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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Pearls Before Swine, by Stephan Pastis: http://comics.com/pearls_before_swine/
  2. Heh - he once thundered at me for using the smiley, , in response to some of his postings, choosing to take a tack that it amounted to the sticking out of the tongue in mocking fashion. I explained that there are a limited number of available smileys (I approve of that) including ones to respond in recognition of a bon mot, a belly laugher, a wry, amusing post, and so on - and that if my intent was to fling insult, I would make it abundantly clear. He was not mollified.
  3. Last night (6/6), I went out on the porch with a candle and a transistor radio, to enjoy the evening coolness. I was turning the dial to find some quiet orchestral music, and came across a re-broadcast of NBC radio's ongoing reporting of D-Day. Words from Pres. Roosevelt. The voices of correspondents on the beaches with the troops. Clergymen speaking prayers for our men.
  4. Heh - you rang a bell. My wife visited Sullivan's during a business trip to RTP a while back. The crowd went there, and she had a small steak - which was generous, and perfectly done. She's a seldom eater of steak, but I recall her remarking about what a nice meal and nice service they had there.
  5. On 6/6/10? Who knows?
  6. My friend...your train has completely jumped off the rails this past week. Let's get back on track. stuck
  7. I'm not rah-rah'ing out there for Lynch, either. Rbs have a visceral draw that sells tickets. An 80-yard bomb excites, but not nearly as much as an rb that pops out of the OL/DL melee and takes it to the house. A fact not lost on the business. If an rb is having a spiff year, it can get noticed by the broadcasters and they give a contest wider distribution, chasing the buck - which redounds to the particular franchise. It also encourages the local advertisers to scoop up unsold tix in hope that they can hop on the same gravy train. I'm with you about rbs being a dime-a-dozen, but you have to have at least one that tickles the hoi polloi. Hence Spiller.
  8. Yep...if the crowd at a bar says pfft - something else - that's that.
  9. Or it says that they had an official policy of fighting a game-long rear guard campaign, dragging games out and hoping against hope...
  10. Watch the Sunday n'paper for coupons!
  11. Ligament involvement, IIRC. Time frame sounds right - I recall players going on IR later in the season if they got one.
  12. I can only wish that that was so!
  13. Good find, Jack!
  14. No lack of that here!
  15. FWIW, Mark - I've not been happy with the indie offerings that have drifted thru Cincy in the past several months. Seems dark, depressing, and R-rated is currently in vogue...
  16. Thanks for the info, bagel. I wouldn't have made the connection, but since you brought up his Dad's name, I now remember. EDIT: I moved from Bflo. to western PA in 1978.
  17. The Dakota: http://www.warbirdalley.com/c47.htm
  18. Lettuce pray not!
  19. We all do odd things from time to time. I certainly do. Keep posting.
  20. Old one: "If everything stuck in her stuck out, she'd look like a porcupine."
  21. Here's a thoughtful article from the Cincinnati Enquirer sports columnist Paul Daugherty: http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2010060...everse-The-Call
  22. Well, we have to hope he purchased an energy-efficient item. That's the important thing. http://www.energysavingcommunity.co.uk/und...ing-labels.html
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