Stealing is wrong. Regardless of whatever justification DrDankenstein (and others) stroke themselves with.
This stealing has had an effect...the Sony DVD ba-de-ba, the fact that lyrics formerly available on the I-net for free are now much less so. Thanks for that. You might not know, but board-grandparents never had to grow up with Ft. Knox anti-shoplifting packaging or security devices clipped to goods that gave an alert when leaving a merchant's premises. Congrats, DrD, and and like-minded responders, for bringing us that.
Evidently you are not aware that this site, like most, is constantly polled by Google and other search engines, and becomes part of public view. A lot of YouTube posters are in for a surprise down the road...although they will likely never know why they weren't hired, promoted, got fired, etc.
So a search of DrDankenstein (which may not be your DrDankenstein, but who knows?) gave a connection with twobillsdrive and the stealing of copyrighted material - a DrDankenstein named DAMIEN, 19 years old, with a MySpace come-hither profile, and several sexual references including participation in a site named "lambgoats"...
That you?
Perhaps R.I.A.A has the means to trace and take action. Watchya think?