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Everything posted by SABURZFAN

  1. I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. of course he is. since i'm the King of Chroise, why would he not lurk in here? who better to teach him than me?
  3. how many inches of dust was on this thread before you bumped it?
  4. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! it couldn't be any more accurate than that. there was no cherry picking anything. Losman has more leverage NOW because he did what he HAD to do. report to the team and keep his mouth shut. had he chose to not show up, other teams would have considered him done because they would detect it as an attitude problem. had it been ONE coach and ONE offensive coordinator, i could possibly agree with your developmental error comment. but when it's becomes more than one, they obviously see something that you don't. it was obvious that he regressed, last year, from the year before. i'm sure that a couple of teams may be interested. John Matuszak, Steve Largent, Frank Lewis, Jim Plunkett, and many others are examples of that. it's possible. get back to me when he becomes the next Rob Johnson.
  5. it wasn't a post to bash him either. i'm sure that some of the Losman fans took it that way though.
  6. we even had a 1-13 season in the 70's.
  7. DING!!!!! DING!!!!!! DING!!!!!!!! we have a winner.
  8. we understand. that's the Losman fan coming out of you. let it go, bro, let it go.
  9. does Losman carrying a clipboard on the Seventh Day qualify as resting?
  10. i never said that so stop exaggerating.
  11. i take that back. you aren't even of age to drink. it looks like "pepsi" for you, 752. (pun intended)
  12. keep those excuses coming........
  13. even better. you buy the beers, we'll talk about Losman, and then get on the subject of Hamdan.
  14. i wonder if the Bills can win with Losman at QB, considering they won more when they had a rookie starting. argue that fact.
  15. that's only because he's not good enough to hold out. when he starts establishing himself like Chad Johnson, etc... then he has some kind of leverage to do so. the last i saw, he's still under contract with the Bills so he has no choice. he NEEDS the practice anyways since he couldn't beat out a rookie last year. he just needs to keep his mouth shut, practice, and hope that he can perform well to beat out a second year player.
  16. on the flipside, younger guys can also be immature about things like that too. i don't know both of your ages but that could be a possibility as well.
  17. gas prices are ridiculous. i'm glad that work isn't too far of a drive. (18 miles roundtrip) last week i filled up at $3.21 a gallon. the following day, that same place went to $3.29 a gallon.
  18. the Easter bunny didn't stop at my house.
  19. spaghetti and garlic bread
  20. unfortunately, we're only getting your side of the story. i'm sure that there's a lot of things left out as to why he feels this way. for all we know, you could have been leading him on. kind of like the jackass chasing the carrot, while you're the one dangling it front of him, and he's pulling the cart with you in it.
  21. Happy B-Day Mike90210458673. quit being a wuss and get out and party. don't let a little cough leave you bed-ridden.
  22. Allegany is my favorite but another campground that i liked was Sprague Brook. it's outside of the Boston-Springville area across from the ski resort. (can't remember the name)
  23. International Day of Chroise will happen when the Bills cut him.
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