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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. That's nice to hear. He had a good rep in his many years as OL coach in Cincinnati.
  2. There use to be orchards there. There was a house on the Buffalo side of Kenmore Ave., just east of the old Red Stamp redemption building and Jul's bakery. It was a farmhouse from that time.
  3. Al's been busy...just purchased a 4th home. http://articles.latimes.com/2010/apr/28/ho...p-gore-20100428
  4. I use a ziplock, and keep it in the fridge. And mush it around now and then. I usually allow 24 hours. For a rib roast (no marinade), I have an inexpensive container that I drilled air holes into and pop into the icebox. I wrap it with paper towels to help with wicking away its' moisture and concentrating the flavor. I have a scale, and over 2 or so days, a 3 lb. roast loses 3, 4 oz. I usually let it rest in the box for 3 days before roasting.
  5. They were packed in blue plastic capsules, IIRC.
  6. I thought it sounded like a certain natural lambskin product that you used to ask the pharmacist for, back when.
  7. I can see pulling her driving license...but these numb-nut civil servants aren't thinking correctly. They fail to understand that their hitherto bullet-proof income can indeed fall, if commerce continues dropping. This gal could pack a pub, with the register rolling and the tax receipts flowing.
  8. Will you keep possession of your dog?
  9. Looks like you're going to have 'em for a time to come... http://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?...gh+Wind+Warning I'd be charging up any electronic devices - parts of the electric grid may go down.
  10. Consider San Marino. Andorra, if you care to wheel and deal in retirement...
  11. Good for him. Have you ever considered moving to Italy? It's the developed world's most disorganized society - and that's it's charm. I recall you talking about the Piedmont region.
  12. If he is still with us, he'll give you a talking-to about not carrying a wad.
  13. Well - be sure to tell all your buds to pay for auto insurance - unlike the fellow that tore off the rear bumper of my wife's car 2 years ago. He paid $300 bail, then vanished. We forked over a $500 deductible and our ins. co. forked out another $1,500 for the repair.
  14. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I was a stock boy at a grocery store. We had a butcher - Frank was his name - that was a chronic braggart. Anything anyone could do, he claimed he did it better. One day, he was relating tales of his greatness to a group of us 16 and 17 year olds. He stated at some point, that he can do anything - just ask. A fellow stock boy stretched out a slightly raised arm, and with deadpan face, snapped his fingers and in even tone said ..."Can you do this?" BTW, the best (and the only one, AFAIK) butcher movie ever: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048356/
  15. That proves that you are not Italian.
  16. Look for a butcher that's missing a few finger tips. Those are the ones with expertise learned over long experience.
  17. It's pretty pricey here nowadays - and never on sale. We have a rising Hispanic population here, so demand is high.
  18. I've added bread crumbs (not to much), and egg white and catsup. BTW - I was watching the Food Channel a while back, and the tv cook Bobby Flay had a tip - take your knuckle, or a spoon, and compress the middle of the patty- make a depression. He said it stops the problem of the patty rising high - I tried it, he was 100% right.
  19. I marinate flank steak overnight. Oil, some lemon juice, and a bit of marjoram powder, black pepper and paprika. Rosemary didn't occur to me. sounds good - I'll give it a try.
  20. Every now and then when I lived in PGH, I'd hear or read something about the sad shape of Three Rivers Stadium. I was a big Pirates fan - wife 'n me probably averaged 40 games a season. I don't recall seeing any spalling concrete, any structural columns showing evidence of rebar corrosion etc. Three Rivers was a fine ballpark - the "in the round" construction had great sight lines no matter where one sat. Sometimes, we'd park up in Mt. Washington, ride the incline down to Carson St. and take the ferry across the Ohio river. Other times, we'd park in what is called the "Mexican War" district, north and adjacent to Three Rivers.
  21. That's my preference. Every now and then, I'll cook up a flank steak.
  22. Ozzie got his moneys' worth...over his 3 seasons there, WMG has scored 29 tds for 'em, 26 rush, 3 pass. Jackson and Beast Mode combined had 22/3 LOL
  23. Ah...sorry to hear about the ex thing.
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