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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. No problem!... those touchy restaurant waiters on this site flinging plates at me be dam*ed!
  2. I saw it on tv - getting tired of watching Dern's non-stop open-mouth gape, I switched channels. It was a real "eye roller" - and that's being kind.
  3. Football is loaded with variables. An inch or two there, a tackle is missed and and an opponent is off to the races. An oval ball that bounces this or that way as if it has a mind of its' own. A sudden breeze 25 feet above the turf turns a sure completion into an interception. A refs' judgment call. The unpredictability is football's allure. QBs are drafted out of college with hope aplenty. It's a gamble. If your quarterbacking stinks, you try to fix it. What should one do? Bite fingernails worrying about how to calculate the future? CAR picked Clausen and Pike. They perceived a problem, and went ahead and tried to do something about it.
  4. Here's Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Paul Daugherty's 2 cents on the matter: http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2010052...-for-Super-Bowl
  5. Hmm...CAR picked a wr in the 2nd, another in the 6th, and qb Pike also in the 6th. I'd say they knew that they had a problem with their passing game, and are trying to correct it. What's wrong with that?
  6. My football philosophy - for what it's worth - revolves around getting the best LBs and OLs I can get my hands on. Reluctantly, I advocated drafting a qb in the 2nd. Reasoning being that why not roll the dice? Their qb problems in recent years are well known. When they announced the change to a 3-4 defense, I felt that they pitched the upcoming season...generally, such a switch comes with growing pains. With cart firmly placed in front of horse, they had to pull the trigger for a NT.
  7. You may beat me with a wildcat play. I guess I have to let my defensive backfield do what they can. Next time you run it on me, I will pound and flatten the other players in your backfield until you can't detect the difference between them and the turf. If you care to get cute with my defense, you will pay a price. I'll suffer the PF flags.
  8. Parents shove these so-called attention disorder pills down their kid's throats all the time. I say give the kid a pack of smokes before ramming buzz bombs down his maw.
  9. Beats me. I'm ignorant about what a cover band is - hence this post. The poster that first answered my question didn't say that the cover ban played the songs of the main act. Perhaps you misread, misinterpreted?
  10. RIP - he was a fine, fine man. I fondly recall his television shows and his books. A great loss.
  11. I also like to have a developmental qb on the roster. The two game day roster chaps better get it done. If they can't , the young Mr. Spiller has to get used to his body being riddled with cleat marks.
  12. That's right. The taxi business beckons.
  13. There was a parody of "Big Bad John" that was on the radio, a long, long while ago - in the times before we all somehow became "special " and the slightest hint of anything became grounds for violent reaction. Here is 1969's "Big Bad Bruce". People of today - brace yourself... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze5TZlwFPY0
  14. Thank you - that answers it. I've read posts here on TSW about this or that cover group, by folks that attend live performances. My thought was that they did their own stuff - an older term was the "warm-up" act. Another mystery of life solved for me. Bring back the walnuts avatar come regular season. It was an inspiring springboard for wry comments. Grace us again, please.
  15. I was rooting around YouTube, for a rendition of the Dylan/Cash tune Girl from the North Country from their Nashville Skyline album collaboration.. The citations that I found were labeled as "cover(s). What is meant by the term, "cover"? IIRC hearing about "cover" groups preceding the main act in live performance. Thank you.
  16. A national hero, I'd say - think of the tax revenue! Forget the smoking deaths - NY Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y is steamed about the 32 child deaths since 2000 because of cribs, and wants to ban them: http://www.observer-reporter.com/OR/StoryA...010-CRIB-DEATHS No words yet from her about NY's continued lack of banning cigs. No surprise there, eh?
  17. It takes a hard, hard soul indeed, to take a shot at such a fine human being as TEF! Oh well - times have changed, and the new 3 r's are in force - reject, ridicule, repeat... I'll add another YouTube thingee, contemporary for today's NFL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Ts4M3irWM...feature=related
  18. Lots of young folks in a pro camp. Your are not only forging young players...you are also forging very young men into adulthood. 2 songs to play for them...daily: then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx59fmP7jYE&feature=fvsr The job is to build a team. 53 that play as one.
  19. Any opinion about how he blocks for his qb or receivers and other rbs? Does he come back and help a qb under the gun? I've asked those questions before, and haven't got an opinion yet. Blocking skill by a back - especially in today's one-back scheme - matters.
  20. They are in 35 States, I believe. Nutritional atomic bombs... http://www.fiveguys.net/files/files/NutritionalInfo_2010.pdf
  21. I merely posed a simple question, with an observation. I don't know why it is to be thought that I have an axe or agenda to grind...
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