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Everything posted by sfladave

  1. You mean like the competition between Feely and Fiedler this year? That really helped the fish out this year!
  2. Yawn...I'm going to hibernate...wake me up for any exciting FA moves, Draft weekend, the minicamps and I'll stay up once the preseason starts. Hopefully a year from now we'll be talking about a much improved NHL! Fuggin strikes!
  3. He was a tool, but what an amusing tool he was. His tirades huffing and puffing along the sidelines were great. Too bad the madman couldn't coach worth a damn! He looked the part, hee just couldn't play the part.
  4. Billy Joe "I forgot to work" Hobert!
  5. Ha ha ha...A hockey talk show. What is the point of having a hockey talk show? The show makes as much sense to me as the players union and the owners do...none!
  6. Whatwasyourpoint,Ihadahardtimefollowingwhatyousaidafteryourfirstparagraph?
  7. I am not calling JP a first round bust. I am saying that we simply don't know at this point if he will be the answer. He has not done a single thing in the NFL to show that he is capable to be anything more than a bust. He has looked bad in mop up duties, even admitting he wasn't ready to play for the NE game. Let’s see JP in the preseason first and determine whether or not he might be the answer. Everyone here is willing to say JP will be the savior of this team, but I cannot subscribe to this theory until I see him perform well in big game situations. Drew is obviously not the answer but that does not make JP the answer by default.
  8. I agree 100%.Why give away the only advantage that you have. The problem is that this may not have been your advantage, what if everyone else had a gun too. You and your wife could have been in jeopardy! You may be well equipped to handle most situations, but you cannot say for sure that you can handle every situation. That being said, I am glad that everything turned out well for you.
  9. What you are not admitting is the fact that he is possibly right. I hope JP is the next superstar QB, but what can you point out to me that this will be true? Is it the 3-4 preseason games that convinced you that JP is the man?
  10. To each their own I can just hear the coach now, "OK Marquis, just imagine the cops are right on your ass now, if they catch you you're fu*ked, if you get away you get that $3 million signing bonus. That being said, if Bledsoe is on his game he is one of the top ten QBs in the league. The problem is that he has rarely been on top of his game in the last two and a half years, and never against a superior team. At this point I want to see what JP can do as a starter. I think that he will have growing pains as a starter but I really don't see that being a setback compared to the Bills with Bledsoe at the helm this year. When we had the nice run this year it wasn't because Bledsoe carried the team it was because he didn't lose it for our team. My biggest concern is if JP will be like McNabb in his first few years, and run instead of staying in the pocket when under pressure. I don't think that Bledsoe added much to the success of our run at the end of the season. In fact I think that Bledsoe can be compared to Lindell, in that he wasn't asked to do something by the coaching staff that was beyond his capabilities this year.
  11. Your story reminds me about an experience I had in Buffalo back in 86 or 87. A good friend of mine, who was black, convinced me I should go to the Martin Luther King festival. He had some friends who were having a party and said we'd have a good time. So we went to the festival and had a great time. I was just about the only white boy there and did get a lot of looks, but his friends were very cool and made me feel welcome. When the festival was winding down my buddy wanted to go to one of his favorite bars, so the two of us went to tip back a few. We walked in and went to the bar to get some drinks and I noticed that once again I was the only white boy and I was getting a lot of “are you crazy” stares. While the bartender was getting our drinks this huge Sam Adams size guy came out of the bathroom, saw me, and immediately walked over to me. He lifted his massive arms over his head and pushed against the ceiling with his hands. Then he said to me in a very loud and very deep voice, "What the fu*k do you think you're doing here?" Well the bar became completely silent and I said, "ah, um, ah, well you see we were thirsty and ah..." My stomach felt like it just did a 1000 foot freefall. I'm not a small guy, 6 foot 225 pounds, but not a NFL size lineman like this guy was. He could have squished me like I was an ant. THANKFULLY this is when my friend decided to speak up and say I was with him and that I was alright. The big guy grunted and sneered at me and walked away. My friend and I had a couple of drinks (my first one went down in record time), and then I asked the bartender to buy the big guy a drink and tell him I meant no disrespect. After the bartender brought over his drink and pointed to me the big guy yelled out for me to come over there and sit down. When I got over there he told me to sit and then reached his arm over the table and said, "My name is Larry, as in you're in Larry's Lair." I reached across, shook his hand and said, "I'm Dave, as in Dave in Larry's Lair." He busted out laughing and everyone else in the bar including me started laughing. Then he said to me, "What are you laughing about?" Everyone in the bar shut up immediately as did I. Then Larry started laughing again and told me to relax and sit down so that we could have a drink together. Anyway without going into all of the details of our extended conversation, Larry and I really hit it off and we even wound up going to another bar together later that night. I still visit him every chance I get when I go back to Buffalo. The moral of the story is that like it or not there are racial problems everywhere in America but with a little luck and a friend to help you out everything can turn out great if people get to know each other. That being said if my buddy wasn't there to help me this story probably would have an entirely different outcome.
  12. Sh*t I knew I should have brought protection, but then she kept saying, " Don't worry you can pull out!"
  13. Well then I'm not being sarcastic when I say, "OK you know more than me."
  14. What would be funny is if the report started... ...We have just found out that The Bills front office is considering not bringing back Drew unless...
  15. That an excellent quality for a run oriented offense.
  16. I just hate the fact that you were right. I supported Drew through most thick and all thin, until mid season 2004. I just hate the fact that you were right!
  17. First of all just the assumption that I might change my opinion about someone by one person’s comments; insults me. I think you confused venom with my sense of sarcasm. I never mean ill will toward a fellow Waller. To be fair I did preface my comments with, "Are you kidding me?" I was hoping you were. I don't know how someone can even come up with a scenario like that? That being said, I do respect your opinion, just don't be surprised if someone calls it a foolish opinion.
  18. MLB didn't ban steroid use until last year. Steroids are not illegal like coke or weed, so the players technically did nothing wrong. MLB simply looked the other way while McGuire, Sosa and Bonds were reviving pro baseball with all their juiced dingers (juiced players and balls). As for the players lying about it, I'm not surprised, just disappointed. When I was a kid Thurman Munson was my hero and I wanted to be just like him. I worry about today’s kids feeling the same way. The real tragedy of this fiasco is the example these players have made, not the records they broke.
  19. I would expect a statement like this from a patsie fan who bet on their team, but anyone with common sense would say, "Any given Sunday." McNabb and/or Reid simply lost control of the game. Does anyone really believe McNabb threw the game? I am willing to bet that McNabb lost $3-5 million in additional endorsements by not coming back and winning that game. How anyone can be caught completely off guard with McNabb's poor play in a big game after the last few NFC championships is beyond me. Now if you were just being sarcastic, then ignore everything I just said. If you weren't, then stop betting on the patsies covering the spread in a Super Bowl when they're favored.
  20. Are you kidding me? What is your next hypothetical going to be, "If we get 2 number 1 picks for Travis Henry, do you think we made a mistake trading him instead of Willis?" -or- "If tsnbd posts another thread like this would you start using your ignore feature?"
  21. Is archive.org privately run or government run? Here is the link for when I looked up www.stadiumwall.com Here is the link for when I looked up www.twobillsdrive.com.
  22. I think TE is going to be a big priority for TD this year. We run a lot of double TE sets and both of our starting TEs, who did show some upside this year, were knocked out late in the season with knee injuries. I believe both of them had surgery. We cannot be sure that either one will be 100% for the preseason much less the 1st game. Therefore a FA TE acquisition is a definite possibility. I wouldn't mind seeing Bubba Franks in a Bills uniform. An excellent TE who can block and catch the dump off passes would be a great way to bolster our OL. If we can sign a good FA TE and bolster the left side of the line with a couple of good FA pick ups, we will have dramatically improved this team. TE and OL are the top priorities for free agency. Depth in other positions will come from the draft.
  23. I bet it doesn't get resolved. The owners will not go forward without a salary cap, which is good business. It is also good for the smaller market teams. The players seem adamant about having no restrictions on the salaries, which is good for the players but bad for teams, especially small market teams. Hockey is a great sport but the NHL is NOT a great or even good league. It needs to be revamped from head to toe. I personally hope the player’s union folds and we can get a reasonable salary cap in place. Perhaps small market teams like Buffalo would have the chance to compete year in and year out. Parity in the NHL would bring back that game we all used to enjoy watching.
  24. My question is how much longer are we expected to call these New Jersey teams New York Teams? Who should be more embarassed NY or NJ people?
  25. In Albany, in 1975-1979 it was ring and RUN! We used to drive some people nuts. Ring the doorbell, run, wait for them to answer, go back 5 minutes later and ring it again. We tried the sh it in a bag a few times too, but it never worked.
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