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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. I saw her on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". Self-centered and snotty didn't begin to describe her. I felt that Philbin wanted to choke her 'till her eyeballs popped.
  2. Fine pick IMO with Pittman. Building for the future. All this buzz about Turner. If I'm SD, I know I have a loaded team, a stellar starting RB in Tomlison, a heck of a back-up in Turner. So he leaves in '08. So what? I'm a legit SB candidate. Shame on me if the seldom-injured LT does get nicked and I've dealt away Turner. If I'm SD, I'm not giving away a player that can help my SB chances this coming season unless some dope wants to pay an outrageous price...
  3. It seems to be silvermike's choice. I rescind my proxy CHI pick pending the choice owner's decision.
  4. CHI selects Jordan Kent WR, Oregon. Lance Briggs can go bite my lollipop.
  5. Grrr...the DB larder is pretty thin...
  6. NYJ selects Troy Smith QB, Ohio State. After Penny breaks his yearly part, the Bills' Chinese fire drill cover-2 better sharpen their pencils.
  7. Oh, leave Nancy alone. She's just gathering and laundering campaign money like Bill with Ryadi and the Indonesians and Al with the Buddist monks. Pay no attention to the Guam folks she wanted to exclude from a minimum wage hike..those pikers...Nan was just taking care of her Dole Pineapple buddies. On another topic, I thought it a nice touch last week when former Klan Wizard Sen. Byrd was on the stage when Pres. Bush honored the Tuskeegee Airmen. He's such a man-of-the-people, never the hypocrite.
  8. What's a Wonderlic? One of those late-night marital aid products ????
  9. No...obviously, you haven't seen my 40 time.
  10. I did, but it didn't increment the "Other" choice.
  11. I don't know...what with East coast prices; one of my sisters-in-law lives in NJ so I know about the high-price pain thereabouts. These things have been frozen rock-solid for months and months. I bought a smallish one...12 lb., with a "use-by" date of 12/18/08 if ya keep it iced up. The stray cat we picked out of a snowbank 15 years ago with a busted hip (my guess is that someone S.O.B. flung it out of a moving car) is ga-ga about turkey, so that is a factor in my off-season turkey purchases.
  12. Other: Kenny Scott CB, Georgia Tech.
  13. I am. I have dishes to do again, and vacuuming planned. My working wife, even with my quirks and shortcomings, has an excellent domestic at her disposal. As well as mechanic, gardener, mower, plumber, etc. And cook. She gets a fine breakfast, I pack a superior lunch, and make delicious suppers. I bought 68 cent a pound turkey today. An Easter turkey dinner. And like after Christmas, I hope to again purchase an excellent spiral ham at the 60 cent/lb prices. Stuckincincy, he is a keeper....
  14. If they are interested in Barlow, that's a 180 degree from the likes of Turner. I wouldn't give more than a low 3rd round pick for Turner, and demand recompense if I couldn't sign His Highness...he's a part-timer on a powerful offensive club. A fellow who, or his agent, thinks he deserves a King's ransom. No thanks, I'll pass on the Precious Mikey.
  15. Can you guarantee his colllarbone injury won't happen again?
  16. Dunno...it's been on my Ignore list since he hatched, but I occasionally click and un-ignore...human nature being what it is, enjoying buffoonery from time to time. It could add, if it would stop the outre stuff, IMO. It is a decent writer.
  17. When I mop, I contemplate this tyranny against the prompt. I've no idea why the SD pick took 31 minutes.
  18. Tim Shaw, LB - who played at the Beaver, in Happy Valley, State College, Pennsylvania, PSU!
  19. Best to keep a unified front against adversaries. The old, and correct, wisdom - politics stop at the borders - as well as ex-Presidents (and Vice-Presidents) keeping their mouths shut in deference to later executives - has been ripped to shreds by the likes of leftists like Carter, Gore, and Clinton. What self-serving men they are...
  20. According to the TSW time stamp...exactly 10 minutes after the announcement that the NYJ was on the clock, the pick was made. I was washing the dishes.
  21. NYJ selects Joe Newton, TE Oregon State.
  22. Great pick. Speed, acceleration, moves, smarts.
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