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Posts posted by sfladave

  1. He played decent for the Rams when he needed to.


    If, god forbid, knock on wood, Drew goes down, Travis Clown scares the be-jesus out of me. Germaine would at least be an upgrade at the #2 spot.


    Damn, Im still so ticked that Losmans hurt. He SO would have put Travis Clown in the looking for work line.




    :doh::lol::P:blink::blink::blink::blink::blink: :blink: :blink:

  2. I'm soo sick and tired of the people here that underestimate EVERYBODY that we're playing. The Jaguars, Raiders, Jets...the list goes on and on and on. I support the Bills as much as anybody in here, but u guys are the idiots that get ALL your hopes up before the season starts and when they fall below ur expectations, ur the ones that are the first to bash Drew, or bash the Coaching staff, or bash somethin and come up with dumb excuses. Stop underestimating and think realistically. We're a GOOD team right now, but i don't know if we're an AFC Championship team as of now. Only time will tell. As of right now i think we're an early wild card team probably at best. Theres still a lot of things to get done before the season starts.



    So tell us what you really think. :D

  3. A blessing in disguise for us wallers, but not for the team.


    I don't think any of the Bills players would start jumping on the Bedsoe has got to go bandwagon, at least not as fast as some here on the wall would or already have.


    This unfortunate situation is probably a big plus for us here at the wall though, as in server relief. We should have about 500 less posts a day after every Bills game talking about how Lossman should be in there and not Bledsoe.

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