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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. He's 5 foot 11, 195 pounds. Everybody's wow-wee darling back, TEN's Chris Johnson checks in at 5'11", 200, and carried 358 times last season - and 609 over his two seasons in the NFL. http://www.nfl.com/players/chrisjohnson/profile?id=JOH127799
  2. He wasn't my choice at the spot either. But we have to see if he can become a pro player. No basis to judge the pick until he gets on the field. All we know so far, is that he seems a very decent young lad with a head screwed on straight. If I were the coaches, and saw an inkling of his college performance on an NFL field, I'd be running him 30 or so times a game, to see if he's the real deal. A rb with a good set of wheels and shifty moves does help an OL...or a qb. All we can do is to stay tuned and see what happens.
  3. Well, Clayton is entitled to his opinion. Fair enough. If Spiller is moving the ball on the ground well, I'll run him 30+ times. If you pay for a horse, and it turns out to be a good one - ride it.
  4. You have a good pen in hand, my friend. The phrase "luge run into h*ll" is very descriptive. May I recommend: The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose: From William Caxton to P. G. Wodehouse, Frank Muir, Oxford University Press NY, Toronto, et al, ISBN 0-19-214106-06. Out of AFAIK original print but available: Get ye a copy. You will treasure it...
  5. Why are we discussing the merits of this or that wine, for a fellow who plans to get well-hammered on his birthday? I prefer red wine, but my recommendation is 2 or 3 aspirin and a pint or more of water before bed, with 2 pins handy at the bedside. Keep the bathroom light on. And a trash bag- lined bucket or trash basket and a handy roll of paper towels or a pile of napkins to wipe up one's mug.
  6. The product I prefer is added to the wash, then you have to air dry or tumble in the dryer with no heat - with an eye to be sure in both cases that the clothing still has a bit of moisture. Today, most fabrics are called wash 'n wear - which is good in most cases. Ironing is more a "touch up" operation than in years past. The heat imparted by subsequent ironing sets the starch. I only use it for my special dress garb. General wrinkles of washed clothing isn't a problem for me - timing of a dryer cycle goes a long way - for me. My wife probably irons 20% of her clothing. She won't let me wash her clothing. I'm always willing, but I only know warm/cold wash and towel/medium drying. BTW - don't skimp on a flat iron purchase. Do research and buy the best one you can afford. We have a 15 year old Rowena, but I would guess the brand name (if it still exists) is now owned by some oriental holding company and if the name is still out there, it is manufactured by who knows who. Also - if you buy barbering scissors, buy authentic Italian...mine is 30 years old, still tight, and only needed a sharpening 3 years ago.
  7. No. The product that is added to the wash, that you then iron when the clothing is still slightly damp. The spray product (brand name "Niagara") is fairly available. But it's an iffy product in my experience- spotting in ironed areas that received more spray deposition. I seldom have call for fancy dress, but when I do (sadly, mostly funerals these days) I will have my pant creases, shirt sleeve crease and cuff, and collar crisp. Old school, I know...
  8. Well, I guess we should shut the door and walk off into the sunset, then. For me, every year is about winning. What would you have a coach, the owner say? We are rebuilding, so don't strive to make plays. We are angling for a higher draft pick..somebody better than you. It will all come together some time down the road, after we rebuild...etc? I can't conceive of saying or implying such to ones' employees...
  9. Do they sell laundry starch? It's been hard to find these days. This is a legit question.
  10. Yes. The...ironie of it all...
  11. 31 other teams weren't clamoring for his services, somehow. Still, we all hope he will surprise...
  12. Have I not given you clever advice through the years? That's clever, not Cleaver. Leave Ward, June, Wally, and The Beaver out of this.
  13. With the repudiation of the CBA, these are unsettled times. Noted bargain hunter - CIN owner Brown - has been in a vet signing frenzy. I'm sure few will survive the cuts - but for pennies in NFL terms, he might get a decent performer. BUF should be shuttling them in for a look-see...
  14. Don't be rebellious or contrary. Have I not given you sage advice through the years?
  15. Sorry - I couldn't resist that softball over the plate!
  16. I can assume anything I like. Don't assume you can set foot on my lawn, however.
  17. there is no greater fan of drinking after lunch than i.
  18. Don't act rashly, BF. What if this action comes to light? - you know it's always touch and go with Lee.
  19. Dateline Miami(OH): http://www.wcpo.com/news/local/story/Miami...VYnXaBPCcQ.cspx Update... http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2010051...led++by+parties Miami(OH) is a nice enough college, but has a rep of being a rather privileged place for the cute daughters of men of means...kinda like those colleges that prosper in the northeast that cater to same. Years ago, a writer in some UCinn campus rag offered up an unofficial motto for them: Ego sum dico pater - "I'm telling Daddy!"
  20. The B'gals sold PSLs based on a false seating chart for their new - free - stadium. Folks had to sue to (eventually) get their $ back, and the Brown family got to use the float. http://www.sportslawnews.com/archive/Artic.../BengalsPSL.htm BTW - the NFL is a non-profit organization... http://apse.dallasnews.com/contest/2002/wr...se.fourth3.html
  21. This is an internet site, so take it at such. KD is not stupid or evil, you are not stupid or evil. You did not make clear, the relationship. Channel your energy to the new addition to your family. We all wish you and yours well.
  22. I'd be surprised. Like many have mentioned, BAL looks pretty good, and IND and NE* will compete. I do hope BUF pays attention to CIN wr cuts - they've been acquiring them left and right - vets, and also in the recent draft.
  23. You follow-up is noted, Ray.
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