Here's your chance to do good.
Stop buying all those Chinese electronics, clothing, appliances, toys etc. They are major polluters, including their heavy usage of greenhouse-gas forming coal (you may have noticed their seemingly non-stop run of mine deaths) and their dearth of environmental regulation and control on their industries.
And their voracious appetite for soy to feed them is being played out in the continuing destruction of the Amazon rain forest to grow that soy for their masses of poverty-level workers
As well as the fact that they freeze the value of their currency to keep export prices low.
As well as the obscene trade deficit that began to exponentiate in 1993 under Bill's watch and continues to date.
As to the Democrats and energy independence - see the leaders of the opposition to ANWAR drilling, and off-shore drilling off the California and Florida coasts. And the Hyannisport crowd's objection to the possibilities of windmills off the Mass. coast - can't block that picturesque view...
And don't forget the Clinton administration's declaration of off-limits, the vast US reserves of low-sulfur coal in the western states - the payoff to James Ryiadi and the Lippo Group (large miners of Indonesian low-sulfur coal) for those campaign contributions.
I note that while Clinton got his expected strokes for signing that Kyoto treaty, he was smart enough not to present it to the Senate...