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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. It would be a surprise to me if they allocated a PS spot for Simpson or J. Bell - many a thread has been posted about depth problems in other areas. One of the other would have to really impress in the preseason...and as MarkVader50 noted - will either show any flashes of blocking and blitz pick-up? ?
  2. It's something native in all of us?
  3. "Yes. It's a lot of fun. O wow Oh sh*t. Did you see that! No, what happened? That guy will be cut. Lousy call. I spilled my beer. Nice run! Another punt!" etc. Chat rooms... plumbing the depths, one millimeter at a time.
  4. Are there braille readers with the commonplace GUI? What about audio cues?
  5. What about people like Helen Keller?
  6. Didn't native Americans cross over a land bridge from native Siberia?
  7. Seems there's always someone who decides to build up Fortress Australia and get up and wander around the house. I steal their armies and toss 'em back when they leave. They never detect it.
  8. Yes - a couple of working fingers, one functional eyeball, and you are in the game.
  9. We all do, sometimes.
  10. They are still out there, and seem to be purchased and enjoyed. A Target store I visit from time to time has maybe 25 feet of shelf space devoted to them. That's been so for several years, and with shelf space being so hotly battled for by manufacturers, I think that the board games still sell well. BTW - Monopoly is a well-studied game. Here is one of many references: http://www.tkcs-collins.com/truman/monopoly/monopoly.shtml The out-of-print text, T.H.E. Ultimate (Wm. Poundstone, Dell/Doubleday/Bantam 1990, ISBN 0-385-24270-0) has an interesting chapter, too.
  11. Thanks, but no thanks. It's stealing of copyrighted content.
  12. I can't offer any plans for your trip, but welcome on your joining us!
  13. Well, you did purchase a piece of fine art, worthy of display in the Prado or the Louvre.
  14. My town drips with framing shops and I'll bet yours does to. If you value this thing, get a quality frame that you like. It's not as if you have to change them every few years. Let's say you live another 50 years. Do you want to spend 50 years staring at the thing knowing that the frame isn't quite the ticket but was the chintzy. cost-effective choice? No!
  15. Our club has many members here. I'm a charter member. Welcome!
  16. I have no idea who were the bright young prospects two or five years ago. I suppose I could look it up. What I do know, without having to look up anything, is the the marginal at best QB play that BUF has put in the playing field for quite a long while. Somewhere along the line, I would have liked them to have taken a chance. What do you have to lose, after so many years of sitting home when January rolls around?
  17. It was a 1st preseason game. Tonight, if Spiller goes 5 for 3 yards, and Troup has 0 tackles, I guess we need to flush both of 'em down the commode...
  18. Well, I disagree about "checks that his body can't pay." And I don't recall anything that was said about it not being a clean hit. Over his now 10 year career, he's taken many hellacious hits, and has missed but a small handful of games. He's certainly a character. A very colorful character, but not without charm. I can't think of an NFL club, even at age 32, that wouldn't find a place for him on their roster.
  19. The correct direction?
  20. Your kind words have always inspired me.
  21. Pay no attention to the past ten years or so - it was just a minor blip.
  22. It's an old story... We are strong in pass defense! (we finished 30th in run defense last season - who would bother to pass against us?). Or - we are strong in run defense! (they didn't run much, because they knew they could pass us silly). Pick your year; the story has a regular rotation.
  23. I had to look that up. Vodka and a fruit juice. Perfect.
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