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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. If ever you're passing through central OH, the USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB is a "can't miss". Wright-Pat's where they keep all those space aliens from Arizona. And black helicoptors...day and night, night and day..our skies here are filled with 'em.
  2. He returned kicks early in his career, too...33 returns for 990 yards for an eye-popping 30 yards per return average. Owns the NFL record for 200+ yards rushing performances - he did it six times.
  3. If the opponent can run the ball down your throat, they don't bother passing much.
  4. I wonder if he experiences different sensations depending on the color consumed? Perhaps he will tell us. Cue ieatcrayonz.
  5. I can't see CIN trading up - if only because they have no 3rd round pick (last year's supplemental draft - LB Ahmad Brooks). You're right about them considering selecting a DB. CB Tory James is out of gas, and won't be retained, and S Kevin Kaesviharn signed with the Saints. Possibly a LB, with Simmons gone to NO and David Pollack out of football with a broken neck.
  6. Warehouse work is honorable work, hard work. Those folks bring goods to market. Low life, perhaps. But don't judge. Some of them might soar. Given more advantageous circumstance. Quo Vadis? Always a question...
  7. I'm sure they are better since you stuck a stilletto in them. Deserved it, eh? Told them they were just dirt under your feet... C'mon... Change.
  8. What is COL? How do you get the $$$ pay it?
  9. What is COL? How do you fund it?
  10. Can I assume you are not paying the bills? NYS school vs. out-of-State?
  11. It's a bit more of a chat room that before. But I kinda liked Goo's posts. It's a bleak time for football news; a retrospective was enjoyable for me.
  12. Really? Fine. With Ya. But you ought to look up all the posters you cut deeply, belittled, hurt, etc. Contact them and explain to them that it was just in jest. Words, harsh cutting ones, calling one and all stupid - your particular speciality - matter. I suggest you stop it. You waste your smarts. Don't do that. Stop coloring your effectiveness.
  13. Wait a sec...you asked how to revoke one - whatever it is - and now say you understand you need one to practice...something? What do you propose to practive, and with what expertise? Accept that UB offer before they find out .
  14. Thank You Sybil ...when will your periodic switch back to CTM or the newish Bungee Jumper happen? Soon, I hope - there is a certain freshness, a certain joie de vivre that persists for a week or so with each crank of your 360 degree neck. We depend on that..recovery from unsolicited venom is important to all. But if our Medusa ever left this site...well...where would we be?
  15. Are there any left wing liberal nut jobs with strong opinions - that are intollerent, or rediculous, according to your lights? That would be a revelation. Perhaps an epiphany. Since you throw political stones outside of the poster's subject, at least have the good grace to review your post and correct your spelling and capitalization. I use anachronstic dial-up, yet find it no hardship to do just that. Such action always improves the value of one's assertion in the eye of the reader. There...I've set you up.
  16. Good point. Heavy or light, tall or short, all the collegians have football skills. Spend the money on the talent there between the ears. Football is a complex sport, demanding split-second decisions when play commences and a pre-snap evaluation of what the opponent may do in the 10 or 15 or so seconds as the players get set. Football is a concerted effort - in my view, the athletic analogy to a symphony orchestra. Every player's actions count and add to the result.
  17. That would be fun. I do know I'd like his job. Benefits, no heavy lifting or chemical mists, falling debris, etc.
  18. Permission granted! See how well possessing good manners works out?
  19. He's poised to become a big name in his very aptly chosen field...suppository research.
  20. Rudy 80's brief stint as King of The Falling Sky was enjoyable. And he was a decent sort...never attacked others IIRC.
  21. Not much to talk about yet. Brown should have included a few food recipes to spice up that report...
  22. Do you have some history about Levi Jones that we need to know?
  23. Not with these eye-popping FA contracts and escalating caps. Bums getting 5 million. When the owners pick themselves off the floor, look for 8 buck beers, 6 buck weenies, and tix to zoom upwards in '08. Da*n union contracts... IMO.
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