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Everything posted by sfladave

  1. Now I've heard it all!!! A third string QB in high school thinks he would perform better than Bledsoe. For you to even suggest this is laughable, but to try and explain WHY you think you are better is downright hilarious. Bledsoe's chances of getting into the HOF will depend more on who he is up against than his overall stats. He has SOME meaningful numbers and is VERY popular, a weak HOF class could get him in.
  2. Fug the pats I hope that they take a lickin and stop tickin! A Bills fan rooting for the pats is the equivelent of a Red Sox fan rooting for the Yankees. It simply is not natural.
  3. I'm not the least bit worried about our kickoffs, we were rated number 1 in opponents starting field position. What I worry about is the fact that we have a kicker who the coaches will not use if it is over 40yds. We need to upgrade the position through the draft or through FA. Lindell cost us points and games. He is a liability not an asset!
  4. If that is Clay Aiken then, "These are what I want for my birthday."
  5. Beer: The cause of and solution to all of lifes problems.
  6. I’d like to thank everyone for their ideas and concerns. Rocco is back home from the vet and should be fine in a few weeks. They had to operate on him to repair some muscle damage and then suture his lacerations. My vet gave me copies of the pictures they took of the wounds to show the police and animal control. My first and foremost concern was the health and well being of my dog and thankfully my dog should recover. The vet bill came to just under $500 and I’ll get another one in 10 days for $150. If the dog owner pays me back without a problem great. If not I will try to get it back by other means. I am only interested in recovering the cost of the vet bills, not for pain and suffering. I’m not interested in profiting from my dog’s misery…talk about bad karma. I am angry over what was an avoidable situation. If the owner had been responsible and kept his dog on a leash this entire incident would never have happened, which leads to my second concern, his dog never doing this again. I will be talking to my apartment complex manager regarding this guy staying here. I want this dog gone. The owner has already exhibited his unwillingness to leash the dog even though this has already happened in the past to other dogs two times before and I have no reason to believe this third incident will make any difference. I called the police last night and did file a police report. They said they cannot do anything unless they personally see him walking the dog without a leash. If they did see that they said they would actually arrest him and charge him. They also said that I should report it to animal control, which I will be doing later today.
  7. I other words he is not going to "prod the bear"!
  8. I was walking my dog in my apartment complex today and a BIG German Sheppard attacked my dog. He got a couple of bites in before I was able to separate them. Rocco, my dog, has several 3-4 inch lacerations, one of which is 2 inches deep. They had to operate on him, but he should be ok in time, but I'm going to have a BIG vet bill($5-7 hundred). The dog that attacked Rocco has done this twice before to other dogs in the complex. The owner lets his dog walk around with out a leash, and several people including myself have told him that he needs to keep his dog leashed, but he has brushed off the suggestions saying we worry too much. The owner of the dog, who I know, said he'll pay the vet bill. The problem is that I know he is currently unemployed and was evicted from this complex at the beginning of December, and has since moved into another person’s apartment in this complex. I'm sure that he will have a hard time coming up with any money. One of my neighbors said that perhaps my apartment complex could be held liable because they knew he was still living here without being on a lease. Does anyone know if that is true? I'm going to call the police or animal control to document the incident, does anyone have any other suggestions for me? The kicker is that I know this guy, but he isn't a close friend. I wanted to bash him upside the head with a baseball bat because it was his stupidity that did this to my dog, but he's a big guy (in fact he played for the Bills and several other football teams a few years ago).
  9. Apparently heroin must be the fountain of youth.
  10. zzzzzzzzzzzzz...nothing happening right now. Noone is even at the desk. The chat room is just as exciting. That being said I will check this out on a Friday or Saturday night after midnight sometime. I wonder how many hits this site gets on the weekend nights?
  11. Nature delights in punishing stupid people.
  12. And you're basing this statement on what? How could you possibly know? A player could be good enough to go to the Pro Bowl but something will prevent them from helping their team make it to the Super Bowl. What prevents that, their wonderlic scores?
  13. Did they mention, "When Hell freezes over..." It has been mighty cold lately. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I won't hold my breath.
  14. Don't forget Ricky Williams, Chris Weinke and Danny Wuerffel.
  15. Embarrassing if they were competing on Jeopardy, BUT they play in the NFL and 2-3 of them have Pro Bowl potential. I'd take Winslow, Wilfork or Taylor on the Bills anyday.
  16. I think the 1st time he took it he had to pee and he scored somewhere in the teens.
  17. No pun intended. Well I have to agree that less government is better government. BUT, I feel that this is leading down the path of personal liberties being violated and that scares me. This will be decided in the courts which is fine with me. I don't want any laws governing this, but a precedent set by the courts would be appropriate.
  18. I think you're missing the larger picture here Coach. What about the additional costs imposed on us by overweight individuals who suffer from heart disease and other ailments from being overweight? I'd be willing to bet there are more overweight people in the US than there are smokers. What about the invasion of our personal lives outside of work?
  19. And then there is of course the neighborhood MILF story.
  20. I assume you meant to type depressing, which is what your posts are starting to become. At first I was just annoyed at some of the dribble you've been posting, now I am actually considering using the ignore button for the 1st time. It seems to me that you are constantly looking to attack anyone’s character with whom you disagree, get a life.
  21. The real problem with this is the precedent it sets. Where will this line be drawn. The company said it did this to lower health coverage cost. What happens when insurance companies start saying we'll lower your policy if you don't hire anyone who drives a red car because statistics show people who drive red cars are more likely to get into accidents. Or perhaps anyone who drinks will be next.
  22. Why do you have to be sooo gay and post something like this.
  23. Here in Deerfield Beach it still hasn't started snowing. I gassed up the snowblower though, just in case.
  24. That is a very good point that I never considered before.
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