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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Do you mean to tell me that all these stories I've read for years about Canadians crossing over for treatment are...false?
  2. Sure looks like BAL is the choice, Jay.
  3. Stick around - in a few years, the exchange rate will be $1 CDN = $5 US. But at that point, you won't be able to cross over to get that MRI you need now, instead of having to wait 2 months. We will be like you! P.S. - the Canadian Ballet will collapse.
  4. Thanks - that's a pretty good way to view a draft. I guess there has to be some bias in it, though...a club that is in a relatively greater need of players to fill starting positions would then tend to grade higher. I think...dunno.
  5. Also... what does my name mean where's my refund when is easter 2010 how to tie a tie.
  6. Sounds like Harvard, Stanford and others - didn't hand out anything less than a "B" for years... I use C or D. It's the same as yours, but without the grade inflation. Here's our little Prisco's grades for the '07 draft: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/1331339...overlist_footer
  7. The Jets will be 12 - 4 or be 11 - 5 and win the tie breakers? Didn't they get in last season thanks to a number of teams laying down?...
  8. He got very limited playing time, under the previous regime. When they were hit by injuries - I thought he would get a bunch of playing time - but that didn't happen. I don't think they trusted him. Something to ponder. He has a lot to prove. So far, he's a 1st round draft queen.
  9. It's inexorable... http://www.wcpo.com/content/news/localshow...9iW7WosD_w.cspx
  10. Goody - him getting launched into the stands should make for good highlight film.
  11. There's not much about football that isn't an opinion. Football is a 4 act play that's been running - with variations - for over a hundred years. It isn't rocket science. It's loaded with opinions. If the preponderance of opinions of the Bills' draft is a "C", so be it. That's what I give it - average. What's wrong with an average draft?
  12. Don't confuse a self-admitted government worker. You know better than that...
  13. More of your BS. During Prohibition, crimes dropped - especially the ones connected with alcohol consumption...the domestic beatings, the petty thefts and on and on. Talk with people who lived back then. Stick around. I'm waiting to hear your carping when your fleet of 4WD vehicles are declared enemies of the State, and are heavily taxed...
  14. Liberals, Democrats, have long fought against citizenship. Including voting. Such is fatal to their plans for one-party rule. They advocate the fight for a giant, all-encompassing government. Against our Founding Fathers wisdom of a limited government. With that huge government, all it takes is one bad apple ( like the current White House occupant) to turn the nation into a Venezuela. And don't those folks regret what they once thought they wanted? It's inexorable...
  15. I can't wait..for a more descriptive topic title...
  16. Heh. Reminds me of the 1999 draft. Ditka and NO offered them the deal for Ricky, but owner Brown insisted on QB Akili Smith. Rumor had it that HC Coslet was livid about the turn-down of NO's entire draft. Akili was no NFL qb (he played with the Pirates before, and only had 1 year at Oregon). He was a gamer, tough as nails. He needed that, with that train wreck of a club. When he was cut, he walked off with an additional $4M of Mikie's precious dough. Smith was a smart guy - I would guess that he invested it well.
  17. That, and crack back blocks and going for knees and ankles. DEN is the only sports team I can say that I honestly despise...
  18. That's what was said when they purchased Dockery and Langston. Not entirely successful...
  19. Rossini agrees...
  20. Sometimes - but sometimes you have to wait and see what you get in the draft. It's not as if Thomas will be strapped for cash to fill up his Bentley or whatever, or can't afford an oil change for the obligatory black Cadillac Escalade...
  21. Happy B'Day!
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