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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. ..you're a good sport, Acor! Isn't that a rare term, these days?
  2. Not if they ever looked at the MF'ing that numerous satellite dish TV acolyte TSW posters have flung their way...
  3. Well, the facts...no one has been incarcerated for burglary, and the minor that Henry was accused of selling to got indicted for a false rape charge, and then she was subsequently indicted for a murder. Cute kid... 4th round FSU LB Nicholson has pending charges along with a buddy for stealing a stereo when he matriculated. #3 pick, USC DE Frostee Rucker (on IR since week 3 IIRC) was an odd pick. I guess they planned on Smith leaving. But he has an assault charge. Jail for him if convicted. No defense of B'gals player picadellos implied, of course. But suspended MLB Odell Thurmann might be a player the Bills might want to consider. A year without pay may have caused a certain adjustment in attitude. I'm thinking he's persona non grata here... Smith will likely get a fat contract from somebody. Given owner Brown's congenital cheapness and the fact that that they are on the hook for Palmer's huge guaranteed contract, the B'gals wave goodbye to him. Agreed, he's not 4th pick phenomenal - like Mike Williams... ... but Smith does play a complete game. B'gals DL has actually played pretty well. 4th round MI rookie Domato Peko is a gritty kid. He's the one with the long ponytail. DT Sam Adams evidently had an actual injury. But is now doing his tie-up-two-OL thing. He and HC Lewis go back a long time...perhaps that helped. The D started out fine, but then lost the entire starting LB's as well as FA SS Dexter Jackson for 4 games. When CFL rookie Rashad Jeanty, Jackson and Brian Simmons came back, they ran off 4 wins, scoring 101 and giving up 33. 2003 4th rounder DE, Geathers, seems to be a real deal. This franchise, setting a standard for 10 years of idiocy, has been dripping with good luck as to players performing well. Iffy for the playoffs, though. Got jobbed in their ATL and TB games, and shot themselves in the foot against NE, BAL #1, and SD. PGH #1 gave 'em a gift with two dead ball personal fouls and a ST fumble. Cowher must have been a sight to see in the locker room after that game. .. Finish up with 2 road games against IND and SD and home against PGH. IIRC, they have a game edge on BUF in conf. record - not sure. Sorry about running on about CIN...but the Bills are still alive and CIN is one of our competitors, so I thought some local view about them might be worthwhile reading.
  4. The county commissioner who was the big pusher of the deal was crushed in his re-election bid, and got a high six-figure job with the B'gals as some sort of team adviser. A few more Mike Brown gems... They published a false seating chart before construction. You had to buy a PSL (personal seat license) in order to buy season tix...I don't recall the exact dollars...something like $275 to $600 depending on seat location or some such. Folks forked over the cash, including up-front tix $, and found out their 40 - 50 yard seats ended up on the 10 or in the EZ. He had to be sued for people to get their PSL and high tix cost adjusted. And they sit on the 10 or in the EZ today. Brown hung on to their cash to the bitter end, though. About 3 years ago, a number of folks decided to not renew their tickets for their own personal reasons, and were willing to forfeit the non-refundable PSL. But some time previous, the club sent out a weasely mailing that said upon any cancellation of a PSL, the owner was on the hook for 10 years' worth of season tickets. And they started to file lawsuits against folks who had decided to drop their PSL's, demanding 10 years' worth of ticket price. Once again, the B'gals were hauled into court and a judge ruled that this 10-year tie-in was phony, and not part of the deal that the PSL owners signed on for. Take a look at the B'gals management staff off the field...this VP of personnel is the daughter of that VP of player development who is the aunt of the treasurer who married the brother of the son of this cousin and so forth. A study in incest... Which is why I shake my head when people imply that Ralph is a skinflint...
  5. And your Australian Tea Cake recipe was a big hit at my wife's Xmas party!
  6. Reminds me of Leno's "Jay Walk"...
  7. Tough choice... FWIW, Henry should see a fair amount of playing time, like the last few weeks. The B'gals had some hope that WR Kelley Washington might be able to go, but his hamstring has him listed as out. BKR/WR Tab Perry has been on IR for some time, so the only extra receiver is rookie Reggie McNeal (In the doghouse - fighting with cops.) I think, holding his nose, Lewis will have to make him active, because that would leave them with ST/back-up safety rookie Ethan Kilmer if WR disaster struck. But given the Colt's run-stop woes, I'd think that they will run Rudi Johnson a fair amount (2 tds last week against OAK - was stopped on the one or it might have been 3) and also to use up some clock and keep the ball out of Manning's hands. Palmer likes to go to Henry in the EZ (if his head happens to be screwed on straight that day)...he's tall and can leap over most db's. But he is a #3, what with Houshmanzedeh and C. Johnson on the field. OTOH, the Bills have been making a good living off the big play, and they are at home. But laugh as we may at the Fins, they have won 5 of their last 6. Good luck in deciding...
  8. I'd think that a lot of folks had what they thought would be disposable income chewed up because of the early snow storm. As well as lost wages for many.
  9. 857930[/snapback] Thanks for the heads-up on Davis. I'll be sure to watch.
  10. All our prayers for your Mom, dev.
  11. I've previously voiced my observational limitations, Bob. But given the tools available to me, and years of watching this stuff, I remain firm in not agreeing with this thread's main assertion - that JP is going to tear up the league next year. What would you have me, and we other expatriates do? Turn our back on the club and dismiss them from interest because we not are not able to see every snap they execute? Take for gospel the new crowd that watches every game but wouldn't recognize a trap play unless one of their grandparents knocked them in the head?
  12. Just a thing acquired over time. Many resources exist - nfl.com's play-by-play for example. After years of seeing football, one gets and idea how the offensive (and defensive) trends are starting to play out. Tip: Watch the stance of an OL, gauge it throughout a game...pass? Run? Setting their weight on their heels or toes? Close or wide legs? See if the TE has an ear cocked to the Center's line calling. Closer or wider to the tackle? Watch the stance of the rbs, or a angle of a motion man's helmet. Lots of stuff. One can glean changes depending on score differential and the time elapsed in a game. Believe it or not, after watching it for so long, I'm pretty good at predicting what the next offensive play is, or if a defense is gonna blitz or close on a particular offensive player or whatever. Ask my wife...she shakes her head at my correct predictions of the offensive play that is executed. I hope you don't think me boastful. There is really not much new in the game...everything that need be said was written down on two 5 x 7 cards 50 years ago.. Football has its surprises - the chess moves - for sure, and the moves made at a moment sure do matter. That seasoned coaching staffs year after year blow the control of the time clock - and we all have seen this- keeps it interesting, among other goofs. Football is a well-diagnosed, incessantly studied thing - that's why teams make their offensive plan cards for a quarter or so plays, or more in advance. And they know the business better than you or I. There is a fair degree of reliable predictability. NFL football, much as we enjoy is, is not "rocket surgery"...and it can be pontificated upon from afar.
  13. EII hits it square on the nail! Couldn't agree more...
  14. Re-read my commentary, 1bills...
  15. The same. Still would like to hear comment to the issue as opposed to your bringing of mirrors and your personal diet into it. You must be one of these "It's ALL About ME" infant stories that hit the press and the airwaves now and again. "Helicopter" parents, perhaps?... I certainly hope you aren't in any position that has responsibility for others. That would be tragic...
  16. The extremely stupid are the ones that allow that. I say raising the voting age to 30, when the wetness behind the ears that defines youth is a good idea.
  17. Yep...that argument took place before Paul Brown Stadium in Cincy was constructed. Put it north of the city, get a bigger regional draw, and so forth. And that was all true, but the Hamilton County and City of Cincy politicos hated the ideas...an attack on their kingmaker power, so it ended up as an amazing sweetheart deal for owner Brown. There is zero promised area development - can't have folks not be captive to Brown's overpriced stadium food, etc. There used to be several eateries and bars within normal walking distance of the old stadium - but no more. Latest insult...the deal had a clause that owner Brown would get taxpayer $$$ for any and all construction if any of the other 31 teams made improvements. He just got a million taxpayer bucks for replacing his original crappy natural turf 3 or so years ago. Two months ago, the County had to re-finance the bond issue for Mikie's free palace. The way it works here is if you are over 18, you can vote to peel money off of everybody even if you don't pay a lick of tax yourself. The politicians have won and the current generation is too thick and self-centered to figure out the long term consequences. Sad.
  18. Next time you look in a mirror, hack up some phelm and let it fly. Justice served. If you have nothing to debate, fine. Let's speak another day then, John...
  19. Quite so, MDH. I accept your criticism with no qualms. Looks like another season without me seeing the club. But I've been watching this game for close to half a century...and not just our team. So I get a bit more out of the numbers, the trends, of a player. I get a certain feeling about how a player progresses, how he fits into the team, I judge the man and his meaning to a team - football is surely the chess game of popular team sports. Very much the sum of the parts... But those numbers, stats, however useful, subordinate to a feeling of the flow of the contest. And Losman has not given me the impression of a true field general, if I may be allowed to repeat my words. An old, I suppose archaic definition of a General was this - "A fighting man who happens to have an army at his disposal". Count me as a JP fan...if you care to explore past posts, I was one who 100% supported his starting sight unseen in '05.
  20. Child, the bent for self-felt sophistry has been detected and laughed at centuries ago. Nothing new about you...you fall in lock step. One hopes you can do better than offer an attempt to turn a citation from a newspaper into a smarmy backhander, but seems adding your personal flavor of assumption, smug denigration, is needed to to carry the day in your mind. Gives you quite a rush, one imagines... But that is your stock-in-trade...snide innenudo etc., eh? May I suggest you debate the issue?...it's a concept to consider...
  21. That would be nice, but 14 tds, 10 ints in 13 games, with a number of those touchdown passes being a bomb or a receiver's nifty YAC moves does not a dominant top-5 qb portend. To me so far - he's a good long-arm guy, and he's consistent enough to not be a particular liability, but a field general that can force a win - not yet. He hasn't shown any notable red-zone moxie. Sorry...but I don't think I am bashing him or are being a naysayer...and there is no reason that he won't have a better season next year. The Bills offense just yet doesn't have the powerful line or the gritty save-the-qb's-fanny receivers to get JP into a top 5 spot, IMO.
  22. Yep...blew his kid in half with a 12 gauge.
  23. "Settle down, Ralphie"... Whatever the facts of the issue may be - and neither you nor I know them in their entirety - if thieving of a QB's under-center calls becomes the norm, the game (IMO) is lessened. It's not the same as a crafty baseball ancient using his real-time eyeballs picking up cues thanks to his long experience. Why bother to watch the da*n thing in the first place if some sort of spiff technology - data mining if that's an applicable term to be used here - affects the on-field performance of the players?
  24. Well, I'd go with Colston. Mason...iffy...2 tds this year, one on a not-flagged offensive push-off with a minute to go in a game 12 loss at CIN, and an 11 yarder (game-winner) in game 9 at TEN.
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