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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. I'd add that the comp picks come at the end of a round. CIN received the last 3rd round pick in the '04 draft as compensation for TKO.
  2. Report back when you obtain a weet-weet.
  3. Certainly - sports is one of the few business endeavors that can wipe their feet off on the face of the paying customer with confidence that they will come back for more.
  4. "Big Hair" was an '80's New Jersey thing, not from mid-'90's musical groups...unless they appropriated the "Look"...
  5. I think HargroveforMVP is yet another of the forum's multiple pseudonym posters...
  6. They can help. The B'gals have got good service from ex-Raider CB Tory James..he signed on and helped out a very sorry secondary that had a good player playing cb out of position - S Kevin Kaesviharn, and FA Bobbie Williams from PHI replacing G Mike Goff who left to go to SD. Those are the two that come to mind that made a difference, although not the impact that Paup/Washington did for the Bills. I'd add a good word for the FA, LB Kevin Hardy, who did a nice job for a podunk team. Also QB Neil O'Donnell. Both of 'em were good pros that played the best they could start to finish.
  7. Harsh...
  8. Me too. Class guy, with a class Dad. Bum Phillips's HOU clubs were tops.
  9. He switched to hanging with MLB Odell Thurmann. Thurman was stopped and arrested at a DUI checkpoint after 3 games into the season - so his 4 game suspension was extended to the whole year (during which he got no pay). Henry was in the vehicle, and the police camera showed him vomiting out the window. That gave Henry a 2 game suspension. And it was later found out that Thurmann's girlfriend was stopped at the same checkpoint 2 hours earlier, and she called her sweetie to tell him to drive elsewhere. Never discount the value of a college education...
  10. Chris Henry update: This A.M. he was convicted here of supplying alcohol to a minor. The Judge gave'em 90 days...and then reduced it to 2... That minor had accused Henry of rape...she was charged with falsification about that...and while the authorities were checking up on her, they determined she had murdered a guy some time back!
  11. Kelsay has been a part-time DE all his NFL career. Makes him tough to evaluate.
  12. FWIW, 2007 Bengals general admission ticket prices, plus a few fan comments... http://frontier.cincinnati.com/blogs/benga...cket-prices.asp
  13. Just an impression..no data...but it seems there is less "big" FA movement than years past.
  14. Thoughtful post!
  15. Dear Joey B*lls... I made no equivocation to Rowan, merely a referral. Perhaps since you seemingly know Hackett, you know about his lawyerly ambulance-chasing...the local AM talk show chap has on air, related repeated calls from the cur, offering to bring suit in a small fender-bender car crash - Mr. Paul saying that he would take no more than 30% of any settlement. And please flesh out, sterquilinous one, why the NRA is "nutball"...
  16. Probably?...like Al Sharperson or Jesse Jackson? I guess we will have to label Salisbury a spalpeen...
  17. Me either. I could see OAK wanting that...Vick does fill a stadium, but 2 older - and cantankerous - WR's that carry their own contract costs and a 1st round swap signing price as well as Vick's current cost that you mention...
  18. Former HC Hank Bullogh. Some of his quotables... "Ed Trefzger 09-24-2004, 11:40 PM When Hank Bullough was coaching the Buffalo Bills -- he was fired and Marv Levy took his place -- he was famous for dumb quotes. Two I remember: At the time, the Bills were trying to sign Jim Kelly, who had decided to play with the USFL Houston Gamblers, instead of Buffalo. When asked about trying to sign Kelly, Bullough said, "It's not something I dream about every day I wake up." After a game, Bullough was asked about the opponents' kick off return which was run back for a touchdown right after the Bills scored. Bullough said, "That really took the sails out of our wind." One time three of us were in the car driving home from broadcasting an early game in a tournament, and the assistant coach of the losing team in the second game was doing a post-game interview with their college station. Apparently earlier in the week, he had promised a big win on their sports call-in show, and the guys doing the interview nailed him on it. His reply: "Well, hindsight is 50-50." We were all laughing so hard that I nearly drove into a ditch." http://board.uscho.com/archive/index.php/t-41672-p-4.html
  19. Informative post, AKC. Thanks!
  20. FWIW, here is info on team's financial rankings, debt, operating income, etc, for the 2005 season. From Forbes Magazine 08/31/06. The article is sortable for figures of interest. "Special Report The Business Of Football By Kurt Badenhausen, Michael K. Ozanian and Maya Roney 08.31.06, 6:00 PM ET This year the average NFL team is worth $898 million, 211% more than when Forbes began calculating team values eight years ago. Look at it this way: Football team values have increased 11 times more than the S&P 500 since 1998. Profitability? This year the average NFL team posted $30.8 million in operating income (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization), versus $5.3 million in 1997. More > Sort List By: Rank | Team | Current Value | 1-Yr Value Change % Debt / Value % | Revenue | Operating Income"... http://www.forbes.com/lists/2006/30/06nfl_...tions_land.html
  21. I believe it's Palmer...$29 million - and it's guaranteed.
  22. Thanks! I currently buy Nature Made brand (their ingredients are verified by the U.S.P) 1200 mg, 180 count.
  23. A200 Lice Shampoo.
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