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Everything posted by sfladave

  1. One thing is for sure, they were both masters of the sack!
  2. Hindsight is 20/20. I thought both of those trades were great when we made them! It took me longer to sour on the Bledsoe trade than the RJ trade.
  3. A 1st and a 2nd will never happen for Clements. Miami has been trying to trade Patrick Sutain and the best offer they have had is a 4th rounder from KC. Since we are talking about the Bungles you never know. If they did offer us that trade I would have to jump all over it if I was TD. It will be tough to sign Nate if we don't get him to extend before training camp.
  4. Perhaps you are right but then you cross the realm of free speech, isn't that what a democracy is all about? Thank God this board is not a democracy!
  5. But more lethargic! Rudy doesn't bother supporting his opinion except through silence and repetitive SIF posts.
  6. Would anyone be surprised to find out that former President Palmer is a cabinet member who happens to be in the line of succession for the presidency? This whole season seems to be turning into a government conspiracy to eliminate the President and substitute him with someone whom the conspirators prefer for their agenda? JMHO For some reason The Secretary of Defense is intricately involed with CTU on all of their decision making processes. The President is neatly tucked away in AF1 while we are about to be subjected to another "terrorist attack". Jack was a Palmer boy and he and the former President were very close buds, yet he was assigned to guard the Secretary of Defense. I'm starting to think that Marwan is nothing but a pawn, being used by US government/political figures to further their own agenda, which is to replace the current President of the United States.
  7. Well TD does like to keep people guessing what he up to and what he really thinks about situation. It would only make sense that he would try to remain incognito here, it must be Rudy!
  8. Yes, but who cares? I'm not a baseball apologist because I simply don't care. I did take the time to watch Sportsline on ESPN during the final months of McGuire's and Sosa's run at the end of their "juicy" season. It was an interesting bi-line to an otherwise boring sport to watch for the previous 10+ years. There will be no accountability for the past use of steroids with the possible exception of Barry Bonds single season HR record and his possible total HR record. All that will happen is a bunch of people will talk about putting an asterisk next to his records, but over time that will be forgotten if not forgiven.
  9. Gus Ferrotte They did cut a lot of people and most of these contracts have been all signing bonuses and back loaded contracts.
  10. I think that everyone except the players and coaches would love this idea. Why don't we just merge the NFL and the NHL and have teams play every week. One week they play hockey, the next they play football. Could you imagine Big Mike as a goalie!
  11. I think the 5 yard rule actually demands more out of a cornerback. They have to be faster, stronger and smarter because of the rule. I think this will put MORE of a premium on really good or great cover corners. The rule is a distinct disadvantage for corners, so the better ones will now stand out even more.
  12. I guess you mean aftere the Bills released him because we traded for him. RJ = a deer in headlights
  13. Boy does that guy have issues with lacrosse or what? I think he must have been bullied by some lacrosse players in high school. His article reads like a crusade of a PETA activist against meat eaters.
  14. Why are so many people getting all uptight that we are not spending cap money frivolously. I will wait until we are a couple of weeks into the preseason before I get all riled up about a crappy offseason. Shouldn't everyone be counting their buttons or something.
  15. Once again you post a SIF post, and abandon it. If it wasn't for your avatar i might be tempted to use the ignore feature for the first time. Rudy it is OK to come out of your bomb shelter, the sky is not falling, and the Bills are not having a terrible off season. Thank god we didn't overpay for JJ or phat Pat, it would have crippled us in the coming years. As far as losing Prioleau I definitely won't lose any sleep over that, and neither should you. You yourself said HE SUCKS. I think TD is taking a smart and calculated approach to FA. We are going to start the 2005 season with 10 of our 11 starters on defense and probably 8-9 of our offensive starters. We have excellent coaches and a core group of players who can take us to the playoffs. Will that happen, I don't know for sure, but I like our chances. Relax a little and let things play out.
  16. Beware the dark side of binges! "A binge occurs when an adult male consumes five or more drinks or a female consumes four or more drinks in a short period of time. Because women metabolize alcohol less efficiently than men and usually have less body mass, they become more intoxicated with a comparable number of drinks. (One drink is generally calculated as a 12-ounce bottle of beer or wine cooler, one 5-ounce glass of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.) " I guess I'm a "binge" drinker on most weekends. This just seemed appropriate for this topic.
  17. Have you heard of Michael Jacksons new book? -It's called, "The Ins and Outs of Child Rearing". What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag? -One is white, made out of plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with and the other you carry your groceries in. How can you tell if Michael Jackson has company? -There's a big wheel parked outside his house. Who does Michael Jackson consider a Perfect "10"? -Two 5 year olds. Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men? -He thought it was a delivery service. What will they call Michael's new TV series? -Anus and Andy.
  18. Give him a "creepy man hug", that'll teach him.
  19. I'm hoping for a home game against Dallas!
  20. Congrats to your brother, there is nothing better than being proud of family! I hope that your brother turns into one of the broadcasters that I actually enjoy listening to! If he is related to you I have faith!
  21. I'm not sure what makes me more upset, you for making me watch this or the American Idol Hong wanna be who made it!
  22. Then chase that with an espresso. On a more serious note regarding a serious problem, I had problems with heartburn, but not to the extent that you seem to have. As soon as I cut coffee out of my diet and replaced it with tea, I need my caffeine, I no longer had problems. That being said, go see a doctor, preferably someone recommended by someone with a similar problem. There are serious medical issues at hand here.
  23. According to clumping platelets Miami cap page, which was last updated 3/3, Miami is $2.69 million under the cap. That number probably doesn't include Konrads release.
  24. They did make a few cuts that gave them some room, but it does seem like they are still picking up a lot. Time to check Clumping Platelets pages.
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