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Everything posted by sfladave

  1. Shouldn't we trade him for a 4th or 5th round pick then.....lol I do not put much into any fantasy football evaluation done pre-preseason...but... I do think that almost everyone here would rather have Travis as a back up IF Willis actually went down with a season ending injury!
  2. Even when he only weighs 189 pounds which is his current reported weight?
  3. I was pleasently surprised by Teagues strong play at C last year. I think that he will be at C again this year. I am starting to think that if either Gandy or Peters don't impress McNally at LT we may see Williams make the move to the left side and Peters or Gandy at the right. LT: Williams LG: Anderson C: Teague RG: Villiarial RT: Peters/Gandy/? This seems to be the strongest OL setup to me.
  4. Well it is certainly possible that JP could pull a Ryan Leaf on us , if he does look like crap for the 1st 4 games and the rest of the team is clicking look for Holcomb to make an appearance. If JP has a poor showing in the beginning of the season I will be expecting blackouts in the latter part of the season. That being said, I don't think that JP will be expected to carry this team this year, just as they didn't count on Bledsoe to do it last year. He will certainly make mistakes, but if he can keep a cool head and is able to dial into the speed of the game, I have high hopes that JP will not leave us feeling .
  5. If You Love Somebody, Set Them on Fire Remember this from Punk Rock Girl?
  6. Great band, one of my favorites. I like the verse later in the song: I just bought a brand new lighter And I cannot wait to use it Oily rags are special things You know to me they're diamond rings Maybe we can have some fun Maybe we can burn someone
  7. What did Shelton get?
  8. Although it is rarely worth doing teams can franchise a player every year if they want to. The problem of course is that the team then pays the average of the top 5 RBs in the league, so for a RB that equals about $8 mil/yr or about 10% of your cap space. This has been done to several OL the last few years but QBs and RBs are rarely tagged for more than one year because of the cap cost.
  9. That's why he got rid of all the mirrors in his house. As for this poll, both murderers and pedophiles should be put to death. I do think that pedophiles should be put through a SLOW and PAINFUL death. Pedophiles usually have more victims and I do not think that they can be cured of their desire to molest children. In my opinion they are far more dangerous.
  10. This is why I would never open a new account with a trade of more than $5000 without some assets already in the account. Of course I learned that lesson the hard way!
  11. They are related but not father and son like so many people assume, they're cousins. This is a VERY common mistake.
  12. Burn the house down, if that doesn't work, move.
  13. Cassidy's(gone), Lockerroom(gone), Steer, Old Pink, Continental, Goodbar, The Gate, Icon, The Library, Callahans...
  14. My money is on that he has already been invited to Miami and Oakland. There is nothing like stating the obvious!
  15. TD's reason number 10 on why he drafted Parrish at #55.
  16. If it is drugs she needs to put down the pot pipe and pick up the crack pipe. If that picture above is real, that girl must have been spending all her time at Ricky Williams house and a McDonalds.
  17. Definately true, hard to believe but it is possible. That being said I think 4-12 would be a real stretch. Our defense and special teams would have to completely fall apart, and we would have to be devestated with injuries. The loss of Bledsoe, Williams and Jennings did not set us back that much. If we had WM in the 1st 4 games last year we could have easily won 2 more games, a 5-7 game dropoff from last year just doesn't seem likely.
  18. If not then we have a GOOD backup for $1.2 mil this year. I could see a conditional 4th (can move to a 3rd or 2nd depending on #s) for Henry, but a 5th or less and it makes more sense for us to hold on to him, pouting and all.
  19. I automatically assume LA is being sarcastic when cognitive skills are needed to understand it. "The highest functions of our brains handle the lowest form of wit. An investigation by Simone Shamay-Tsoory and colleagues shows that the ability to understand sarcasm depends on a carefully orchestrated sequence of complex cognitive skills in specific parts of the brain."
  20. State Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Legalize Poker In Bars (Albany, NY) AP 05/21/05 -- A state lawmaker has introduced a bill to legalize poker in bars, restaurants and clubs. Seeking to capitalize on the exploding craze around the country over the card game, NYS Senator John Sabini (D, Queens), says his bill would benefit businesses, tax coffers and even charities. He says, for example, that bars and restaurants could hold tournaments that benefit a charity, while customers can socialize in a safe environment where they don't stand to lose a lot of money. A ranking member of the Senate Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee, Sabini says his legislation would generally allow only non-cash prizes for individual games. It would require businesses regulated by the state alcoholic beverage control law to apply to their local municipality for a license that allows "social poker." Tournament admission could be no more than $50 per person. Players could only wager with chips, not money. Games can't last more than 24 hours, and only the best tournament player can win a cash prize - one not exceeding $100. ©2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  21. National Pub Poker League pays for it. The bars pay them for hosting the event there.
  22. BF I was surprised that it wasn't an all in fest, people actually played very tight. It's run by www.nationalpubpokerleague.com. You do earn points to regional and national events, which does give you a shot at the WSOP. The winner of each tournament gets an automatic invite to the regionals. Everyone started with 4000 chips and the blinds went up every 15 minutes. It is not a game to goto if you're looking for anything but fun and an outside chance to the WSOP or a sattelite to the WSOP.
  23. According to the drink wheel I can have 8 beers over a 4 hour period and still legally drive. I would have an estimated blood/breath alcohol concentration of .072 g/210 liters of breath. That is just below the NYS limit of .08. I would not want to test this out on the roads.
  24. Churches have to get special permits because they are letting people gamble. This is a FREE tournament, noone pays to enter, so therefore they are NOT gambling.
  25. There are 2 free No Limit Texas Holdem Tournaments being held every Wednesday night at Macaroon's Nightclub on Dick Rd. at 7pm and 10 pm. It started last Wednesday. It's free there isn't any buy in. You can win seats in regional and national tournaments that give away WSOP seats etc...
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