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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Look on the bright side. Even the most afflicted insomniac found relief at last if they tuned in to most any of their games the past several years.
  2. I'm willing to make the tip a factorial. You get 01!
  3. I must atone...would sending a contribution to the UNHRF (United Nations Hamster Relief Fund) be a way to go?
  4. Great! I'll leave 01 on the table for you.
  5. No problem...just fill out a 1099 so they get their cut. Besides, I think they publish a handy self-help booklet on Ponzi schemes. Just mail a five dollar bill to your congressman - you will get it in a few days.
  6. I'm out of practice. What's the usual percentage for IT extortion these days?
  7. I'm already booked at Gate #5 for Heaven - I hope.
  8. Hmm...so he can sit in that cubicle and dig up more personal info about me, to sell or hand over to the government so he can take a cruise through the Panama Canal? Right...
  9. Clip never did me wrong. I'll put a buck straight and a buck boxed on that number tomorrow. A couple of years ago, a poster here gave out a 6 digit MegaMillions number that returned $3 for my dollar.
  10. OH Governor Ted Strickland - D, by executive order - has given a $100 bonus to Ohio's welfare recipients out of "stimulus" funds. Only a mere $200M+, in a State that has a 7 billion dollar budget deficit. We all wait to see how these recipients will get out and stimulate the economy. Booze, pizza, cigs and potatoe chips sales should see a nice bounce.
  11. No. I'm (obviously) constantly in the hole by forking over cash for a State's lousy numbers game.
  12. Is that a charity organization?
  13. Nah - I can make better food than most any restaurant. Saving is always a good idea of course, but I want to spend this dough.
  14. I think the best wine has a convenient screw top and is served from a paper bag. Gallo Burgundy is a favorite, but it's a bit pricey.
  15. Amazing that people would pay such an amount of money to bother other people and be bothered in return...
  16. What is a HTC Driod? Is that an article of clothing, or one of the myriad overpriced sneakers sold today?
  17. I commit to ten bucks a week - 6 for the Pick Three box, 2 bucks for both days' MegaMillion draw, and now 2 bucks for a Powerball pick. What should I do with this windfall? I wish we had OTB like NY and PA - the odds of getting back your dough is generally 12 to 1.
  18. Been there, done that - many times. Ain't it fun?
  19. Didn't she like the latest energy hog house that Al bought? Not close enough to an airstrip where the Gulfstream V can take off from? http://www.wnem.com/politics/23755745/detail.html
  20. Hosanna in the highest!
  21. Yep. Hilly ground. He sounded like a fellow that has a concern about shoddy construction in his neighborhood - which redounds to his own home value.
  22. Sigh... If you are paying for new home construction, hunt around and find a reputable A&E firm. Peel off 2K front cash money to review the project and to inspect and advise during the construction. JMO.
  23. Twins...he has another birthday today - this time, BF is 4. No wonder Lee rejects him.
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