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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Congrats - and keep up that school work!
  2. The full-size 500 and its clone - Mercury Montego, are well-regarded. Among the best of safety ratings, excellent visibility, huge trunk, nice handling, availability of AWD. Generous discounts. But it has - in my view - a fatal flaw...its 6-speed automatic transmission can, manually, only be downshifted to Low. Being able to select lower intermediate gears is important for vehicle control in some road conditions. It's trivial to provide that capability.
  3. Unless Kelsey gets offers that the Bills think not worthwhile to match, I'd retain him. After a lengthy period of questions at DE, they finally have a servicable rotation.
  4. I bet they'd like to ring their town with razor wire. I don't blame 'em.
  5. Now, that's funny!
  6. Why not? Isn't he something like 20% of their entire cap and yearly payroll?
  7. Good news! No doubt they were all gobbled up.
  8. Bypass is a rare thing, carrying a lifelong set of dietary restrictions, for adults and children alike. The sky..is...not falling. Despite the media's attempts to make us complete knee biters, crouching and shivering in a closed closet...
  9. Rule #1 Keep your mouth shut about personal problems. Rule #2 Never talk to the press. Rule #3 Never forget rules # 1 and #2.
  10. I think the wireless power is something like a 9v battery transmitter that sends signals to the devices that make the sound. Yes - an open stadium with speakers is not the same as an acoustically-tuned studio.
  11. Hello, Tossy. Been about a month...did you get to watch the Super Bowl?
  12. The "Bobber"'s are best considered as an occasional occurrence in a what a boss comes across..and should deal with, on or off the job. It happens. In the old days ..if you had rank over an employee - even you were in a social situation, you wouldn't - and very positively wouldn't -allow a worker embarrass himself or you or your business. Case closed. 'Course, things have changed - that concern could end up in a race or sex suit these days... I understand about letting people "be", but as a boss, you have some responsibility. I would have grabbed they guy aside and told him to cool it. As he continued, I would have grabbed him publicly, and muttered some inanity like "Celebrating Holy Thursday, Bobber?" or some such, and arm over him, leave the area and get him taken care of and on his way in a taxi or a family member come to pick him up. If he physically balked at that...I'd still try, and make sure he didn't re-join the crowd. Words from a new drunk mean nothing. I'll wait for the repeat performances. The idea here is - if you have a good employee, a guy that has usually been a good egg, maybe a guy with a family of good eggs to support - you as boss have to think about that first. A good boss never allows a good guy to fry himself. Loyalty still counts...and today's intolerance makes me shake my head....
  13. Any interest in Palmer?
  14. Ah...so you are that 19 year-old Damien...now admitting not paying taxes. Now you have the IRS after your hide, with their exquisite IP tracing. Do a better search. Once you've hit rock bottom, 'tis best to stop digging... I advise you to delete this topic. After all, board-grandparents have seen considerably more of the world and have considerably more experience than DrDankenstein.
  15. Alright... Stealing is wrong. Regardless of whatever justification DrDankenstein (and others) stroke themselves with. This stealing has had an effect...the Sony DVD ba-de-ba, the fact that lyrics formerly available on the I-net for free are now much less so. Thanks for that. You might not know, but board-grandparents never had to grow up with Ft. Knox anti-shoplifting packaging or security devices clipped to goods that gave an alert when leaving a merchant's premises. Congrats, DrD, and and like-minded responders, for bringing us that. Evidently you are not aware that this site, like most, is constantly polled by Google and other search engines, and becomes part of public view. A lot of YouTube posters are in for a surprise down the road...although they will likely never know why they weren't hired, promoted, got fired, etc. So a search of DrDankenstein (which may not be your DrDankenstein, but who knows?) gave a connection with twobillsdrive and the stealing of copyrighted material - a DrDankenstein named DAMIEN, 19 years old, with a MySpace come-hither profile, and several sexual references including participation in a site named "lambgoats"... That you? Perhaps R.I.A.A has the means to trace and take action. Watchya think?
  16. So...how did they turn out? I'm interested to know how the broiler re-heat ended up.
  17. Very nice performance by Prince - which I expected; he's a fine entertainer who knows how to reach a wide audience - he's far different than the high-volume, head-banger FU lyric types.
  18. What a terrible thing...
  19. Watch'em carefully under a broiler...that's a lot of heat to bear on a grease-laden food.
  20. What a terrible thing. There's a lot of older folks in those areas, with fixed incomes in the face of rising taxes and expenses. One of the news reports said that many can't afford home insurance. I fear a lot, without the physical strength and health, and economic resources, will perish as time goes by.
  21. Well, why not avoid the mess and stink of deep-frying and find a decent wing joint along the way, and buy a bunch?
  22. He's like some of my relatives...takes a mule to dislodge 'em.
  23. ....except...Tastee Freeze!
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