here on this site, through the years. And also why Toyota manufactured Hi-Lux beds in Van Nuys - they skirted the law by importing chassis/cabs and then bolting on the US-made bed. Are you familiar with the delivery vehicle called the Dodge Sprinter? Commercial versions have to be disassembled and then reassembled in S. Carolina. The Chicken laws live! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_Sprinter
  16. Were I a billionaire, the news story would be a video of me sober!
  17. Sadly, you have to add your list, the reported switch from a 4 - 3 to a 3 - 4, with players that most think will have to go through a learning curve and perhaps not ideal for such. As well as question marks about their many IR players - where will they fit? Will they regain health and be able to play? Unknown - which has to affect draft selections. I think they are in a tough spot there. This defensive scheme change disturbs me most. I don't disagree with a change, but I think it''s premature, it tosses too many things up in the air. Personally, I would have "blended" it in so to speak through the coming season. See which players are apt for it.
  18. If they moved that up to 2012, they could time themselves with the leap years. There is always hope.
  19. Since rnd 1 is on one day, and rnd 2 the following day, the building of anger, the angst, would be...exquisite.
  20. I would think that I've been put into Mr. Peabody's Wayback machine and dropped off in 2003...
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