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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Did he make a tackle on a Redskin runner Friday? I guess that would account for the tweak.
  2. I'm afraid you are preaching to a deaf audience, Chef. Several times through the years, I asked devotees to videotape themselves and then rate their enlightenment, how they can function. I never got one single reply. Drugs are pleasurable - no doubt about about that. So they grab you. If you are a scion of the Kennedy clan, one of the Grimaldi family - party on. Those folks are wrapped in money, unlike most. For the rest of us...it can take years to learn and tally up the cost. I'm certainly no saint. How different things are today. We old people weep over our children, and their children. There is need to ask us why we are weeping, before we are all gone.
  3. If one cares to look back into crime statistics (understanding that the recording of such is subject to re-writing, e.g. Good ole' Bill jiggering the Uniform Code in 1992 to make him look good on crime - did you know that a male can no longer be raped?) - during prohibition, a lot of crime dipped - the local squabbles, the wife beatings, petty thefts, local murders, beatings etc. Which made and makes sense now - booze is a big factor in crime. Drugs, too - but I guess we give a pass to smokables.
  4. Isaac Newton: "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction."
  5. Far from it, Dean. You only have read what I've decided to tell.
  6. I don't understand your repeated vehemence against Brohm, before the fact. Isn't it better to wait and see?
  7. Take a walk around the US or Canadian growing areas. You will be snared by explosive traps, have vicious dogs set upon you, you name it. Somehow there is this idea that domestically grown stuff is being done by nice folks just looking to make an amiable buck. No. Gangs, be they white bikers or hispanic gangs, black gangs, you name it. Kentucky, south of me, has a terrible problem. It's a State with natural beauty, but if you think you can roam about like you could years ago, think again. You may go "missing." These folks will slit your throat in an instant. And they depend on you to buy.
  8. He seems so - with the Fewell/Jauron Cover 2. emphasis. It's different now. So we will learn new things about the defensive backs. All we can do is "stay tuned."
  9. Here's a classic Bridge movie: the 1959 flick, Die Brücke You won't be all smiles after viewing this sad one... . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052654/
  10. I'm glad you read my posts. I don't need to see him play a "ton", as you have. I'm fairly quick on the uptake. Plus I have the pleasure of reading thousands of posts through the years, giving me some more insight about Mr. Evans. Unless you think all those posters are also a bunch of ignorant asses. "Gamer." From time to time, either side of the ball, there are players who dig deep and forge a victory out of improbable, seemingly impossible situations. How often has Evans done that? Does he fight for the last inch, play after play? Would you number him among receivers who come back into a play to help out his qb in trouble - he's often open, as you say. I'll take a Wayne Chrebet over a Lee Evans any day.
  11. The Native American thread starter who hated the Redskins needs to chime in here about the big Indian who liked Juicy Fruit gum and pitched the ceramic thing through the window. How racially insensitive...
  12. Teams ran over the Bills last year like a child stomping through a flower garden. Why bother to pass when you can chew up the clock and win? I can see why this or that Bills DB had some gaudy figure. I never knew that such was tracked - I guess it's something for an agent to bring up in contract negotiations.
  13. Beer.... The Mother of Us All (Jean Shepherd's America episode)
  14. He was attached at the hip to Brian Kelly for many years. And somehow decided that job #1 was to stop Tebow from running at all costs. All game long. So Tebow passed 'em silly.
  15. Add Kilmer, Difler, Gannon.
  16. I must say, though - he's a pretty good college football announcer IMO.
  17. His coaching performance in place of UC HC Brian Kelly in the Sugar Bowl was putrid, to put it mildly. Absolutely clueless.
  18. Eh - that's just one of those things a coach says. I wouldn't read much into it.
  19. I can't understand why folks want to string up the kid before he gets his shot.
  20. I've seen enough of Evans to realize his M. O. According to you, I have to watch every play of his 6 year career to dare utter a comment. You have never ever seen me. Who are you to imperiously deem my observations incorrect? Got it?
  21. Dunno - but like you say, Achilles tendon anything isn't good. There are several flavors of PUP, that only an insane man would keep tabs on. They can count against the final roster, if a club wants to carry a player in hope of recovery. I guess IR might come into play if it's a bad injury.
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