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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Good going! And I actually know what a Webelo is.
  2. Fez, I wish to apologize to you for my uncalled-for rant. I was very much out of line. I've had 2 very frustrating days trying to get in touch with a person about a property assessment dispute, and additional bout of phone tag regarding a medical building...and I wrongly put my frustrations into words befitting a child with diaper rash.
  3. He may have a clone-in-waiting out there. PSU's Ethan Kilmer.
  4. Any high motor black men out there?
  5. Well, I guess TEN can follow the ATL model...he's certainly good theater and can fill the stands... We will see of Shaub has what it takes.
  6. Who isn't a candidate to add something? It's not like last year's Tampa-2 thing resulted in a defense that humbled opponents one and all... I've hope for next year, that some current players will show better, but...
  7. Wow! I was sorry he got drummed out of Cincy after a year. He played it very safe for a very poor club. Beat the Lions, and the Steelers twice for a 3 - 13 mark. No doubt the 2 wins against the Steelers made the guy smile. 1998: 212 for 343 61.8% 2216, 6.5, 15 td 4 int.
  8. Global warming.
  9. Just enough to maintain day-to-day amity. Office plots, background chatter, this camp vs. that one etc. are definitely part of the fun.
  10. Go for it. In no particular order...except #1... These are a few items of a practical nature, from a boss that has been bent, folded, spindled, and mutilated too many times to remember. 1. Don't take the job unless you are strongly assured - in writing - that you will be the one evaluating your employees for promotion, more $$$, etc. Without that, you will be sniffed out as powerless. They will be able to lift their legs on you and whine to those up the ladder. Don't assume such can't happen, even with buddies of long standing. But if you do seek the job after assuring #1... 2. Don't use cabal like Lumburgh type and "The Bob's". Part of the job is clear communication. 3. Never have a closed-door meeting with a female. Even if dev/null/ is a female. Sorry, folks. Guilty until proven innocent of sexual harassment is the law of the land. Equality under the law doesn't apply here. But if it is reported to you - document it and don't sit on it. Relate it to your superiors, in writing. 4. Document good/bad employee actions for when performance review time rolls around. Don't just jot down the bad stuff. 5. G*d help you if your outfit has flex time. The boss (you) has to show up early. You may end up having to stick around for a long time to make sure the 10 AM crowd doesn't bolt out 5 minutes after they watch you leave the parking lot. Never allow tardiness and poor attendance to fester. Never. 6. I'm all for funny repartee, but keep one's sarcasm and the bon mots to a minimum. They suffer a magnified level of mis-interpretation in a boss-worker relationship. 7. Cultivate good relationships with the bosses and workers in skilled trades, facility maintenance, shipping/receiving, manufacturing, and security if your workplace has such. I cannot over-emphasize this. 8. Defend your employees against outside attack - which usually comes from other departments. Your worker's action may be as wrong as wrong can be, but it's up to you, the boss, to take heat. Possibly they let unfortunate words slip and some shark wants to make hay on their innocence. Perhaps they are schemers or plotters themselves. No matter - you can wring their necks later. Loyalty is a two-way street. 9. A handy phrase when one of your workers isn't following orders..."Look - my actions are accountable to my superiors. Your actions are accountable to me.". 10. If you get goodies from vendors and suppliers, don't hog them. Pass most of them along to your workers. 11. Raise h*ll with the vendors and suppliers if they try to wine 'n dine your workers without your approval and knowledge. It's not an issue of losing some freebies for you - attempts at influence peddling are part and parcel of business. Finely honed amongst legislators, I might add. The boss - at least in theory - wears a certain ethical and moral mantle. 12. Don't dress like a slob. Clean fingernails, combed hair, tie. Florscheim shoes. No T-shirt that says "Anger Management Classes Piss Me Off!" or some such. Keep a sport coat in your office. Keep your vehicle half-way clean. You may sometimes end up being the chauffeur. 13. Never insult or belittle clerical staff. Bring doughnuts in for them on a monthly basis. Many crap on such folk, and treat them like dirt under their feet. Don't do that - if you do, prepare to be hung out to dry when your neck is in jeopardy...and you will deserve it. This is another critical point. 14. Learn a bit about your employees', and your support staff's personal life. This is just a simple expression of the value of having amicable relations among co-workers. An honestly-felt good morning, a chat about how the garden is growing are pleasantries shared and enjoyed by all. 15. You may confided in about some personal crises. Be a good listener. It's no time to make declarative statements like I am currently doing. This can be a very dicey thing - and can leave one on an island of indecision. Nothing prevents you from having an informal "name no names" conversation with the head of the HR Department, however - they see a whole lot more of such than you ever will. Seek help if needed. If you're the boss, you gotta watch out for your folks. It goes with the new stripes on your sleeve. 16. Brain-storming sessions really work. Never assume one person has all the answers, including yourself. Be sure to clobber the worker who tries to intimidate the group. No exceptions to this rule. 17. Train well, your replacement who will be the boss when you move up - including about corporate intrigue. 18. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". 19. Remember - always respect your elders, and beg benefit of their experience. That's all I can think of at this moment. Good luck, dev!
  11. Remember the Offenhauser 4 cyl and the Novi V-8 motors from days of yore? I recall Andy Granatelli's STP jet turbine car. It led the field in hansom fashion, but broke down. The turbine motor was banned the next season. Sidebar: In the late '60's somebody got hold of a Ford Indy V-8 normally-aspirated motor and stuck it into the NHRA C/Fuel dragster class (I think it was C). It killed the competition - small-block Chevy's, Fords, MoPars - and the next season it was banned.
  12. Nicely put. In the grand scheme, he's not a drain on the available player money. As you say - they can always cut him. He looked decent in college - like Everett - and both were certainly under draft consideration by other clubs. The money bag is not bottomless; if they think they can get better play for similar cost, they will do it.
  13. I'd like to see those positions addressed also. Trading down - if they can find a dance partner - would be something desirable. Several have put forth scenarios where RB Peterson drops to the Bill's draft position. I would be less than pleased if they took him - other needs, and the nature of his college injury gives pause. But there is a fair amount of hots out there for him and I assume he would be an attractive plum to work a trade-down. I think Pittman looks to be a decent RB selection - that might be because I've seen a fair amount of his play...lotsa OSU ball is broadcast here. I'd have a hard time passing up that Leonard from Rutgers if he dropped to the Bills in rd #3. I guess he's not an especial speed merchant or a slippery eel, but a player having a pair of very good hands, decent blocking, and gung-ho attitude can pay reliable dividends for a long time. I could see him being used sorta like IND's Dallas Clark, too. Nothing wrong with diving into the FA market for this or that player, but these (to me, at least) eye-popping prices under this new CBA and its' escalating cap in the coming years may well cause or force some clubs to do more building via the draft. Sign'em (relatively inexpensively) and plan on the fact that they may well scoot. Or re-sign them before your back is against the wall. Got to keep the larder stocked. A poster recently (wish I recalled his name, to give credit due), wondered when rookies will file suit against the rookie allocation cap scheme. Won't that be fun?
  14. It wouldn't surprise me either, Bill. The recent years of NFL emphasis on the pass game more or less forces the hand. I think that emphasis also tends towards using first-day picks to construct the OL.
  15. DIBS > Plato, Twain, Wilde, Harris, Nash, Thoreau, Aristotle, Leibowitz.
  16. Behold!...another dawning of the Age of Aquarius is afoot.
  17. 19,229. There's not much to do at Milliwaves.
  18. Maybe it's just a mirror. Try smiling and see if the image changes.
  19. We don't need to be overly verbose.
  20. How about "Pac-Man's Lawyers"?
  21. Here are some quotations for you and friend VikingGumBoot... "Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own." - Sydney Harris "You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely." - Ogden Nash "You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters." - Plato "Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new." - Henry Thoreau "When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not."- Mark Twain "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." - Mark Twain "George Washington, as a boy, was ignorant of the commonest accomplishments of youth. He could not even lie." - Mark Twain "Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope." - Aristotle "Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you." - Fran Lebowitz "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde "The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything." - Oscar Wilde
  22. Smile and say "cheese" for the pipper.
  23. That's right. Look at my location.
  24. A mob with pitchforks and torches went after a poster who decided not to renew his season tickets. It was determined that there is no FA running back good enough to play for the Bills. It was suggested that they should have 6 backs on the roster. It's been titled "Running Back By Committee" (RBBC). Surprisingly, the drumbeat for drafting a WR has been pretty quiet. TE Royal escaped largely unscathed, but an ambush is always possible. Willis McGahee was drawn and quartered. Terrance McGee had better watch his step. Rookie MLBs can't call plays. You can use slow cornerbacks when you play Cover 2. Commentators John Clayton and Chris Mortensen and ESPN were trashed as per usual.
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