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Foxboro Mike

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Everything posted by Foxboro Mike

  1. IMO, a more balanced offense - one where the opponent actually had to fear a passing game that could gouge them - would have scored more points and sealed the deal yesterday. If JAX feared the pass, there would be more room for Henry to run. It was a shame for the D, as well as they played, to lose on a quasi-flukeish play.
  2. Game 33, Buffalo held hostage. That's all I'm sayin'.
  3. The first game is over, so my self-imposed Drew exile is over also. Some Bills "O"/Drew analysis, fair and balanced: There are names for many offenses: The West Coast Offense, the Run-N-Shoot, Air Coryell, etcetera. After one week, it looks like the Bills new offense needs a name. I have a suggestion: The Bledsoe Lobotomy. Now normally I'd say taking The Cerebral Statue's brain out of the equation might be a good idea, but the problem is now that Drew is so frightened of taking a chance and turning the ball over, he's lost any remaining part of his swagger/gunslinger mentality that, at times, would make him effective. Maybe he's waiting for an alarm clock to ring, but I'm sure The Statue hits the snooze button often. Has any other "Hall of Fame Quarterback" - - ever had such a subtle yet clear indictment of his skills by his own team?!? So, in effect, what Mularkey and PrimaDonahoe have done is taken a "Hall of Fame Quarterback" (according to his apologists/worshippers), dumbed down the passing game so that NO CHANCES are to be taken, and run the ball much more than you pass it out of fear your "Franchise" QB won't screw up. That's fine if your QB is Rodney Peete making small $$$. But Drew isn'tmaking small $, thanks to his unindicted co-conspiritor, Teflon Tom: PrimaDonahoe threw a new contract with new bonus $$$ at The Statue even though there was no reason to - his old contract would simply have run out with no cap acceleration if the option bonus was declined. How do you think Travis Henry feels about running against 8 man fronts? How about The Arrogant Gimp? This will hurt both of their trade value, because opposing teams don't fear The Statue. I'm sure this will sit well with Willis, who's proven he's a team-first guy. When all is said and done, The Cerebral Statue is now The Cerebral Albatross around the neck of the Bills franchise. Bills divisional rivals thank you. You guys deserve better.
  4. Great post - rookie WRs who rip it up are few and far in between... especially with a QB iwho is afraid to pull the trigger.
  5. Happy Birthday!!
  6. My fingerprints are not on that one... sorry! Tough loss, guys.
  7. But, as usual (since he's left Buffalo), he's on a team that wins. Final numbers for Antowain today: 11 carries, 40 yards. Not bad, esp. when his team is trying to run out the clock and the Fish know it.
  8. Listen a little closer: That was over his career, not last year.
  9. Umm... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  10. Guest-on-guest violence. Can one guest really call another a troll? Rayzer: Never really had an opinion of him in SD. I do remember when the Pats were 3-0 in '02, then went out to SD and lost 21-14, and he was all over the field. He's an irritator now more than anything - Belichick sat him down for a bit last year, giving him an ultimatum to cut back on the penalties or else. He hasn't been flagged for a personal foul since week 4 last year, and was the LEAST penalized player on the Pats defense after that point. Like I said, he's a punk, but he's our punk. The kind of nose-to-the-grindstone guy with swagger that most successful teams need. Think about it - most winning teams have that guy.
  11. Harrison is a punk... but he's OUR punk. I understand how you feel.
  12. Speaking of which - yours with the "Bledsoe 11" on them were shipped out yesterday, and you'll have them in time for Sunday.
  13. Kudos to you for having the stones to put Delhomme on the list. He's clutch, and the real deal.
  14. If someone doesn't give Gale Gilbert props IMMEDIATELY, I'm going to lose it.
  15. Good memory - care to quote that in another 3 threads?
  16. Charlie Weis should have been flogged for his shameful playcalling last night.
  17. The ballwashing Favre gets from Peter King (among others) is sickening. If Drew is The Cerebral Statue, and Peyton is Tin Man-ning, Favre has GOT to be BrettNeck (as in Redneck)
  18. It's not Moss. It's not Harrison. It wasn't Montana. It wasn't Unitas. It wasn't Kelly. It wasn't Elway. IT WAS THE SYSTEM!!!!! Right, RunTheBall?
  19. Well I may resent what you say, but I can't deny it.
  20. That one made me laugh out loud! Get behind your team, and forget about the Patsies for now. For the remainder of the weekend, I'm a Jags fan.
  21. The good news is that Brady's thrown more INTs this season than Drew.
  22. You seem kind of obssessed with the Brady/gay thing in multiple threads. Are you trying to tell us something?
  23. Most Moronic Post nomination for post #1 and #3 of this thread. Added bonus for "Homophobic Post" by ajzepp on post #3.
  24. I swear I think I'm the only person alive who thinks that for the last 5 years that Favre is grossly overrated.
  25. Look at your avatar. Why do you hate Wannstedt so? The truth is why does anyone bash who they bash? We all have people we don't like. Tom Brady is the object of more irrational hatred on this site than anyone I've ever seen. In all seriousness, I've cut waaaay back on bashing Drew. I've been downgraded to merely "taking swipes" at 'ol #11.
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