The first game is over, so my self-imposed Drew exile is over also. Some Bills "O"/Drew analysis, fair and balanced:
There are names for many offenses: The West Coast Offense, the Run-N-Shoot, Air Coryell, etcetera. After one week, it looks like the Bills new offense needs a name. I have a suggestion:
The Bledsoe Lobotomy.
Now normally I'd say taking The Cerebral Statue's brain out of the equation might be a good idea, but the problem is now that Drew is so frightened of taking a chance and turning the ball over, he's lost any remaining part of his swagger/gunslinger mentality that, at times, would make him effective. Maybe he's waiting for an alarm clock to ring, but I'm sure The Statue hits the snooze button often.
Has any other "Hall of Fame Quarterback" - - ever had such a subtle yet clear indictment of his skills by his own team?!?
So, in effect, what Mularkey and PrimaDonahoe have done is taken a "Hall of Fame Quarterback" (according to his apologists/worshippers), dumbed down the passing game so that NO CHANCES are to be taken, and run the ball much more than you pass it out of fear your "Franchise" QB won't screw up. That's fine if your QB is Rodney Peete making small $$$.
But Drew isn'tmaking small $, thanks to his unindicted co-conspiritor, Teflon Tom: PrimaDonahoe threw a new contract with new bonus $$$ at The Statue even though there was no reason to - his old contract would simply have run out with no cap acceleration if the option bonus was declined.
How do you think Travis Henry feels about running against 8 man fronts? How about The Arrogant Gimp? This will hurt both of their trade value, because opposing teams don't fear The Statue. I'm sure this will sit well with Willis, who's proven he's a team-first guy.
When all is said and done, The Cerebral Statue is now The Cerebral Albatross around the neck of the Bills franchise. Bills divisional rivals thank you.
You guys deserve better.