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Everything posted by sfladave

  1. Only if the lamb is in the fifth state of matter, "Bose-Einstein condensate". As per Easterbrook, "Last week, I said that when I called Dave Wannstedt "solid" as a coach, I only meant that he was neither gas, liquid nor plasma. Ryan Anderson of Huntington Beach, Calif., notes physicists now believe there is a fifth state of matter, "Bose-Einstein condensate," in which subatomic particles become so cold that atoms stop moving. Anderson notes, "Sounds kind of like Wannstedt-coached teams once cold weather hits!" "
  2. "Tuesday Morning Quarterback Thought for the Day No team ranked in the top 10 offensively made last year's Super Bowl. Two top-10 defensive teams did, however." -I usually like Easterbrook but this was the only interesting tidbit of information I got out of this entire article!
  3. The storm is now moving 10mph so with a diameter of almost 160 miles of hurricane force winds it will take 16 hours to get through the worst of it.
  4. I'm in Deerfield Beach which is just soutrh of WPB and just north of Ft Lauderdale. My brother lives in N Palm Beach and the EOC called him today and told him it is mandatory for him to evacuate today. He, his wife, my 2 nieces and their dog are coming to stay with me tonight in my 1 bedroom apartment. Hopefully we can weather out the storm here but if not we're going to _______????????
  5. What are you basing your judgement with Bledsoe on? Not one of your posts has stated ANYTHING about why you think this. Make your arguement don't just state it.
  6. Please explain what it is that Drew is doing that justifies your statement about his poor play. It seems to me that you simply don't like Drew and regardless of how he plays your opinion is already made up. Give me some specifics for your arguement.
  7. I read the NFL Network schedule and I didn't see a Sat telecast of the game, I did see a a Sunday at 11am telecast though.
  8. Steve what is the latest that you've heard? I'm only about 1 1/2 miles from the coast.
  9. You could always try patsie.com or fish.com if you're that unhappy with this site. Or if you're a true Bills fan you could start your own site and devote untold hours of your free time and money to make the rest of us happy. I hate whiny ass bitches! Scott, you the man!
  10. Ramius you are a true example of what a good person is all about! When people ask me to describe a Bills fan you will be my example! If you weren't so far away I'd take you up on your offer just for the chance to hang with you (especially if you really have truckloads of beer ). Thank you for your support, if I don't see you this weekend I hope we get to spend some time together in another more enjoyable situation!
  11. Don't forget that they say you should have at least 1 gallon of beer for every day that you expect to be without water if it hits our area. I tend to think that this is woefully inadequate, so I have hoarded 3 gallons per day assuming 10 days of no water. Seriously though have you made any plans to leave the area yet? I'm going to the Keys with my brother if this is coming our way. If I have to vacate my household I figure I'll have a good time doing it. Don't take this storm lightly, if it does hit our area we are in deep stevestojan (no pun intended). Find a safe place to bunker down and don't rely on any shelters (most will not allow dogs). DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WILL DO IF IT DOES HIT OUR AREA!!! Be safe and not stupid, GOOD LUCK!
  12. The thing you have to consider is will Jamal Lewis play much after Nov. 1st? That is when his trial begins. The Ravens have already said he will not play if he is unable to practice. I'm not so sure if they will hold true to that though. Bottom line is he may not miss a game or he may miss the rest of the season, you just don't know. Taylor is a good back if he stays healthy, I would consider offering a counter trade of Lewis for Taylor staight up.
  13. NFL and no other sports of course! If that curling or brooming ice game they play in Canada is considered a sport then I would have to think a bit before I answered.
  14. My neighbor and I got into one, he came in 10th I took 2nd and won $60. Congrats on your 1st.
  15. I'm in Ansons bay
  16. I had to reboot are you guys in kabraa
  17. I need 5 minutes
  18. any 2 players from paradise can join, these fill up rather fasr, we'd just have to wait for a few minutes until 10 people sign up. If you look there are already about 25 20 dollar games currently running
  19. look above the tournament in the main lobby it says mini-tourney, they are tournaments that take the 1st 10 people we should set a time 5 minutes from now and have everyone sign up for the first available
  20. we'll all have to sign up for the same one, so we have to coordinate it
  21. well it didn't fly does everyone want to do a mini?
  22. roll call of everyone in the tournament and whether you'd be into a 10 person mini if this doesn't start
  23. what i suggest is that if it cancels on us we goto a mini tourny for 10 people and all sign up thay have a 20 + 2
  24. we won't know until it is start time.
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