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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. I would move general elections to the 1st Tuesday in May. With the fresh memory of forking over taxes on April 15th in people's minds, these tax-hiking, back-scratching, vote-buying socialist politicians would cease to exist.
  2. 'Bot...they have SF's at #7. Oops?
  3. We'll Sing In the Sunshine - Gail Garnett, 1964.
  4. Well said...
  5. It's a strong OT draft...Clady, Cherilus, Baker, Williams, Long, Otah, possibly Albert. Decent CB's, too. And RB's. 'bot - don't be surprised if CIN drops down if Ellis is gone. They have an aged Willie Anderson and questions about Levi Jones' knee. They have a well-stocked bench - but protecting Palmer is job #1.
  6. ????? Color me confused. Who did KC and CIN take? Owner Brown is not happy in being in the top ten; I don't think they would move up. Whoever is picking for CIN has no idea...
  7. Agree to disagree. As ByTor suggests, maybe there will be a Minnie Moment...
  8. As they say..."The best plans go awry". A team ahead of you makes some goofy trade or pick and threw your good businessman planing into the toilet... Sorry, but faced with a time-based decision, I want as much time as I can get, and when it's me peeling off cash and knowing how this decision affects (in this case) my future roster makeup, I prefer to not have a third lopped off my decision time...
  9. Viva Viag..?
  10. I am embiggened.
  11. What's a "mit"? That's the German for "with". What's a first baseman's "with"?
  12. Really. Maybe they will get one of those tweeners that can run a blitz and angle an OL on his fanny and not get swatted away with a flick of the wrist. Maybe.
  13. I think the time reduction is dumb...and pandering to Hot Pocket fans. What would your answer be to this question?:..."Make a multi-million dollar decision now, that also will affect a lot of other things in your business. Would you like 10 minutes or 15 minutes to decide?".
  14. I'd go for an OL. No surprise there...
  15. Not today. But I know how to tan hides in the traditional fashion. Maybe tomorrow...
  16. I think you are relating a yarn by Natty Bumppo, that somehow result in this "Nati" tale. He was an affable fellow, but I personally found him prone to drinking and extemporizing.
  17. Highly unlikely that CIN would pass on Ellis... Draft-Tek had CIN picking McFadden a while back. Amazing. For BUF, if Ellis is there, go for it.
  18. So you really have a problem with me? Is that your innate intolerance speaking, or do you contemplate a Final Solution?
  19. Same screams if it's CB Michael Jenkins from S. Florida?
  20. Louisville's Mario Urruita in the late rounds... http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/mario-urrutia?id=2331
  21. His bum wrist is the left, so this guy didn't notice any problem with his hand shake.
  22. You used to be able to pay utility bills at most banks. Here in Cincy, it was but a few years ago that the power company service centers closed down their drive-thru and/or walk-up payment windows. The T-W office in a mall near me takes payments. And why not? I remember when bills could be paid by remitting U.S. postage stamps...
  23. There was a recent thread about who would be the bigger success - J. Russell or Trend Edwards. Russell got a 11 million signing bonus. He could just buy U.S. Savings Bonds and probably get six figures each year to live on forever, without touching the capital...
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