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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. It can tool around with the USS Jimmy Carter.. The big surprise is there isn't a USS Robert Byrd yet. It would have to be an Oiler, though..
  2. I thought it was "Love Is in the Air, Every Sight and Every Sound"...
  3. Too bad he wasn't an alternate. Then he could work out one of those clandestine deals, where a Pro Bowl "in" who already has his contract bonus bows out with a hangnail or something, and his buddy steps in and then joins the bonus gravy train.
  4. Also Hank Williams Sr.'s "I'm So Lonesome I could Cry". B.J. Thomas recorded an especially evocative version. The Negro spiritual, "Old Black Joe" would qualify.
  5. It's been controversial for a long time. The Nobel Prize Chemist, Linus Pauling, was a big proponent. Folks taking too many supplements is a peeve of mine. Harm can and does occur. Here's a ref. about vitamin C. Remember, you are likely getting a bunch already via today's large number of vitamin-fortified foods. http://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/nutri.../vitamin-c.html
  6. Agreed, but certainly not caused by a "sugar" high.. The long-gone Freddie's Doughnuts on Main St. were tops. And Jul's Bakery on Kenmore Ave.
  7. ...good one!
  8. I've never understood why head coaches don't call OC's down to the field and smash them in the head with a clipboard - repeatedly. If yer the boss, yer the boss...I wouldn't be questioning MM's calls - I'd change them.
  9. I forget what he was drinking...whiskey? Scotch?
  10. A half a teaspoon of table salt in a half a glass of room temperature tap water, swishing about the mouth and gargling with it will be a help. Every 6 hours. Any hard candy that is not a peppermint or spearmint will help sooth..nothing medicinal, just that it encourages saliva production and might keep a dry throat at bay. Plenty of water, of course. Your big saucepan with water on the lowest stovetop setting will raise humidity if it is low. Shake some pepper into it for nucleation for phase change from liquid to vapor. It's subtle below a boil, but take this advice from an old chemist...it does lower the energy needed for transition because it's insoluble and is a point that effects phase change.. And eat cheese or drink milk. Dairy is loaded with casoendorphins. Nature produces them in mammaliam breast milk to help insure that sucklings have encouragement to suckle. This is well-known in the marketplace - especially our restaurant businesses. Cheese increases appetite which increases sales etc. But for the infirm and prostrate with fever, food intake has to be assured. Fever burns up tons of energy that needs to be fueled.
  11. The only Anderson in the league who plays tackle is Wlilie Anderson of the B'gals. He's a RT. And fact of life....0.500 or below teams' club members seldom get consideration. I know that flies in the face of today's Honor Rolls by quota, or multiple Valedictorians, but there it is...
  12. I've not been in a doughnut shop for years. Because they stopped selling plain fry cakes, peanut sticks (also a fry cake), and have seen fit to make even a basic glazed doughnut a dripping mass of sugar icing. The appeal of doughnuts used to be because you could purchase a rich, yet light dough blend, with a bit of topping as well as the fry cake variety without having to fry at home. Tasty, with substance, and even as a light dough, a bit of chew to them. I do not like these current high fructose corn syrup bombs...an insult to the pastry skills.
  13. Why specifically do you say that? There are millions that differ...
  14. Funny how this offends, yet several posters have made abuse, similar treatment visited on an innocent cat a feature of their avatar or persona...
  15. Of course she can be a libertine...she has the money that provides for the luxury to hire the doctors to screen her potential pokers for the various venereal diseases, and AIDS.
  16. 1) "A Christmas Carol "- Alister Sim b&w version. 2) The Rod Serling Twilight Zone 1/2 hour b&w episode with Art Carney as the alcoholic Santa who is the recipient of a miracle. 3) "It's a Wonderful Life". 4) "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", with Loretta Swit.
  17. There is always a place for a good CB. But not at break-the-bank pricing. Spending that $ for a better-performing DL and LB corps often makes an average CB look like an All-Pro, plus pays dividends in the run and short pass defense.
  18. The necessary balance needed for driving off the tee, or longish fairway shots would be off, as frontal masses whip about - an inertia thing - and be hand-wringingly bleated about as a vicious male attack on the protected, patty-caked-in-society sex.
  19. I think nude driving is a personal choice, like choosing to be a vegetarian.
  20. Perhaps not the national talking heads. But I'll bet a lot of the local NFL beat writers around the nation know about Shoebel...
  21. I think I picked the Bills at 5 -11. 2 and 14 in LABills dinner contest, hoping to be a lone winner (loser ). The local B'gals at 8 and 8 for sure.
  22. A big name in football (I think it might have been Bill Walsh) once said that punter is the most important player. The good ones add a bunch of yards during the game for the opposition to overcome. In the HOU game, the Texan's punter was getting very high hang times - on the order of 5 seconds. But was only getting 35 yards or so. Great if you are punting from the 50. But when HOU had to punt around the 2 minute warning, the Bills got nice field position that resulted in the Price catch for the win. Moorman pushes the opposition back, and while I don't know for sure, I don't think the Bills have been unduly hit with a bunch of good returns against them. Then there was Ray Guy... what a vital part of those powerful Madden Raiders clubs. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... "Guy was a key member of three Super Bowl-winning Raiders teams: (Super Bowls XI, XV, and XVIII. Arguably, his best performance was in Super Bowl XVIII against the Washington Redskins. When the Raiders offense faltered just outside the range of placekicker Chris Bahr, Guy, known for his power, showed a great deal of finesse by booting a 27-yard punt that pinned the Washington Redskins on their own 12-yard line late in the first half. On the very next play, the Raiders' Jack Squirek intercepted Washington quarterback Joe Theismann and returned it for a touchdown that gave them a 21-3 halftime lead. The Raiders would eventually win 38-9. Ray Guy had a superb game: * 7 punts for 299 total yards * 244 net yards * 34.8 yard net average * 5 punts inside the opponents' 20-yard line".
  23. And possibly new mug shots for the photo album. There's a silver lining in every cloud.
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