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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Thud. What about the big boats with the chrome bumpers, fins, etc.? "That mean"...needs an "s".
  2. I missed that you lifted your leg on Alabama folk. The folks in KY will find out about you, and fK it to you, too.
  3. It's a short drive to Lily Dale... http://www.lilydaleassembly.com/ ...BTW, I don't mean to make joke about the Lily Dale community...interesting place.
  4. KY is a beautiful State. I've no link, but I recall that KY citizens year after year being the most pleased with their State. The geology, flora and fauna is stunning. IIRC, Eastern KY is the only ancient, historic savanna on the continent. Here is KET's site. I get their Northern KY affiliate on my tv, and I enjoy their broadcasts. http://www.ket.org/
  5. Fuel efficiency and fuel economy are different things. It is not so, that the passive hybrid implementation by GM for a large vehicle has reduced fuel consumption by half. Regardless...if a vehicle's fuel consumption is halved, you use 1/2 less per week. Right? Egregious advertising claims always will exist - such as Toyota's for their Prius model. Fuel economy factors remains as always - weight moved, internal friction, rolling friction of tires, tire chemical composition and construction, management of wind resistance and the allied attendant frontal area including tire width and vehicle speed. Gentle acceleration to speed, lifting off the throttle when approaching incipient stops, are big players in fuel usage as always. Despite some who wish otherwise, the "sweet spot" remains 30 to 35 mph. A national reduction in limit to, say, 40 mph would be profound. Certainly, the 1st effect would be the delay in truck goods delivery, and a sea change for industries that utilize the just-in-time manufacturing methodology. UPS delivery, the OTR truckers would take a quick hit. In the long term, with the slowing of transportation - business and personal - "off-Interstate" businesses would renew. The motels, the small, non-chain restaurants will reappear. The cities regain importance at the end of fast runs to the suburbs. City property values are restored, the criminal element eventually gets out of town. City tax revenues rise - they are rebuilt to the stature or yore. And...we now get to buy and drive stylish boats. Chrome bumpers. Crisp fender lines. Fins. Convertibles. Glitzy interiors. The end of the jellybean cars...
  6. RIP.
  7. Getting kicked into the cheap seats in 3 of 4 consecutive SB appearances? You'd have to suspect that their HOF coach told the players "Party on, Garth!" or some such in the time leading up to the contests... Yes, it will never be done again.
  8. No doubt....both are into the spread.
  9. I'll support him if he goes after red light cameras. It's obvious racial profiling...
  10. Didn't know DEN had an interest...CIN had concerns about his knee, also.
  11. Some words and info from Peter Bronson, of the Cincy Enquirer editorial staff... Bon apetit! http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/art...00330/1020/EDIT
  12. Good assortment. May I suggest some works from Vol. 1 and 2 of the Harvard Classics? ...Ben Franklin's autobiography, John Woolman's journal, and the meditations of Marcus Aurelius. The editor and the publishers chose these to be early in the Classics for good reason - which becomes apparent when one reads them. The Harvard Classics: http://www.bartleby.com/hc/
  13. An eclectic bike rider, who is also is an NFL player... http://www.daytondailynews.com/s/content/o...112607arch.html http://www.nfl.com/players/dhanijones/profile?id=JON235149
  14. Pro players are among the most sensitive members of society...being understood, being wanted is first and foremost. Forget that $$$ talk...
  15. Comp picks can't be part of a trade.
  16. Never own a dog you can't beat in a fair fight! Your life, wife's life, kid's lives may depend on it .
  17. Keep posting 'em, Tipster! All predictions are a coin flip, but I read them and check out the players.
  18. Nor would I condemn. A while back someone here noted that a number of the better league OLs were comprised of those club's draft choices.
  19. Posting a link to that site is an old TSW tradition...
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