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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. bump! While you discuss your favorite steak...
  2. Beware of an Ozzie Newsome trade...
  3. Dunno - but I'm a fan of Vinny. Played 21 seasons. Whatever folks may think of him, he always showed up and played the best he could. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinny_Testaverde
  4. If you think SS and the health system are going into the toilet already, ban all cigarettes and see what happens. Fact is, we pay huge taxes and happen to go meet our Maker quick. Smokers pay plenty for their pleasures. This crap about it being a "cost" to society is just that. Look it up. Don't pity me. I wish more people smoked. It has its' calming effects - we used to go outside, share a smoke and diffuse differences. Now we have road rage and workplace murder. etc. Go ahead and push for making them illegal, if you dare - and suffer your increased taxation, now born by those you dislike. Do you like beef? Fries? They are legal product, but we all read about the health effects. No more beef for you, no more fries - it can cause a cost to society. Your personal ox will be gored sooner or later. Right?
  5. No offense taken at all. Such conversations are good...the more the better. Our streets flow red, and it is so tragic. I struggle to try to understand it...
  6. Well - seems to me that he has to walk out of the building eventually. Perhaps Smith et al should give him an "education" in deportment... Same as murder, not all beatings are a crime.
  7. No. Come to my town. People shoot each other over things like sunglasses, "dissing my woman", dissing me, the usual drug turf stuff etc. You could probably label 90%+ of the killers as "inner-city" basketball players, and be correct, as well as a substantial portion of the deceased. And sadly, many innocent, good souls have been murdered along the way - folks in the wrong place at the wrong time...
  8. Don't forget to include other items, like pet foods, laundry stuff, personal hygiene products etc. in your donations. Just bag the donations up and put it near your mailbox. http://www.nalc.org/commun/foodrive/
  9. An opinion piece: Bengals' talks with Pacman Jones don't make sense Paul Daugherty, Cincinnati Enquirer,May 5, 2010 ...“Keep them occupied, keep them busy; keep them playing on the football field, on the basketball court; keep them in our shops, our crafts, our hobby clubs. This is how you can develop good boys and girls and help eliminate so-called juvenile delinquency." - Father Edward J. Flanagan, circa 1939." BOYS TOWN – In the business of developing good boys, the Bengals have hit and missed over the years, more of the latter. That doesn’t mean they’ll stop trying, though, bless ‘em. Pacman Jones is close to signing with The Redeemer’s team." http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2010050...s+make+no+sense
  10. According to the book, the rail company refused to give him re-employment, and he ended up as a freak in a PT Barnum side show. He died roughly 12 years after the tragedy, but provided valuable insight about personality changes and causes. A quote: "His injury and the effects it had on his personality provided the first clear indication of the delicate physical balance within the brain between thought and emotion." I would think that the book is long out of print. If you happen to spot a copy at a used book shop, snap it up.
  11. Hamilton County OH is broke. They betted on ever-increasing sales tax revenues to service the bonds. They had to close the county jail last lear, letting several hundred back out on the streets. The sales tax increase of 0.5% to fund the thing had a property tax reduction. That's about to go by the wayside (Hamilton County, along with Franklin (Columbus) and Cuyahoga (Cleveland) are roughly double the other counties in the State. The County Commissioner back when who was the prime proponent has been employed by the B'gals for years - hefty salary. The contract is extremely one-sided. A couple of tidbits: - If attendance falls before a certain level, the taxpayers are obligated to pay the owner for lost revenue. - If a certain percentage of teams make improvements (such as RWS' recent jumbotron upgrade), the taxpayers must pay to outfit the stadium. - The club was sued at least twice - fraudulent seating charts that resulted in folks forking over higher PSL money for poorer seats, and trying to make folks pay for 10 years of season tickets if they decided to give up their seats. - The taxpayers are responsible for maintaining the facility. The owner's responsibility is...the field. Some might recall the first few years of the stadiums' operation - and its' terrible cow-pasture of a field. I lived in a different county at the time the vote took place. Had I been in Hamilton County, I would have voted no. But as we know, folks without any skin in the game are always happy to have others pay.
  12. No problem!
  13. The fellow's name was Phineas Gage - it happened on 9/13/1848. There are several pages about the incident and fate of him in The Brain, by Richard M. Restak, Bantam Books 10/84, ISBN 0-553-05047-8. The book is based on an 8 part PBS series. Which is where I learned of it. I purchased it - an excellent text.
  14. That's a view that didn't cross my mind.
  15. If you want to make comments about me, and any concerns you presume I may have, post them to me.
  16. I think it's time to close this thread.
  17. No. Because in the rare times I dine out, I patronize good restaurants of long standing. Ones where the waiter doesn't feel a need to tell me about their life, loves, their otherwise sad life, how having to work is such a drag and so forth etc. Where I go, they occasionally add a witty bon mot - which is fun and appreciated. And unless it's a booth, food is delivered from the left, and spent plates are removed from the right. Ever ordered a coffee and had a spoon flung on the tabletop wiped off by the usual filthy rag, by one of our serving "professionals"? I remain astounded at the crust that many of today's servers display..."It's All About Me!"...
  18. Hop into Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine. Back when the acquisition of Dockery and Walker had the fans raving about - at last- a "smash-mouth" running team. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong...wasn't "zone blocking" the buzz words back then?
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