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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. McCargo has 4 lousy years in so far. That's enough, I'd dump him. Ellis - he deserves some time.
  2. No. She looks like one of those things that hangs off the end of a V-twin motorcycle with zero sense of fashion. Useful in harness, pulling a plow.
  3. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/gossip/201...es-to-jail.html Ring you hands and remember it's not her fault.
  4. Heh - back in my grocery store days, the produce folks wore stout leather gloves when unpacking bananas. That is probably more common, what with all the foreign produce these days.
  5. He was an odd pick - a 2nd rounder, - the Bills' first selection after the move up to get JP the previous year. We all hoped. One would think that after 5 years, the braintrust would simply admit that he hasn't panned out, something that happens to all teams all the time. He takes up a precious roster spot. I think they should move him on, somehow. But they won't...the Bills' have to be among the leaders in inability to evaluate wr talent. I don't know why that is, but it is persistent.
  6. I think Roscoes' ship has sailed. In his 5 year career, he has totaled 100 catches, and 5 tds...3 catches last season. It's obvious to me that he is no reliable threat, but amazingly, they extended his contract to the tune of $12M in '07. They could have hawked him away for his PR skills, but they didn't. I think that window is closed now. They should peddle him to the highest bidder and eat the $.
  7. I'm not ignoring it at all. Just noting that they will be playing even more clubs with years of experience with it this season, whereas the Bills are neophytes at implementing it. The questions about the current personnel are out there - remember last season, when many Bills' watchers rolled their eyes at the much-ballyhooed no-huddle offense. And they were proven correct. I recall when Dockery and Walker were purchased - the battle cry then was "smash-mouth football!" Along with the chronic "don't give things away in preseason!" Don't work out the kinks in preseason, and surprise the league when the games start. Not so successful...
  8. Creepy-Crawly Cargo Halts 'Spider Ship' Tuesday July 20, 2010, Andy Jack, Sky News Online "Authorities in the US territory of Guam have turned away a ship after thousands of spiders overflowed from its cargo."... http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Strange-N...wl_From_Cargo__
  9. This season, they play something like 12 games against teams that use a 3-4. So the opposition will be prepared.
  10. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/gallbladder-removal/AN00067
  11. You can take a sledge and crack up the old concrete. Be sure to break all the way through. Then put pavers down: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqV7YuKdtz8 If you are increasing the size beyond the old patio, Be sure to address drainage. Some sort of French drain - if you don't take such simple steps, you might over-saturate a tree when the rains comes (and can crash down), or drive groundwater and water pressure to your house foundation. This is important.
  12. I have a lot of family there - B'ham area, some around Montgomery.
  13. Why must we always curse?
  14. What does that mean?
  15. Prayers for a speedy recovery!
  16. Excellent advice.
  17. They should have shopped him 2 years or so ago to teams that were looking for a PR and a roster-filling 5th WR - and offered flexible terms.
  18. Yep. I replaced the 4 shocks on my simple 1998 S-10. It was a struggle, because of 10 years of corrosion. After a week of spraying with WD-40, I sawed off the top bolts, which I have learned is commonplace. The part price for the 4 shocks were about 70 bucks. Same as the shop I deal with, but to them, replacement of shocks is the same as replacement of struts (flat rate), so they quoted a labor cost of $102 front and $85 rear. I also knew I needed a new battery. Their replacement battery suggestion was a bit high, but not excessive. But they wanted 15 bucks to perform a job that takes 5 minutes - tops. I had to replace the neg. cable end a few years back. It was a 3 dollar part. They recommended replacing that, with a ten buck part price and a 16 dollar labor charge. I removed the current item and serviced it. They wanted to charge $80 for a diff lube change - no drain plug on the diff, so the way it is done is with a vacuum tube to suck out the old through the filler port. I had that done elsewhere at one of the oil change shops for 41 bucks. That shop wanted $50 to replace a fuel filter, telling me tales of danger. I read up about the procedure, bought a new filter for $7, and live to tell about it - neither me, my vehicle or my my home was burnt down. Never- never fail to go to the repair shops for your wife, your mom, your sisters, your nieces, your daughters. They will be financially raped.
  19. They might be able to improve their lot if they ran some more traps, and dare I say it - unbalanced line? That's what CIN did last year, to the benefit of the resurrected Cedric Benson. There are ways to help out a weaker OL. Personally, I'd run an unbalanced line right 10 or more times with a quick hand-off or a quick pass to that fellow they plucked #1. An unknown - to me at least, is how fast Spiller is to a hole. All I see is his rah-rah highlight vids, and those vids invariably feature the open-field spiff stuff. The comments that want him to split out as a wr pains me. As one poster pointed out, he doesn't have the experience when faced with a pro backfield. Nothing wrong with a shot now and then, but keep it at a minimum. You don't work a lot in practice on such.
  20. Yes - they are ready to be one of the league's top OLs...
  21. Buy the Sunday papers to get the coupons and scour the store specials and stock up. The grocery store I shop at on Sunday routinely has buy 10 for a dollar and get one free promotion, and they take any coupon under a dollar and run them up to a dollar off. They have their own coupon printing devices. Example: for the last 3 weeks, I've had a half-gallon of Smart Balance milk ($3.99 retail) for free. Stocking up when the price is good is key. I currently have 5 boxes of dishwash soap, 7 bottles of laundry detergent, five 75 ft rolls of aluminum foil, tons of paper towels and toilet paper, canned goods, flour, you name it - all purchased on special and most all with coupons. This Saturday, I'm hitting a store that has rump roast for $1.89/lb. I'll buy 10 or so pounds, butcher it into portions, wrap it well and put it into the freezer. I also purchase other things like motor oil, HVAC filters etc. when the price is right. By the simple expedient of keeping a peeled eye, I know(I keep records) that my consumables are at least 25% less than spot buying. Tip for storing breadstuffs - slice a loaf, wrap rolls with a paper towel, then put into a freezer bag. The towel wrap keeps them well, and when you take them out and shake off any crumbs and let the moisture dry, they are there to use. The freezer bag can be re-used.
  22. Seems that every club has one or two of the same...
  23. "The Bengals have been consistently good the last 10 years as well, but they’ve had worse luck than just about any team in the league." I'll agree with the bad luck (career ending injuries to several top picks, tons of other injuries), but "consistently good over the last ten years"? ...
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