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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Good point. I guess the device might be relegated to be taken out for a local stroll about town. Then cooed over, with words by the citizenry as to how the melon is so,so cute. The old troupes, Firesign Theater and SCTV could work with this.
  2. I noticed the collapsible handle. I wonder if it would qualify as carry-on luggage...
  3. Well, it could be hit by a black helicopter, and both crash to the ground.
  4. I love trap plays. And Lombardi's power sweep.
  5. May he R.I.P.
  6. So - when will you be sending out your personal check to that private business? You might like to read the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1009 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Liberation_Act Or perhaps the words of these folks: http://www.snopes.com/politics/war/wmdquotes.asp
  7. I don't know. A respected, old-time poster said that it did, a couple of years ago.
  8. Some say the return of fried balogna...
  9. It was easy to find her because she smelled like ! Beat me to it. (As he ducks into a deep, deep cavern to avoid the blows).
  10. Why to you think that other people who don't give a flying F about the NFL shoud pay for your personal yucks? Can't you just open up your own wallet and send a $10K check to the private, profitable business that markets itself under the name "Buffalo Bills?" Do it today!
  11. None here either. Sad - the kids will have their back bent over so hard, they will never see the light of day. IMO. When do you think the currency collapses?
  12. Didn't you once say that was the reason why the rich old coots married those young bimbos? And does it matter? The coming swarm of the Young Octoberists will confiscate that $ and torch your vista anyways.
  13. Bowling? Oh wait - that's Rochester.
  14. I ordered a $29.95 prepaid plan Samsung v239 from T-Mobile yesterday. I'll switch over the SIM card from my 19.95 Nokia - I have 174 minutes on that. I would like to rewind the clock, to when a long-distance call cost 2 or three bucks. Then we would stop bothering the daylights out of each other 24/7, and live in quiet peace.
  15. Well, I hope she hooks up with a young toy boy properly encumbered, to avoid having the estate grabbed so that the pols can line their pockets then hand over what's left to buy votes.
  16. Been years since I've been on a flight. Are those Mutual of Omaha boxes still out there, anywhere? My wife travels frequently, and I don't see them at CVG. I did get a mailing from my rotten MC card issuer recently (Citi - they bought the biz from the equally rotten AT&T). They reduced my death payment if I used them to buy tix, from a million to 250K.
  17. I agree. Granted, he may turn out a dud - but after years of qb woes, I thought it was time to roll the dice, like they did with JP. I wasn't a big fan of JP in college, but sometimes you just have to take a chance. I totally reject any thoughts about "waiting for next year." If I owned a club, I would feel that I owe it to my current players and the paying fans and the buyers of the trinkets to do my best to win - every season. CAR tried to address their situation - Clausen in the 2nd, and then Pike in the 6th. No idea if it works out for them, but I applaud their effort.
  18. When you are ready, you will not lack for recruits for your quest.
  19. Great - another looming fruit.
  20. If the eschatology is correct...during the Parousia.
  21. Failing that, my only hope would be to try to shatter his collarbone or knee with my old, heavy, laminated wood cane. Believe me, it is a deadly weapon. If I was having a spell and was using my walker, I'd hold it up feet forward while shouting "El Toro! El Toro!"
  22. There's one up the road from me. They are on the end of a failed mall (My wife calls it the Bass end of the mall). They do well. I don't think that folks are flying in just to shop there, but they certainly draw from our tri-state (IN-OH-KY) area. They managed to whack off most of the competition, especially those that sold to the shooting sports fans. 2 outfits in particular - a local concern named Relo (great selection, but idiots - I was strolling about in the store one day, and a clown behind the counter was trying to sell a vastly inappropriate handgun to a young family. This jerk chambered a .45 ACP into a single-action semi-auto, put it into battery and waved it around while demonstrating how to manipulate the hammer to de-rooster it) and a company called Jumbo sports. Dick's sporting goods still competes, but they are also dumb re firearm safety. The RULES are: 1. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. 2. Never hand over, or accept a firearm with a closed action. Both parties are obligated to inspect the chamber and if present, the magazine.
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