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Posts posted by sfladave

  1. Thats not a very good answer. Anyone else with anything enlightening to say?


    I can say with almost certainty that when Willis appeared on the NFL Network with James and Clinton during Super Bowl Week, they were high, stoned, zooted or in other words feeling just FINE!


    All 3 of them were giggling, snickering and well just STONED. They were acting like little kids who just got high for the first time, it was sad yet hilarious to watch.

  2. That said, if a player gets a low score when he first takes the test--as Losman did--it would send up a red flag.  At that point, you'd want to take a closer look at the player's intelligence.


    At least JPs first score, although low, was higher than Marino's and Holcomb's.


    I do agree that the wonderlic is a poor test to gage the abilities of a football player. They need to develop the footballic test. One that determines a players football smarts.

  3. It seems to me that Reed improved last year. He makes all of the tough catches but still dropped a few of the gimmies. I thought that Reed was our best receiver in the underneath zone coverage. He showed a knack for getting open. As another poster mentioned Reed is also our best blocking WR.


    As for Roscoe, I think if he is given the opportunity he will shine. I wouldn't be surprised if we had Evans and Parrish as our 2 outside recivers, while Reed filled in at the slot.

  4. My prediction, Heller did a tuck and roll right before the car went over the cliff.


    No when he did that slick throat jab to Jack he sucked some of Jack's superman power from him. This enabled him to to just jump up and out of the car just before it hit the water. He will actually do a perfect 10 swan dive into the water below.


    Watching tonights episode I'm starting to get some seriously evil vibes from Chief of Staff Mike Novick!

  5. Why are Wilson and Brown the only owners saying anything?  How would you as a fan like it if your lower-revenue owner voted yes and later came out and said it was a bad deal?


    In my opinion this is why we haven't seen more owners come out publicly with their displeasure against the new CBA. I think that if we see more state and federal government involvement more owners will start to speak publicly about finding an "amicable solution" for all.

  6. Drop the W and call them the "NY Bills" 


    Think everyone agrees corporate sales and lack of sponsors is what hurts the Bills.  The Deadskins, Cowboy, Patsies all have great corporate sales.


    Don't discount the importance of average ticket prices in terms of revenue. Buffalo has an average ticket price of $37, the Redskins are over $80. If Buffalo were to increase their ticket average to $70, for 70,000 seats that would mean an extra $22,400,000 in revenue per year. (($32*70,000) * 10).


    That being said, the top 5 revenue teams do have a much larger market of potential corporate sales.

  7. Who's military is in Afganistan cleaning up the mess the US government left there? Last time i checked Canada was there cleaning up for you.


    Actually Canada has approximately 2300 troops in Afghanistan, the US has about 16- 19,000.


    That being said the attacks back and forth here by both Canadian and US posters is ridiculous. If this was a topic on PPP then I could understand some heated discussion on the morals and merits of each others countries, but this WAS a thread about could the Bills make a move to Canada. This thread is sinking fast.

  8. the next team that moves will end up in L.A.


    they project a football team there would make some major profit.


    They project that a team in the nations 2nd largest TV market will make some major profit in the next round of TV deals.


    Although they have a large population base they have not had success in keeping teams in the past. I think part of that may be due to the fact that so many people in LA are from somewhere else in the country, thus are fans of other teams. They also have so much to do in the area besides football. Football has a lot of competition for entertainment dollars there, it is very similar to south Florida.

  9. Someone posted a video highlight for him recently. What I got from that was an excellent sense of reading the play, but his constant upper body tackling really concerned me. His college tackling style didn't seem like it would translate well at the NFL level. Of course this evaluation is from someone's 2 minute video, so take my evaluation with a grain of salt.

  10. We were great in the first quarter...and even the first half, sometimes...but our ability to adjust was about as inventive as bottled water. It was almost like the coaches thought that as long as they were ahead, they could win.



    GuessWhozBack21  Today, 07:43 PM  Also forgot to add. For what it's worth I remember hearing stuff about how the bills practice indoors last season and then remember reading a post game quote from tom brady along the lines of "We love snow we practice outside in the cold and wet conditions in ne so we were prepared for the weather" and I just remember coming away thinking that the bills seemed compleltly out of their element for a cold weather team. They got owned in all phazes of the game.

    These things more than anything last year quickly turned me from a Mularkey believer to a Mularkey must go guy.


    I was absolutely dumbfounded by our lack of being able to adjust either our offense or defense last year! How many games did we see the Bills start out strong (especially the first offensive drive at home), only to be beat down by the end of the 2nd quarter? Terrible adjustments, terrible conditioning...just terrible, terrible, terrible!

  11. I, just many of you, have poured over this draft. Do we take Huff because he will be the safest, best available player that can fill a possible need for us? Or, how about Ngata vs Bunkley? Which one can be a better fit for our system? Should we draft TE Vernon Davis, a stud luxury pick? Oh, we better not do that! Please, please let Ferguson fall to us. Forget it. Forget all of it. How many times are we going to draft WRs, DTs, and DEs? We even took a shot at a QB in the 1st rd. When was the last time we did that? No, I want the best available athlete. Period. The cream will rise to the top. Isn't that what we want? We have drafted for need way too many times now. Where has that gotten us? Let the coaches coach, the players play and the competition compete. I'd much rather have a stud TE, who could play right away, than a pretty good DT. Wouldn't you want the best S vs a QB who might take a year or two to possibly be ready to play? We got PLENTY of quality picks at our disposal. Let's see if we got a decent scouting department. Our coach hasn't even coached a game for us yet. I think Jauron just might be for real. If he isn't, then I don't think that it will matter too much on who we pick. I have had enough of hoping for this guy or that guy. All I want now is quality and speed, forget this need crap. What we need is is a play-off game.


    It would have been easier to read this way.


    I, just many of you, have poured over this draft. Do we take Huff because he will be the safest, best available player that can fill a possible need for us? Or, how about Ngata vs Bunkley? Which one can be a better fit for our system? Sho


    uld we draft TE Vernon Davis, a stud luxury pick? Oh, we better not do that! Please, please let Ferguson fall to us. Forget it. Forget all of it. How many times are we going to draft WRs, DTs, and DEs? We even took a shot at a QB in the 1st rd. When was the last time we did that? No, I want the best availa


    ble athlete. Period. The cream will rise to the top. Isn't that what we want? We have drafted for need way too many times now. Where has that gotten us? Let the coaches coach, the players play and the competition compete. I'd much rather have a stud TE, who could play right away, than a pretty good DT. Wouldn't you want the best S vs a QB who might take a year or two to possibly


    be ready to play? We got PLENTY of quality picks at our disposal. Let's see if we got a decent scouting department. Our coach hasn't even coached a game for us yet. I think Jauron just might be for real. If he isn't, then I don't th


    ink that it will matter too much on who we pick. I have had enough of hoping for this guy or that guy. All I want now is quality and speed, forget this need crap. What we need is is a play-off game.

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