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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Once you quit smoking, your innate joie de vivre fell into the toilet. I am now lighting up another Winston - full, rich tobacco taste. Mmmmm.
  2. Just another orbit, Dean. Nothing new. I was hoping to tweak Kelly, but he didn't bite.
  3. Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa: Gene Krupa and Cozy Cole:
  4. That advice is too late for Julius Caesar.
  5. Oh well...easley come, easley go.
  6. Buy oil futures. Iran exports crude and imports refinery products. The oil mideast nations have worthless economies save oil. Little manufacturing, little technology - they add nothing to progress. When their big shots get ill, they fly on foreign made jets to get healed. They buy their vehicles, building equipment, armaments from others, and so are short-timers on the battlefield. Israel's best bet isn't the nuke facilities - it's the port facilities. Kill them, and the snake will starve. Also - remember Lake Nyos. The Caspian is a target...
  7. No - I just thought I'd rise to the occasion, presented with a repeat thread.
  8. No thread need go unused. I bought a new breadmaking machine Sunday. $56 after cashing in one of the incessant BedBathBeyond 20% mailings. The rarely used incumbent bit the dust after 20 years. But I like to have one around. Truth be told, most times I use it, I have been smashed. Decent enough bread - warm, and that's good. The next day, the output makes truly excellent toast.
  9. See previous topic below...delete.
  10. Bills' linebacking corps last season: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_CAs3q7G48
  11. I always recommend kosher salt when rubbing it into a wound. Table salt has a bit more immediate effect, but the release of body fluids serve to sweep that assault away as well as one might hope. Kosher salt lingers.
  12. You don't have the proper frame of mind. Nil-nil or 1-1 is an exciting display of strategy and skill. Aesthetics matter. You are ugly and dumb in the view of soccer aficionados if you fail to realize that. Embrace the buzz...!
  13. That, and the gazillion closed shop union rules, their fat benefits that lift the leg on the paying public, and the subsequent costly overhead...
  14. Article in the local n'paper today: Doc: Cheaters are winners USC is in NCAA trouble. It was worth it, though. Every penny. by Paul Daugherty, Cincinnati Enquirer 6/15/10 http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2010061...ers-are-winners
  15. Er...because of the buzzing, I have decided to lift my leg on WC soccer. I wasn't commenting on the "quality" of the commentary. Go back and re-read my post.
  16. No can do! Baseball, hockey, basketball, football - I can readily do without listening to the game commentary. I'm a casual watcher of soccer. So for me, the announcers are important - describing plays, strategies, some words about the players, teams, etc.
  17. There are lots of i-net articles. It was only a matter of time for ones to pop up saying that banning them would be racial discrimination. Oh brother...
  18. I'm not getting used to it. I enjoyed the last world Cup, but sad to say, I'm done with this one. It was a lunacy to allow them in the first place. With hope, the market responds and their tv ratings tumble down a diamond mine and go splat - well, at least I did my part.
  19. I lasted for about 10 minutes watching today's Ger. - Aus. game before the buzzing got to me.
  20. I think the game would be improved if they wore spiked helmets...
  21. If I'm a team playing BUF this coming season, I will pound their new 3-4 on the ground 40 times. Quick snaps. Most runs between my tackles. Unbalanced line time to time. Make 'em bring up the defensive backfield. They will have to prove the error of my ways.
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