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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Possibly...
  2. NSFW..a pole dance of note...to classical music. This kid is an athlete. Oughta audition with Cirque du Soliel.
  3. Worried about future employment?
  4. Pfft...this is a useless "Ask Nick". Waste of time and typing...excuses, no advice...
  5. Guess they can't blame Bush...or maybe Dear Leader did say something, today...dunno.
  6. I'll be surprised if anyone signs him. He's an old vet and commands a hefty minimum salary per the CBA, and didn't show much last season with BUF. My guess is that he'll be a well-paid talking head on ESPN, CBS, FOX etc.
  7. So - which is it? The Caymens or Singapore?
  8. Should I move to Singapore or the Caymen Islands?
  9. Buy him one of those inexpensive Mossberg 20 ga. pump shotguns. A man has to have some means to defend his domicile.
  10. What I would like, is if OH had something like OTB, or Pennsylvania's Dial-a-Bet. The odds of recovering your bet is usually - at least - 12 to 1...a far cry from the state-run lottery games.
  11. Ownership matters a lot. See the 1968 expansion B'gals (things were different then. Unlike JAX and CAR, the players forked over were cast-offs and retirees. IIRC, BUF offered up the retired Cookie Gilchrist). Owner Paul Brown eventually forged a decent club. When his son, Mike took over, CIN wandered in the desert for more than a decade.
  12. Here, here. Last time, he chided me for posting an off-topic, witty bon mot... Or maybe it was a thread hijack attempt...not sure.
  13. So...Supervisor Donald Gage remembers the days before fast food joints. He would do well to remember that in his day, such an intrusive action by the State upon people's freedom of choice to use or not use a legal product would be...unthinkable. Something tells me that Gage and the other two, when in school, were the ones who were always crying "I'm telling teacher!!!!"
  14. Didn't the "South Park" folks turn tail yesterday, when they were threatened? They've always made fun of Christians who never would uttere a threat, but now...
  15. Snares and traps. Don't forget snares and traps.
  16. Goofy list. Mostly QBs, drafted by crap-o teams. I guess this guy had to write something so that he got a paycheck next week... Reminds me of Prisco's run-down of the '07 draft today. He called #2 pick RB Kenny Irons a bust. Dumb choice by CIN, for sure - they had a very useful Rudi Johnson, and hopes for another dumb pick - the oft-injured #1 pick RB Chris Perry. Irons made a cut and tore up his knee ten minutes into his 1st preseason game and never was on the field again. They kept him for a year, then gave him an injury settlement. Shades of Ki-Jana Carter, years ago. They bypassed Tony Boselli for Carter. Too bad about Carter. He ended up playing a bit...without the recurrent injuries, he would have been a big noise. Ran hard, great blocker, receiver, and had that special nose for getting into the EZ.
  17. Don't...selectively quote out of context.
  18. And there is the definition, in Germany: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_%28school%29
  19. In high school gym, we played "slap tag". You'd start in the basketball circle. You had to hop on one foot, and try to touch somebody. Then they were "it." If your other foot touched the floor before you touched someone, you could run back to the circle, but other classmates could slap you with an open hand until you found haven in the circle. If you successfully touched another, you would give them that first hard slap while they tried to make it back. We also swam in the school pool in the nude In hs - 2 days' gym, 2 days' swimming. hTe swim coach would have the non-swimmers line up at the deep end, and shove this or that one into the drink - fished them out with a bamboo pole. Everybody learned to swim. Can you imagine today's outrage over that, and slap tag these days? Aya Carumba! Occasionally, if weather permitted, we were herded outside and had to run around the track for a non-stop half hour. Few kids were fat back then. A typical gym session was 5 minutes of running around Indian clubs, 5 minutes of squat thrusts, 5 on chin-ups, 5 on push-ups, 5 on jumping jacks and 5 climbing the poles or the ropes. Occasionally, the games. Then we were herded into the shower so we wouldn't smell. We were fit. We were forced to be fit. Which was good.
  20. Er...hope springs...infernal?
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