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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. And...for us out-of-towners w/o NFL Network who got shut out last season, nfl.com lists this pre-season game. Buffalo at New Orleans (CBS, 8/10, 8 p.m.) http://www.nfl.com/schedules/preseason
  2. Happy belated birthday to your bride-to-be!
  3. The only thing Imus should have said to the likes of Sharpton is "Go to H*ll". Let's recall some effects of Sharpie's rhetoric...one of the falsely accused in his Tawana Brawley pack of lies committed suicide. His hatred of Jews resulted is his acolytes shooting 4 people, and two more died when the store he was boycotting was torched. 7 people dead.
  4. Actually, the suspensions bite hard for young idiots, like Henry and Odell Thurmann. Their pay is gone. Zilch. Not a penny. Can't recover it later. I wonder what Thurmann's fate will be. He got canned for the whole season. Zero income. It was something like 4 games initially, but after he was stopped at a DUI checkpoint, he was gone for the season. Iincredibly, his girlfriend got stopped at the same checkpoint earlier that evening, and called him and told him to avoid it. Henry was in Thurmanns ubiquitous Caddy Escalade, too. Barfed out the window, drunk, therefore violating his terms of probation. Henry may end up doing time in 3 States. Thurmann didn't show up for the B'gals training camp in '06...and he wasn't barred from doing so. Which made the B'gals mad.
  5. I won't argue that snow leopards have more grace and beauty and sleekness of movement than UAW auto workers and the skinny/wide management staff.
  6. I've read your entire post, like I always do...the above truncation if that's the right word, is for brevity. I'm not a particular fan of Willis, for reasons not worth going into. But I won't wring my hand if the Bills have a rookie start at MLB. There is something to be said for rookie enthusiasm. The B'gals in '05 drafted Odell Thurmann from Maryland. He was a terror for 2/3 of the season...tackles, sacks, fumble recoveries, interceptions. His over-pursuit was eventually figured out, by the B'gals and the opposition. His off-season antics made him persona non grata with the team. Was that team a defensive powerhouse? No. But did Thurmann contribute to a few wins? Yes. Was he wise enough to make the defensive calls, making changes in the few seconds before a snap...no. The more I see of Cover 2, the more I think it's a cover for iffy DB talent, and seems to demand a MLB be the second coming, stopping both runs and swift WRs angling inside. Why not get good DBs somewhere along the way? Having a 240 lb linebacker as the linchpin of my pass defense gives me pause.
  7. Ever worked in a unionized manufacturing business and witnessed when production halted for lunch? Same thing.
  8. Bring back your duct tape avatar....
  9. Yep...had they franchised him this year, they would have at the very least been handed somebody's #3 and some future consideration. Most players and their agents are on the lookout for the $$$. I reject these thoughts that imply it would show badly on the Bill's "word", and affect future dealings. Players, their agents, know how things work. Players don't live in a vaccuum. Winning is a big thing to all of them. And the vets know that the money is better for them when they are on a winning club...a better cut of the cap, game incentives, etc. Were I a Bills player, I would wonder why my management turned their back on franchising Clements and getting a free, higher pick that potentially helps out in winning more games .
  10. I'd pick Shreck, and trade away all my other picks. Wouldn't need them...
  11. Can you list his picks for us? His draft wasn't alone in Peters' pre-draft ratings.
  12. I've taken pains to point out that I don't get to see them. And also that football is not rocket surgery, that it is possible to make comment based on having a basic understanding of a game that which all things new in the last 50 years could be typed up on two sheets of paper. High horse? You maligned Chef for expressing opinion. It's not "high horse" for me to point out your blindside snot shot at a fellow poster.
  13. I read meters for Niagara Mohawk a long time ago. I always liked it what we rotated to Lackawanna. Nice folks, and back then, offering a reader an alcohol beverage was not uncommon. Customers were pretty good for that...but the East Side was the best. South Bflo was mostly beer, West Side...usually wine. North Bflo was dry. The Fruit Belt...whiskey, gin. The common term was "Son, how 'bout an eye-opener?". That area wasn't a slum back then. South and West Side were best for free food. The East Siders also let me use their toilets.
  14. Stop being infantile. Or getting on some high horse, seemingly asserting you are perfection personified, and Chef is some sort of condescending snot. Mark Twain said "It is best to keep your mouth shut and be presumed ignorant than to open it and remove all doubt.". Act accordingly.
  15. The lack of negotiating contract extensions before the exploding prices with the new CBA, and why it wasn't done?
  16. At Kleinhans. The Buffalo Philharmonic - free tix until capacity was met, for Bflo. public school system students. You got the day off to attend if you had tickets to show your teacher - just like the Bison's baseball opener. I've no recollection what they performed, but learned that a symphony orchestra in full voice shames anything else.
  17. Dunno. With Henry being in the gunsights, there was a fair amount of local n'paper coverage here. The idea of this being retroactive was bandied about. Wait 'n see, I suppose.
  18. No idea about the inside work, but trash hauling and the Mob are hand-in-hand. I'd assume they are being extorted there, like many businesses.
  19. Yeesh! Hope you were given some diet recommendations. Your insurance coverage might balk at Nexium's price. Prevacid is equivalent in my short experience...a 1 month script for me, not connected to Crohns. Be sure to read up on prednisone, and its interaction with other drugs. You shouldn't take prednisone over a long time... Ask a lot of questions if you get prescribed things like Remicade.
  20. I was never trendy, at any age. I bought a college T-shirt once, and joined their Alumni association for 1 year, so I could use the gym. Bad move...they've hounded me with junk mail ever since. I have no clothing with words on them. I have 2 flat-screen CRT color TVs. HDTVs remind me of Colorforms. Stark.
  21. WR Chris Henry for 8 games, DB Pac-Man Jones for the season. Just heard it on my radio. No paycheck during a suspension...
  22. It was still open when I left Buffalo...in 1978.
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