This episode should be all the setup needed, now we get to the meat and potatoes!
What type of "community" is this? We hear children playing when they pull up, was it some sort of PA system or actually children?
Why didn't Aaron have any pictures of the people in his community? His excuse was lame.
Rick hides the gun in the blender, is it now in his backpack?
Is this the end of Rick's beard?
There seem to be a lot of Walkers/roamers in this area.
They are all thirsty, they have the water Aaron set out for them, why not have him drink it to prove it's good as they did with the applesauce? And he really wouldn't take a little bite of applesauce to prove it wasn't poisoned. he expects everything that happens, including getting slugged, but can't believe it when Rick wants proof before he gives it to his child?
The flare zombie kill was epic!
Why does this community really want Rick and crew? They know they can handle themselves, so why invite them in if there is malicious intent?
we're back to more questions than answers as we were when first entering terminus, looking forward to next week...