Former HC Hank Bullogh. Some of his quotables...
"Ed Trefzger
09-24-2004, 11:40 PM
When Hank Bullough was coaching the Buffalo Bills -- he was fired and Marv Levy took his place -- he was famous for dumb quotes. Two I remember:
At the time, the Bills were trying to sign Jim Kelly, who had decided to play with the USFL Houston Gamblers, instead of Buffalo. When asked about trying to sign Kelly, Bullough said, "It's not something I dream about every day I wake up."
After a game, Bullough was asked about the opponents' kick off return which was run back for a touchdown right after the Bills scored. Bullough said, "That really took the sails out of our wind."
One time three of us were in the car driving home from broadcasting an early game in a tournament, and the assistant coach of the losing team in the second game was doing a post-game interview with their college station. Apparently earlier in the week, he had promised a big win on their sports call-in show, and the guys doing the interview nailed him on it. His reply: "Well, hindsight is 50-50." We were all laughing so hard that I nearly drove into a ditch."