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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. He has yet to play a single NFL game.
  2. Would you care to edit?
  3. So you say - after issuing a peremptory decree classifying the beloved WNY staples - dark chocolate-coated sponge candy, loganberry syrup, and Parkside Candies sodas, as gay items.
  4. Ever have to shave those hairs that pop up on the surface of the beak? - not the nasal hairs. Another gift for living long...
  5. Grumpy young bastards think that if they snap their fingers, all must dance attendance. Your bad.
  6. Endearingly, learn about the word and use it properly. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod
  7. Do a search - commonly available items.
  8. You are getting old. See also ear hair.
  9. Buy a revolver. .357 Mag, which also chambers .38 Special. You can use proper bullets, some of which cause problems with a semi-auto. Safer, and much more reliable. I'm assuming you want a piece that you hope you never have to use - don't buy one of the cheap semis - false economy. If you are bent on a 9MM, IIRC Ruger or Taurus sells a revolver so chambered. I recommend purchasing a used revolver from a local gun shop. And get some training.
  10. No, no NFLN. I hope you enjoy that CFL game. I think it's a pleasing variant - the players hit hard and strive to win. What else need there be?
  11. Buy some dark chocolate-coated sponge candy. Buy some loganberry syrup. Visit Parkside Candies for a chocolate soda.
  12. I'm an old T-Cat fan, and I like CFL ball. I miss being able to see broadcasts.
  13. That's the hot topic today, here in CIN: http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2010072...ve-a-little-fun
  14. Probably...
  15. I was among those that felt he would be a clubhouse problem of some sort. I was wrong. One could make a case for overpaying him, but he is a "name" player, and that probably insured a healthy road attendance - of which BUF got their cut AFAIK.
  16. Coles was a terrific run blocker. After he was cut, he remarked, "Carson likes tall receivers."
  17. One if by rifle. Two if by double-barreled 12 ga.
  18. That's the I.R.S., not the aliens.
  19. See my posts. What do you think I've been doing here?
  20. The world breathes a sigh...
  21. Eh. St. Palmer has been in steady decline - injuries have taken their toll, and without leaping receivers running razor-precise route, he's pretty pedestrian. He's quite the "timing" qb - has always encouraged wrs to come to Cali in the off-season to work out with him. If they miss camp for whatever reason, he's in trouble. The coaches finally made him scramble and take off and run from time to time last season. The defenders were shocked, so it was largely successful. They ran the ball because Palmer couldn't get it done. But they are stuck with his fat, iron-clad contract for the next several years. He's entering his 8th season - only 2 playoff appearances - the one with that PGH player cutting his knee out on the 1st play, and a bozo performance against NYJ last season. I've watched him his entire pro career. When he calls an audible, it's a deep hand-off run left. Almost without exception. In the waning moments, look for the long right overthrown sideline pass and make the easy interception. I've seen it year after year. He's had the same (idiot) OC his entire pro career. My wife thinks I have some special powers, as most times I look at Palmer and the CIN offense lining up, and correctly predict the play call.
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