I think it's far from the biggest problem - but point taken.
For countless years, there have been newspaper articles about school menu offerings - what to do, oh my! The solution is simple to anyone with an ounce of brains. Next week - no more corn dogs, no pizza, no fries etc. If you don't want to eat what we have now, kiddo - go hungry then and go pester your parents. God forbid that they or you slap together a P&J and toss it and an apple or banana in a paper sack. What agony...
I lived in another county here in SW Ohio during my 1st 8 years here. The school system in the town I lived in called me several times, asking me to enroll my kids in their school lunch program. I have no kids. And eventually learned that they reaped something on the order of 35 cents profit per kid per meal. Their concern wasn't about nutrition - it was about getting their hands on money. Hawking burgers, fries, pizza to kids is a sure-fire way to keep the cash register ringing...
Every Administration gins up some cause for the First Lady to champion. The current one's task is nutrition (IIRC, with a billion-dollar war chest - nothing surprises me these days). Now, the nutrition value labels on food packages have been there for years and years. Almost everybody reads them (or read them and ignores them). We are not a nation of dummies - we simply make choices. I can't see tossing money down another useless "education" campaign.
We grocery shop on Sunday - almost always at the mid-western chain, Meijer's. I always see clean, non-smelly people, by all appearance lucid, pushing carts stacked with all types of nutritional disasters. The government is wasting tax revenue trying to convince them otherwise. Heck - the Food Stamp program ( I believe it sports a new name now - SNAP) lets one purchase all kinds of fun food. Some wag wrote a letter to the editor here a long while back, suggesting they change the name of the program to "Chips Ahoy!" or "Frito Bandito."
Our n'paper occasionally prints sob story articles about the lack of gym time in today's schools - can't afford it blah blah blah. The dear ones aren't getting their exercise etc. I attended Bflo. city grade school. Kindergarten and 5th through 8th at one building, 1st through 4th at another. The place where I attended 1st-4th had no gymnasium. Undeterred, they herded our little rum butts out to the asphalt play yard and made us run, jog, skip along the fence lines. The cost was...zero.