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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. RIP, George.
  2. Well - in another thread, since the deed is done, I suggested running him 30 times a game (the bricks flew my way). I say - let's see if he's up to his hype.
  3. IIRC, it was Pete Rose - decades ago - that started such. He correctly determined that sports fans are among the world's greatest saps. Barnum would beam. Why any sentient being would pay money for another's scribble escapes me...
  4. What's that phrase?...No good deed goes unpunished!
  5. Stick around...I'm astounded that so many think that it's ok for a government to be their Daddy, and are willing to capitulate their right to be left alone, because of the sins of the few. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,141048,00.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0042904700.html
  6. Update: Dayton OH Girl Greeks Gone Wild: http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/crime/...rty-705529.html Today's college Yutes of America...bring one home to meet Mom!
  7. The Buffalo Historical Society Museum, the Science Museum, City Hall, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the Robt. Moses Power Project, and Old Ft. Niagara.
  8. The hidden fear is that somehow, he flourishes with SEA.
  9. More than one of my PGH buds back then, gave me the business about BUF not taking Woodson and letting him fall into their lap.
  10. Quite so, Ice. - it's early days, but one would think there would have a blurb or two by now on the sports sites. That's a bit odd, what with the demand for LTs. I wonder what's up... BTW - I hope you and yours weren't harmed by the tornadoes last week. My wife has work friends in Ada, and they were thankfully unscathed.
  11. Wishing she was going down on a President in the White House?
  12. Why are you ticked off? The purpose of your post was to rub things into other folk's faces. You have no corn. We in OH do, but we don't get welfare corn checks.
  13. Aren't you trying to lose weight? That won't help...
  14. Two spots later, PGH selected Rod Woodson. I lived in Pittsburgh at the time, and remember being steamed when the Bills took Conlan instead of Woodson.
  15. The NBA has a roster limit of 15, with only having to have 12 ready to play in a game. Fact is, most teams play 6 or 7 players game in and game out. And you don't have to have 15 - an owner of a team can only hire 12. Which is done. The NBA draft is 2 rounds, and few that are drafted in rnd 1 ever play. The NBA is a joke, a clown performance - 3 players feeding the ball to two, traveling and palming the norm. It's Vaudeville entertainment.
  16. A team can pass, and then pick when they want to. Unlikely, but it's there. I recall OL McKinnie being angry when MIN delayed their pick in 2002, claiming that it was intentional.
  17. Umm - new staff. Changing from a 4-3 to a 3-4. Poor OL, still unsettled. Little idea if the bunch on IR will be able to come back, and most of them were - not exactly All-Pros. On paper, an upcoming tough schedule. Questions about who will be the QB. A wr corps that doesn't scare anybody.
  18. You are at the game. You see the action of the field. The only thing that a PA system should say is - "3rd and 2" or some such. What does superfluous noise add? If you are looking for music and video, why bother going to a sporting event? I would think you pay your money to watch the game...
  19. Are they being used for drug consumption - boings?
  20. Update: The Walter Mendenhall Bus Tour stopped off in Cincinnati yesterday. http://www.bengals.com/news/article-1/Beng...a7-899ef4f7f40d
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