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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Right you are. CIN is dripping with WR decisions. TO?
  2. The role of the decoy often goes unrecognized.
  3. A word of advice...buy whatever durable goods you feel you need now, and those that you anticipate needing in the future.
  4. My guess is Edwards as starter, and Fitz. Unless Brohm shows something in camp and in pre-season, he's on the PS. His track record is zilch, and he did get beat out of a valuable roster spot with GB - and they paid a hefty 2nd round draft price for him. And evidently, he's a party boy. Levi Brown is likely to be tossed - a 7th rnd qb; the league is littered with such. I question any team keeping a 3rd qb these days. If #1 and #2 are knocked out, you probably already sunk if you need a come-back. You have to pay a minimum salary for that 3rd qb. I would put the cash elsewhere and hope that history plays out, that having to bring in a 3rd qb is a very rare happenstance. I know the 3rd qb is not a game-day part of the (idiotic IMO) active 45-man roster, but you do have to carry him on the 53-man squad.
  5. Ellis? Hardy? Harris? Parrish? McCargo? Rookies? etc.? Every team has to make the cuts. Decent prospects get axed. Thoughts?
  6. He can play whatever "technique" he likes. I own the snap count and as long as my linemen don't put a knuckle down I'll set my OL as I please. I might even snap the moment after the line is set. Or not. Frankly, I'm looking at your LBs and DBs and see how they place and dance about. And hoping your DLs shift around in response to my OL sets and ignore what I have in the backfield.
  7. Ta!
  8. The Niagara Escarpment and dolomite: http://www.geo.msu.edu/geogmich/niagara.html
  9. Perhaps a better question is to ask what changed in society, that gives us children 11 and 12 having children, 8 year-olds committing murders. Time was, when society in great measure actively shielded and protected kids from the ugliness of the adult world. That was tossed into the trash can decades ago. Sad. It's not a question of taboos - it's a realization that kids are what they are - immature. Eager to grab at the shiny thing, and in their innocence, cannot see the barbed hooks. You seem to think that they will somehow gain sage judgment via exposure to adult things. They can't. And we do a terrible job of teaching them history, IMO. Just terrible. You know as well as I do, that if so told, you will have 5 year-olds calling people "scrotum-face" or some such. They will become callous at such a young age. They will (as is always the case with youth) decide that they know all. And now armed with method and technique.
  10. This one doesn't spare the kindergartners... ..."The curriculum would also teach kindergartners anatomical terms such as penis, vagina, breast, nipples, testicles, scrotum and uterus."... http://www.deseretnews.com/article/7000481...under-fire.html
  11. Oh yes - once a couple of top picks sign, the articles will flow like a burst dam The fist-shaking at greedy players, cheap owners etc. The agents will get ink, etc. The usual stuff! Much was made last season, about OAK signing that wr to a high $$$ figure, about how that bollixed up everybody else etc. No such drama to date!
  12. Well said. Pro sports is a money-making enterprise - with a different kind of customer base than most. Emotions come into play, and that emotion is often - coldly - capitalized on by owner and players alike. In the constellation of ownerships across the pro sports through the years, Wilson is far from being one of the countless crumbs. I believe him to be a decent man who did his best according to his own lights. I can't say I could have done better - ego and sports go hand-in-hand.
  13. I don't know about a secret hard line, but it's conceivable. It's certainly a different situation with the CBA repudiation. Seems like the press is up in the air, also...usually by now, the daily papers and the i-net pundits are wondering out loud/beating the drums/stirring the pot about signings. It's been quiet here.
  14. You missed the scarasm. Out of the 38 or so occupations listed in that reference, federal pay lagged in only 5. also, "• Federal. The federal pay premium cut across all job categories — white-collar, blue-collar, management, professional, technical and low-skill. In all, 180 jobs paid better average salaries in the federal government; 36 paid better in the private sector." And look it up - there are no end of studies that show that government workers are far less likely to be fired, or leave their jobs to go into the private sector. Most feel (correctly so) that they are set for life. I shake my head when pols (Obama for one) talk about jobs, the "plight of our teachers, our firemen, our police" and so on. Always the plight of the protected class. The store clerk? the factory worker? the oil change jockey? Naa... And the unions - union labor for federal jobs. Union wages for OH jobs. Union wages for Cincinnati jobs. "Card Check." A Senator (Casey?) who introduces a bill to make you and I responsible for mis-managed union pension plans. This is called building a Praetorian Guard, a Sturmabteilung. History repeats. It's inexorable.
  15. The "American Dream" is working out quite nicely for some. Why bother to better yourself? Why go to college? Walter William's column, Where Best To Be Poor, 6/30/10: http://econfaculty.gmu.edu/wew/articles/10...estToBePoor.htm It's inexorable.
  16. The citizens maintained 6.5mm bolt action rifles for decades, replaced by M16's, and they are a legendary arms manufacturer. But they are neutral.
  17. If my finger pushed that 1st button - Switzerland would be the first nation incinerated. Not for this - that's typical peanuts for them. But for centuries of providing haven for the money of tyrants - and for their citizenry, who never have lifted a finger out of their pastries to help a fellow human being, barring the occasional PR stunt. Seeing horrid happenings through history, they stroke themselves and declare their "neutrality. It is the most selfish nation on the planet IMO. Sweden gets the next salvo.
  18. Dunno. With the uncapped year, I'd be inclined to let my 1st rounder twist on the vine until he and his agent meest my terms. Lots of them hold out anyways, through the years. To me, their value drops. So I'll wait until their itch for that requisite Cadillac Escalade grows. For most teams, ticket sell-outs are the norm, so if a golden child holds out, it doesn't hurt me a bit. The league camps start the end of this month, and nobody in the 1st has signed. I think there was one 2nd rounder that inked a contract.
  19. May he RIP, Stl,
  20. Choke her with the garter?
  21. That should do it...
  22. Oh boy - a personal attack gang is forming! Can't wait!
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