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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. They shot their mouth off and made big noises about switching to a 3 - 4. And a "scatback." May as well have just gone ahead and published their draft strategy and board on Twitter... That's right up there with their "Listen up you other 31 teams - we are going no-huddle" gem. What other choice do they have, but to start the guy? Fait accompli.
  2. Our only remaining daily print paper, the Cincy Enquirer, has been publishing their page of baseball news, scores, standings, line-ups etc. around the league, directly form USA Today - along with their well-known print font - I never liked that font. 2 weels ago, they slipped in a USAToday feed page for national news. Like most internet newspaper sites, their site is truncated, and they delete content hourly if they sniff something controversial. You can't un-ring a bell, you can't call back the printed word. Their newsmen and newsgals that dig up our local and State dirt (no lack there) must be pounding down Tums. I'm sure their days are numbered, I'm sad for them and am worried about their watchful eyes disappearing. You know what I'm saying.
  3. Your advice is appreciated and taken in the spirit intended, and I assure you that I deport myself well in society - I've yet to be even remotely close to being fitted with concrete shoes... And thanks for your stories - good read! I speak with all politeness answering and conversing the telephone. I answer mine with a cheery "Good Morning! or Good Afternoon!" Which almost always results in dead air. I do that at stores, restaurants etc. also, and the most common response by far is a drop-jawed gaping maw. Speechless for 10 seconds - minimum. Sad. After about the 5th AT&T hand-off, I realized that I was going to be dealing with a pack of conniving thieves working in concert bent on pulling cash out of my hide. My repeated suggestions that they go about business and resolve things with Bell were fruitless. The Cincy Bell crowd weren't exactly princes in the issue either. They meekly stuck their heads in the sand hoping that I'd fork over my dough. One of their number did let slip that a mistake on their part might have unleashed the fury of AT&T on me. I hope that poor soul didn't get rolled down the staircase and out the door for committing blasphemy.
  4. I have a fondness for Kentucky - but stay out of Corbin unless you are related to the extended Combs family!
  5. I believe he resurfaced as GrudginglyPessimistic. The writing style is characteristic. Pyrite Gal was preceded by FakeFatSunny, if memory serves. And yes - somewhat shorter posts in this most recent iteration. But always a good read, IMO.
  6. In the name of decency, I hope the poor sot was given a private ceremony...
  7. Add AKC....
  8. Here's the site that keeps the scorecard... http://www.deadoraliveinfo.com/dead.nsf/pages-nf/main
  9. http://www.bernzomatic.com/PRODUCTS/TORCHE.../3/Default.aspx
  10. There's one like that in my town. Much smaller in stature and girth - walks with a sway, and his head barely shows up above the Crown Vic's headrest. He knocked on my door a few weeks and handed me a card proclaiming he's a "Field Training Officer", sporting a classic sh*t-eating grin. I take the assumption that nepotism is in play. I'd hate to have him respond if I had to make a call - the late Grandma Moses could pin him in 15 seconds...tops.
  11. You must be of an age. Remember on's index finger stroking over another, the message being "for shame"? Gawd, that's buried in deep down in the dust of history these days....
  12. Fanks!... I'll relate the AT&T story. Cinti Bell had a glitch - upshot, AT&T tried to hit me with $200 top-rate long distance charges. I spent, oh, 2 hours on the phone bouncing around from this and that one of their lying curs. I would guess I spoke to 15 people, at a minimum. They sent me letter threatening to sue me. I contacted the Ohio Pub. Utility commission, and to my utter surprise, shook their tree and ended the nonsense. They were notorious with billing due date manipulation. Like clockwork, they'd delay mailings in Nov. and Dec. and speed up the due date - hoping to snag folks with late fees during the holiday season, or cash in with a charge for a phone payment. Hard to think of one praising a credit card company, but Discover is a decent outfit. Clear billings, their cash back bonuses. Never had a single problem. When they issue a new card, I call'em to activate, they are competent, and thank me for being such a long customer of theirs. I tell 'em of course, you've always been upright with me. They do try to sell a little business, but they take no for an answer...immediately. If AT&T was the only phone company out there, screw them. Smoke signals, semaphore flags, whatever.. .
  13. A guest should exhibit good deportment - chiefly by keeping one's trap shut absent extreme (life-threatening) situations. Manners are an artifice - our natural state tending towards choking each other in the street. It's generally realized by most folks that good manners are therefore necessary when out in public. Rise above, walk proud, and take satisfaction in the fact that the surest way to the dislike of men is to behave well where they have behaved badly.
  14. Excellent idea. I posted some time ago, that if I'm first in line at a stoplight and notice a yakker behind me, I accelerate slowly when the light changes. Some people took umbrage with that.
  15. The Basil Bros' long-gone Colvin Theater on Kenmore Ave. Had a room with a big window, seats and speakers for that express purpose. The building had a "penthouse" so to speak, that was used by them from time to time. Nice men - the theater had a stage, and every Halloween they'd have a costume judging contest and gave out prizes. Free admission and a free popcorn and candy for the kiddies.
  16. RIP - she had quite a lengthy career. Every now and again, I catch a tv show with one of the oldsters reminiscing about their careers, things they did and saw, the changes over the years and so on. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001516/
  17. Heh - the Seinfeld pony episode...
  18. Hollywood Donohoe hasn't been around for a while. I rather liked his perspectives from the enemy camp.
  19. No problem! As for sound, I'll add the alien beings with vehicles that boom to the point of causing other cars to resonate.
  20. CiTi bank tried a fast one a while back (the card was originally issued by AT&T - a company I despise). I very infrequently use if, much preferring Discover. The cards I've had from them are silver with an orange edge. The orange edge is a good idea - makes it recognizable. When Citi sent me a new card last year, it was silver with an orange edge. I think they figured that I'd use if by mistake, instead of the Discover.
  21. Stop it Biscuit. What in the world motivated the NFL to make that rule change? Do you think they had time on their hands one day and were so bored at playing pinochle, they just decided what the heck, lets make up a new rule? I've nothing against Ward - but he took a gratuitous shot worthy of a Rodney Harrison* against an unsuspecting player who in no way could have affected the outcome of the play. What he did do was cause the taking away good numbers of formerly legit high hits for fear of a flag, so folks went for the legs and knees last season.
  22. Cheap shot by Ward - he has the rep for that. Rivers was not a factor in the play outcome. See also Sapps' hit on GB's tackle Clifford. The fallout from Ward's shot was an NFL rule change - the so-called "Hines Ward rule.": http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09083/957938-100.stm And as some predicted, the safe way to avoid a flag was to go for the legs and knees. It happened. Ask BUF.
  23. Well, teams have had their DEs bounce back into LB position for years. You do it from time to time, to present a problem for the opposing OL and QB, get them guessing. It's one of a sharp DC's weapons. You don't see a lot of this on 1st and 10. Certainly the game time and the score differential can modify that. But generally - if my QB is under center or even in shotgun and sees a DE creeping back on 1st down, he is free to change whatever play I called, and bark out a plunge or off-tackle run to whatever side the DE is dancing. If you do it on my line's strong side, shame on you. 2nd down and six or five to go is fine with me. What's important is that if you want to jockey your DEs around, you devote practice time to it.
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