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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Er, just thought I'd post a topic - during a lull - that didn't include crying about attendance. Or blackouts. Add what you will, Capt'n...
  2. Yes...but having a club that is spiffy at home in late season inclement weather, that goes for and builds up a team with mudder players can end as a pyrrhic victory. Strongly tuning up a team to win in the snot doesn't give a lot of return as the playoffs advance to nicer climates. Win them early, sunny-day-and-birds-singing games and hang on... A win because of late-season bad weather can be illusory. Despite the crabbing that has been going on about attendance, the fact that the Bills have 4 of their last 6 at home has kept their playoff hopes alive. I didn't realize last week's weather was so snotty until I saw the tv highlights. Too bad the plans for a domed downtown replacement for War Memorial got shoved aside by the local political machinery's interests way back when...
  3. Agreed on the hamstring. He was kept on the roster for 5 or 6 games, but went to IR last week. He would be very useful if recovered. Henry has recently kept his nose clean. Problem with him on the field is being dynamite one game and bum the next. To the extent that anyone can make a prediction, I think the B'gals peddle him for a 4th or for a 3rd, and that they trade lower in next year's draft to pick OSU's Ginn, Jr. or Gonzales, if they declare as eligible.. I'd be a bit surprised if Chad Johnson plays more than a year or two hence...
  4. Kelley Washington is unrestricted next season - but is on IR with a hamstring. He was a desirable RFA, but carried a 3rd round comp cost. AFAIK, his hamstring should recover. Washington is a big receiver, throws blocks. College neck injury saw him fall in his draft, and seems to have have grown out of the often-typical 20+ year-old athlete attitude. Henry has great potential, 7 or so TDs, brilliant one game and a short-handing SOB the next. Plus off-field stuff. Ronnie Harmon-esque? I watch these two play - just offering them up for consideration here, something to kick around... Washington will get $$$ elsewhere if he's 100%, and Palmer has kept up tossing Henry's way but despite public support, I think he's through with him.
  5. Enjoy! Cooking a beef roast is about the easiest thing out there. Same method for a standing rib roast. Just be sure to let it sit for about 5 minutes per pound, 15 minimum, don't pierce it, and remove the loin from the rack after the setting time, leaving a 1/4 inch or so meat on the bones. Separate 'em, the rib bones - put on a little bit of kosher salt then under the broiler. Heaven on Earth... BTW, left-over rib roast loin meat is terrible - tastes like cold Crisco shortening because of the high fat content. So eat it all up after cooking.
  6. The beef is easy to do, too. One usually makes it the day before. For the beef, get a rump roast. Remove it from the store wrap the day before, scrape it off with a table knife and wrap it in a few layers of paper toweling, and put that in a loose, unsealed plastic bag then into the fridge. You want to draw moisture out and concentrate flavor. Take it out of the fridge about a half hour before cooking. Set the oven at 325 def. F On all surfaces, grind a little bit of black pepper on it, sprinkle a little bit of marjoram powder and onion powder (don't go overboard), and then sprinkle some kosher salt on it. If it has a fat membrane on one surface, cut through that here and there so it won't try to curl. Don't remove any fat. Then cook it fat side down. Using a meat thermometer is essential. Remove at 130 deg. F. Cover with loose foil, and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Then cut it into thirds - you want to get some juice to ooze out. Feel free to enjoy a rump roast dinner with one of the thirds.. In a half hour or so, move the meat to a sealed container into the fridge. Put the pan scrapings and juices into a container - to add to the au jus mix later on. I use an electric knife to slice it after it's been refrigerated - laying the pieces on a cutting board, removing any fat chunks, and just hacking away at it, trying for thinness.
  7. My copy of "Seven Days in May", and of "On The Beach"....
  8. Look at me...I forgot to log on, so responded as "Guest"...
  9. For store-bought: Get a decent grade of Kaiser rolls - no egg rolls. Turn on your stove broiler. Cut the rolls and put them cut side down on a baking sheet (tops and bottoms). Brush with egg white, then sprinkle with caraway seed on the bottoms and with caraway seed and kosher salt on the top. Put them under the broiler until the egg white sets, locking the seeds and salt in place. Get a packet of McCormick or other brand, of au jus sauce. I think it makes 3 cups. Mix and heat according to directions. If you have reserved some pan drippings and fluid from the roast, put that in, too. Slice your cooled roast thinly, and toss that into the hot au jus. Put the beef on the prepared rolls with tongs. I like to dip my roll top into the au jus, too. Good luck!
  10. The world existed before you were born. Those people bought up the season tix a long time ago. I've heard anecdotes about people willing them to their spawn.
  11. " Maggots and wound healing: an investigation of the effects of secretions from Lucilia sericata larvae upon interactions between human dermal fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components. * Horobin AJ, * Shakesheff KM, * Woodrow S, * Robinson C, * Pritchard DI. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. paxajh@nottingham.ac.uk BACKGROUND: Through clinical observation, Lucilia sericata (greenbottle fly) larvae are credited with exerting the following beneficial effects upon a chronic nonhealing wound: removal of necrotic tissue ('debridement'), disinfection of the wound and active promotion of granulation tissue formation. As a major cellular component of granulation tissue, fibroblasts play an extensive role in healing. The composition of extracellular matrix (ECM) located in the wound is another important factor, partaking in a dynamic feedback loop with the fibroblasts that produce it. Fibroblast-ECM interactions therefore exert considerable influence upon new tissue formation. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of L. sericata larval excretory/secretory products (ES) upon the behaviour of fibroblasts, seeded upon ECM component surfaces. METHODS: ES were collected by washing freshly hatched larvae in phosphate-buffered saline. Human dermal neonatal fibroblast cells were seeded upon fibronectin- or collagen-coated surfaces, together with untreated (or 'native') ES, heat-treated ES, or no ES (ES blank). Following incubation, fibroblast adhesion was determined using an adenosine triphosphate assay and, for confirmation, a total nucleic acid content assay. Cell spreading was observed using microscopy. The effect of ES upon fibronectin structure was observed using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Peptide sequencing of suspected fibronectin fragments was performed using an 'electrospray' type time of flight mass spectrometer and 'Peptident' database search. RESULTS: ES significantly reduced fibroblast adhesion to both fibronectin and, to a lesser extent, collagen. Cell spreading was also reduced, yet cells remained viable. For both spreading and adhesion, heat-treated ES exerted significantly less activity than native, untreated ES. However, they still exhibited significant activity when compared with the ES blank. ES appeared to modify fibroblast adhesion indirectly via proteolytic fragmentation of the fibronectin protein surface. CONCLUSIONS: L. sericata larval secretions modify fibroblast adhesion and spreading across ECM protein surfaces, while keeping cells viable. Proteolytic activity of the ES played a significant role. If transferred to the wound situation, such alteration of fibroblast-ECM interactions may enhance new tissue formation. PMID: 12786822 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.f...2&dopt=Abstract
  12. This will eventually make Mike Brown happy, because he might be able to get one for free. The sweetheart-beyond-belief contract he has with Hamilton County stipulates that if a certain number of NFL stadiums do this or that improvement, the County must make similar improvements at Paul Brown Stadium, compliments of the taxpayer. Brown's only responsibility is the playing surface - sort of. He went cheap, and paid for that miserable cow field that graced the joint for the first couple of years. And then paid to replace it with a modern artificial surface. The little bald man bided his time. When NE replaced their lousy field, the contract clause kicked in. Mikey, rubbing his hands like a fly over fresh dog doo, presented the County with a bill for a million and a quarter to reimburse him. And they did...
  13. Yep. After years of zero sellouts, the B'gals finally got one on Sept. 10, 2000, the very first game at the new Paul Brown Stadium. People were curious, or just wanted to be able to say they were there for the first game... It began emptying out in the 3rd quarter as the team was getting slapped around by the 2nd year "new" Browns. They might have sold out one more game that year - not sure. Pitiful...the team, not the fans.
  14. Carnal relations with live poultry?...dunno.
  15. Didn't see that - shake-down cruise problem? Is it one of the recent Blom & Voss diesel "re-breathers" or licensee construction since you mention England?? Regardless, I stand by my assertion...Canadians are sailors of the first water...
  16. Are they covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing, and washing their hands frequetenly, like we admonish our kids...? These millionaires...they fling everything.
  17. What is their typical daily diet?
  18. Who is paying for it? Ralph, or taxpayer ????
  19. Canada has several capable subs...and though the boats may not be the latest, the mariners that hoist the flag of the Canadian Navy ply the oceans in first-rate fashion. One might have pause with Canada's air and ground forces - their small size - but the Navy - small as it may be - is strong because of Canada's lifelong heritage of maritime activities. That Navy is more than the raw numbers might imply...sailors second to none...
  20. And a medical staff schooled in global infectious disease...Paris hits a double!
  21. Sorry to hear that Bayh dropped out. He is a good, conscientious man in the mold of some of the past Dems like Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale, or recently, Joe Leiberman. Also Gary Hart...too bad that picadello jumped on by the paparazzi press with Donna Rice deep-sixed him. I shake my head at the current Dem Party's illumaniti...Sharperson, Schumer, Hillary, Spitzer in NY, Reid, Pelosi. What a change...what hollow people... And as it turned out, Rice has become quite a worthy citizen...good person doing good work. http://www.protectkids.com/donnaricehughes/bio.htm
  22. The USS Paris Hilton...submarine tender.
  23. Shame on them. One might opine that since they already had the tix $$$, they figured why spend for manning the windows. Doesn't put them in positive graces with future purchasers...stiffing customers is a no-no. Reminds me in a way, of the US Postal Service. Once again, they have announced a reduction in mail deposit boxes - claiming it's not cost-effective to service them. Bunk. Any half-way decent business realizes that having as many outlets as you can afford that gets you and your products in front of the potential customer, an ability to do business with you, is a plus - even if it costs some money upfront, the payoff comes eventually.
  24. I've never cared for that, myself. I understand the 1st SecDef Forrestal being so honored, though.
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