It's traditional that each generation thinks it invented sex - in all its' variations.
Not so...the Romans and their predecessors did it all long before we were hatched.
A long time ago, back in the days of the returnable glass milk bottle, there were expressions - "liver milker, eh?" and "sheep in a bottle".
Enough raw liver was inserted until a comfortable point was attained, and the perpetrator then went to town.
Strange but true...
While your digging around up there - they sell devices that activate the powered vent if humidity rises above a pre-set level.
Not a bad idea - the main challenge facing a house being to keep the heat in and keep the water out.
Additional Cincinnati Enquirer article, by Mark Curnutte 03/31/08
"Reservations confirmed - 'No' votes by Bengals, Bills on labor deal look good in hindsight."
I wonder where that would put counties that bought into the owner's extortions.
Hamilton County, OH's citizens voted that a 1/2% additional sales tax be imposed upon them (I wasn't living in the county at the time - the B'gals could have left town as far as I was concerned).
They then issued bonds to be paid back by the sales tax revenue. $400 million or so - I forget. As sales tax revenue declined the past few years, they have re-financed at least once AFAIK.
Small world...a brother-in-law of mine retired from Yellow Freight five or so years ago. He did dock work for 30 years and was a Teamster committeeman. After the '93 acquisition of Preston and that two-tier wage garbage, he ran for and won higher union office.
For those who saw "Bullet Bob" play...
Hayes died of kidney failure and liver problems and prostate cancer at age 59, in 2002. He was a remarkable player.
A little pizazz would be nice!
I've always felt they should use Roscoe more. The musings here about a trade for CIN's Chad Johnson and this or that draft pick...if it came to a player as part of a deal, they wouldn't want Kelsay - they would want Roscoe.
I can't recall who, but some pundit after mid-season commented that they played the dullest football he could recall.
I know they were in at least two games where the 1st half took little more than an hour...