I don't disagree with any of those rights at all, in fact it makes me proud to be an American where we have these rights!
I was simply saying that a lot of people seem to think that the players have a god given right to that money and all of this is the owners fault. I think that some of the owners are being short sighted, greedy and are letting their testosterone take control of their decision making process. The players better be careful not to get too short sighted or greedy like some of the owners, or it may just come back to bite them in the ass.
Upshaw talking about never going back to a cap if the current CBA is not extended is very short sighted. I understand the posturing he is doing and he is trying to put pressure on the owners to get their chit together. But if the cap disappears so too does the stability of the strongest sports league in the world. It may be nice for the top players who WILL get paid, but the majority of the players will not have that luxury. The NFL has grown stronger in terms of revenue and popularity because of the level playing field. Take away that levity and you'll soon have the league losing small market teams and fans. A smaller number of teams means less players, less viewers and less revenue.