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Everything posted by SABURZFAN

  1. Lossman they'll be known as Loss Vegas when he's done.
  2. John Bonham hands down. even Animal, from the Muppets, knows that.
  3. GETTING???? how much slower can they get?
  4. BJ's and Jackyl. what an awesome thread. i've seen Jackyl 4 times when i lived in Vegas. 'When Will It Rain' is another great song. Rock Me Roll Me And Jackyl Me Off!!!!!!!!! Hell Yeah!!!!!!!
  5. this is supposed to be a fun thread and G. Host is bellyaching. STAY THE HOME!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i think Goodell sent the message loud and clear. Stallworth broke the law and killed somebody. the NFL is a high-profiled organization which has endured many black eyes through various player conducts. Goodell can't clean it up overnight but the strict penalties that he has been enforcing should make the players think twice now. they are not above any law. deflating a few egos is what's needed. it's nice to see somebody finally drop the hammer.
  7. not at all. but i see you're behind in the times over here. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=90530
  8. if the UFL doesn't work for Lossman, he can stand in front of the Star Nursery on Eastern Avenue, with the rest of the Mexicans, and do cheap, tax free labor.
  9. go stick your head back in your ass and take two deep breaths. your feet are getting wrinkled from your saliva.
  10. the Bills just need to draft the best player available.
  11. didn't he have like 11 catches last year? i know it wasn't many.
  12. even for a Klondike bar.
  13. it's not kitty.
  14. nobody mentioned 2 Live Crew??? HEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WANT SOME kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. injuries and underachieving really hurt this team. when you're getting drubbed by Ottawa and losing to the likes of Atlanta and the Islanders, it's no wonder that the Sabres will be on the golf course early.
  16. there would be a lot of tired hands in this place.
  17. if it were, The Dean and his minions would be all over it.
  18. quit listening to the heavy metal stuff and expand your mind.
  19. c'mon..... be nice to the booger eaters.
  20. don't read it if you don't F'n like it.
  21. this is a helluva thread, Skoob. the rumor you heard made this board pick up with replies. you're just what this place needs. YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. i would entertain the idea of trading down if you can find a somebody to overpay a bit. having that kind of talent left on the board could possibly make a couple teams scramble.
  23. you hit the nail on the head and it should end right there. anything else after the holdout is an excuse.
  24. Me Myself & I unanimously vote yes.
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