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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. I for one would like to read the product description.
  2. California welfare recipients withdrew $1.8 million at casino ATMs over eight months Jack Dolan, Los Angeles Times, June 25, 2010 http://www.latimes.com/news/local/politics...story?track=rss "California welfare recipients using state-issued debit cards withdrew more than $1.8 million in taxpayer cash on casino floors between October 2009 and last month, state officials said Thursday."... ..."Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued an executive order requiring welfare recipients to promise they will use cash benefits only to "meet the basic subsistence needs" of their families. The order also gave the state Department of Social Services seven days to produce a plan to reduce other types of "waste, fraud and abuse" in the welfare program. GOP legislators call for the cash to be returned."... ..."The Chumash resort in Santa Ynez is one of the 32 tribal casinos in California with ATMs that accept welfare recipients' debit cards."... Why anyone bothers to go to college or work anymore escapes me.
  3. Try this boil in the bag brand - foolproof. I cook it for nine minutes after it comes to a boil. Throw the bag in the water when you turn the heat on, and pick up the bag with tongs and hold it against the pan side to drain out the water when done. Any excess toss in a container and refrigerate - good the next day with a minute or so microwaving. http://www.successrice.com/en-us/products/...nBrownRice.aspx
  4. Good move. I don't grill much, but weather permitting, Sunday, I'm dragging out the charcoal grill for a rib eye, roasted corn and mushrooms. Little new potatoes butterflied, slathered with crisping butter and spices in the oven. Then toasted marshmallows over the embers.
  5. I wish I wasn't...sooner or later, you gotta pay the piper. I fondly remember the halcyon days of a half a pound of bacon and a third a loaf of Italian bread. Blood glucose levels have been rising in the past few years. The last thing I need to add to my sorry carcass is Type 2 diabetes (being fond of my eyesight and my limbs), so I've knocked my carbs way down. I try to keep them at a 100 grams or so (not including my beloved beer) A struggle - but I will add...if you want to lose weight, that's the ticket.
  6. I had an in- wall pipe from my kitchen sink rot out. Plumbers wanted a lot to fix it. So I slapped stuff to seal the pipe off from vapors, capped off the inlet, and ran the drain via a cobbled-up pvc pipe arrangement. I constructed a pvc pipe manifold with a clean-out plug that fit into the nearby downpipe, which is also a roof vent. I bought an adapter rubber collar to mate the small sink 1 1/2" pipe to 2" pipe...Lowes or Home Depot, I forget. Another to mate the piping from the sink to the manifold. I was fortunate, having the main drainpipe exposed and in reasonable proximity. Sometimes you get lucky. YMMV. Fernco is your friend: http://www.fernco.com/ Be sure to use the purple NSF-approved pvc cement - it's what's required for code. Check the label. If you don't and you get inspected, they will tell that you have to rip it out. And be sure to buy those cans of cleaner and primer. BTW - it you have to make supply water connections and are not comfortable with or able to sweat copper, or space is tight, I do recommend the Sharkbite connectors: http://www.sharkbite.com/ EDIT: I did successfully hose-clamp up some flexible sump pump hose from the sink 1 1/2 pipe to my manifold before I put in the glued-up hard pvc piping.
  7. 1/2 oz. corn flakes. 4 fluid oz. skim milk. 9 All-Bran fiber crackers with one 2% cheese slice. One generic Caltrate 600mg calcium pill, 7 gm. walnut halves (2 or 3 pieces). Milwaukee Ice beer and Winston Lights.
  8. BTW - nice indie flick from 2005 - Mad Hot Ballroom. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0438205/ Heartwarming story about kids in NYC in a city-wide dance competition. Fine for family & kids.
  9. Note here, the brevity and lack of imbedded quotes.
  10. Condoms, secrecy for Provincetown pupils Parents, official criticize policy By Jack Nicas, Boston Globe Correspondent / June 24, 2010 "Students in Provincetown — from elementary school to high school — will be able to get free condoms at school under a recently approved policy that takes effect this fall. The rule also requires school officials to keep student requests secret, and ignore parents’ objections."... (1st graders ok, kindergarteners are SOL) http://www.boston.com/news/education/k_12/...ncetown_pupils/
  11. May I encourage the mid-life folks, who may be on the outs with their spouse, to remember back, when you were both young and new. Nice video of a Bobby Darin and Petula Clark duet, singing "All I have To Do is Dream"... Don't you go give away your good thing. Right?
  12. He wasn't terrible at OSU. I probably watched 80% of his collegiate games, living where I do.
  13. GM offered a creeper gear tranny on their full-size half-ton p/u's in the mid-90's. Shift pattern was 4-3-2-1-L. IIRC, it was a $95 option. A fellow I worked with had a family farm and bought one. Very useful. The late '80's VW Vanagon 4wd models had same.
  14. Glad you liked it! When I view the old stuff (A Day at he Races was filmed in 1937) I wonder how the cast ended up. Certainly, all the adults have long past, but I'm guessing that some of those little kids might still be with us.
  15. I've viewed his entire career. CIN let him go because of $ prior to the '08 season, and he signed with BAL. And without doubt in my mind, gave BAL his years of info - I recall commentator Gannon in a game saying - "It's as if BAL has CIN's playbook." In his last seasons with CIN, he had physical problems - no surprise there considering his longevity. Willie was a fine player, but hard for me to think that somebody would want to sponsor a comeback... The mentor aspect - always curious to me. Teams hire all kinds of position coaches - isn't that their job? Anderson is a Fatburger franchise owner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnlmKBJGSYg BTW, ex-MLB player Dave Parker owns a Popeye Chicken franchies a few miles away from me. I dislike the products Popeye offers - everything loaded with sage IMO.
  16. GM and Ford are offering big discounts these days. Dodge, not as much AFAIK. Are you wanting 4wd? If 2wd, GM's latest limited slip axle is the best bet. I'm not sure why you would refer to GM's 6.0L ohv pushrod V-8 standard in the Silverado HD 3/4 ton as "poo"... Dodge switched to a coil rear last year, abandoning the time-tested Hotchkiss leaf springs. I guess time will tell. The 1-ton jobs (or more) - F350's, GM 3500's, Ford's 450 line - I know little about. That's commercial business territory to me. What are you hauling, that you need a 3/4 or 1 ton truck and want to pay the fuel costs, upkeep, and unladen punishing ride? I see often, these bone-punishing jobs (including dooleys) with a bed not used, being driven by what I guess are ego-trip folks.
  17. I signed my mortal coil over to UCinn. While one likes to think that one's carcass contributes to the education of young medical people, I know that that's not necessarily the case. They will try to harvest this or that, to sell (I hope they don't try to do that - after a lifetime of booze and cigs, my parts are very faulty and I am diseased). They also will try to charge my estate with the transportation cost to their icebox facility. I wish them luck. My wife will sing loud and clear to the media - plenty of them out there that would jump on such a juicy story... UCinn says that eventually, my wife will get some ashes that may or may not be mine. They offer the dumping of same in some sort of memorial site they pay for. Geo. Carlin once remarked that he would like his ashes put into a pepper mill at a pretentious restaurant .
  18. I'm not quite clear what you're asking, SDS. I have no direct experience, but my understanding of vacation insurance is to cover costs for pricey things like extensive cruises and hotels and the like, in case you or yours have a provable medical emergency, of the folks you paid $ to sare fradulent. I'm not getting the connection to employment. Here's an article from this morning's Cincy Enquirer business section that touches on "trip" insurance.": http://nky.cincinnati.com/article/AB/20100...-other-benefits
  19. Can't argue with him having promise. Entering his 4th season, he's only launched 89 passes, with 2 starts in the 14 games he appeared in. He certainly was a good college QB. With OSU...a perennial powerhouse (recent bowl games notwithstanding) with overall very good talent on both sides of the ball, year after year. They of course are a desired destination for top high schoolers, and have the advantage of drawing from a State that's one of the high school football hotbeds. I've no idea if he carries contract baggage.
  20. Great stuff - swing dancin' ! For your entertainment - the swing dance scene (mostly Lindy Hop) from A Day at The Races:
  21. Likely so - my info is at least 30 years old. I used so last week because I know that youngsters use the expression - several years ago. I suppose. That's the best I can do! BTW - your Best Street bus incident - 1967? 1968? I remember the so-called "Shotgun Line" along Bailey (I think) down by William that stopped the rioters that were burning up and looting the Fruit Belt.
  22. Well, I hope you and yours don't participate in that "let's see how he does under pressure" garbage. An interviewee - at least those that are not accomplished, nerves-of-steel liars with all the trendy answers who you will love, deserves a relaxed situation if you have an interest in getting a decent employee. Always provide a bottle of water, to wet the whistle, btw. You want to get the best from a candidate, not subject them to some idiotic torture test. I recall one interview - the HR twinkie's first words was "Tell me your ten worst features." I replied - only one...sitting here listening to you spouting the HR flavor of the day. How do you network? Yeesh - why not ask me how I good a con man I am...ye gods...
  23. Eh. Evans goes along with whatever goes. I can't say I've ever known him to fight to forge a victory in the fashion of a Wayne Chrebet or a Hines Ward. He's what I call "contract cruiser."
  24. Surprising. I don't think Jamestown has moved (thankfully) in 50 years. That's its' charm.
  25. No - they have their own.
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