Ohio is terrible for taxes, also. It's to the point where the State has a loan program for senior citizens, for the express purpose of paying their State, municipal, and property taxes. How embarrassing.
A good deal of the problem is that in Ohio, schools are funded by property tax. The school systems put levy after levy increase on the ballot - and not just in November. A Tuesday in February, 6 months later, a Wednesday in August...the idea being to wear down voters and to do their best to insure the lowest possible turnout. They also unleash their students to go out and make people feel guilty.
The system I pay taxes to got a hefty increase a few years back...it took them 4 tries, but it finally passed. They wrung their hands about the plight of the students etc. And then built a $750,000 football stadium.
County levies are popular, too. At last count here in Hamilton County, there are seven of them that are funded by property taxation. A couple are valid. Some of them are there because politicians like to buy the votes of the numerous non-property owners.
The old saying being - "If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can be pretty sure that Paul will vote for you".
Ohio has recently been rated 3rd in overall taxation. And so, people are leaving.