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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Rick was about 2 minutes from getting exiled on the spot. Michonne feels comfortable there, she hung her sword on the wall and didn't take it when they went outside the gates. At least that's the impression I got. Rick was really going off and that pretty much was the only way to call a time out and huddle up. Plus it shows her "loyalty" to Alexandria as she was wearing her police uniform at the time and doing her job... I was going to post last week that most of the people of Alexandria knew about the doctor, but he's the doctor! More and more W's on the heads of walkers, "alive" and "dead". Daryl and Aaron are closing in on the wolves (my guess) though, at least some of them. Interesting "more walkers than usual" comment form Aaron, who would know the area better than most. Morgan time next week? that coward has the gun, most likely means another one of Rick's crew will die at his hands. Hopefully it's the priest...
  2. Ron Rolston might take another temp gig, do it....
  3. Hopefully this guys breakdown is accurate... http://thehockeywriters.com/final-stretch-analyzing-the-three-horse-race-to-the-bottom/
  4. He's a miserable F***, just ignore him...He is what he is... Well...Not Kiko status, but um....huh...don't get that one...
  5. It was Vince Young that said that, so you have to account for the source. Plus, the Eagles signed big name defensive players that off-season to strengthen the D. The Bills have a good D and kept the key pieces together, not a good analogy...
  6. All depends on the QB. If it's EJ, you disguise defenses, blitz, and pressure. If it's Cassel, you focus on stopping the run and zone coverage in the secondary.
  7. Probably posted in a Taylor signing thread, but this was his draft video... http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-draft/09000d5d81f223da/2011-Draft-Profile-QB-Tyrod-Taylor-Virginia-Tech Heck of an athlete, that's for sure. Doesn't always translate onto the field, but you never know...
  8. 2016 salary cap projection.... http://www.buffalorumblings.com/buffalo-bills-analysis-all-22/2015/3/19/8254541/buffalo-bills-2016-salary-cap-space-projection
  9. This might help... Federal Bureau of Investigation Counter-terrorism Division and Cyber Crime Division J. Edgar. Hoover Building Washington DC JAMES B. COMEY Attention Beneficiary, Records show that you are among one of the individuals and organizations who are yet to receive their overdue payment from overseas which includes those of Lottery/Gambling,Contract and Inheritance. Through our Fraud Monitory Unit we have noticed that you have been transacting with some impostors and fraudsters who have been impersonating the likes of Prof. Soludo/Mr.Lamido Sanusi of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Bode Williams, Frank, Anderson, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, Kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen and some impostors claiming to be The Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Cyber Crime Division of the FBI gathered information from the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) on how some people have lost outrageous sums of money to these impostors. As a result of this, we hereby advise you to stop communication with any one not referred to you by us. We have negotiated with the Federal Ministry of Finance that your payment totaling $5,900,000.00(Five Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars). will be released to you via a custom pin based ATM card with a maximum withdrawal limit of $15,000 a day which is powered by Visa Card and can be used anywhere in the world where you see a Visa Card Logo on the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). We guarantee receipt of your payment. This is as a result of the mandate from US Government to make sure all debts owed to citizens of American and also Asia and Europe which includes Inheritance, Contract, Gambling/Lottery etc are been cleared. To redeem your funds, you are hereby advised to contact the ATM Card Center via email for their requirement to proceed and procure your Approval of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM Release Order on your behalf which will cost you $250 Usd only and nothing more as everything else has been taken care of by the Federal Government including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $250.00 only. Lord Ruben (ATM Card Center Director) Central Bank of Nigeria Central Business District, Cad astral Zone, federal Capital Territory,Nigeria. ATM Card Center Director Lord Ruben Email: fbi21@secretarias.com Phone: +234-810-109-8678 Do contact Lord Ruben of the ATM Card Center via his contact details above and furnish him with your details as listed below: FULL NAMES: __________________________________ DELIVERY ADDRESS FOR ATM CARD: __________________ SEX: _______________ DATE OF BIRTH: __________________ OCCUPATION: __________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________ On contacting him with your details your file would be updated and he will be sending you the payment information in which you will use in making payment of $250.00 via MoneyGram or Western Union Money Transfer for the procurement of your Approval of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM Release Order, after which the delivery of your ATM card will be effected to your designated home address without any further delay, extra fee. JAMES B. COMEY DIRECTOR FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 Phone Number: +1 (206) 259-9114 Note: Disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your ATM card, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with Lord Ruben of the ATM card center who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your payment and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon it immediately. Help stop cyber crime.
  10. I would not pay extra or even less to eat crickets. There was something similar on Shark Tank (I'll see if i can find the clip) and no one made the deal because people in America general do not and will not eat insects. It would take mega bucks to educate the consumers on the benefits of eating crickets and change the thought process that goes along with that. They'll probably do well with a small base of loyal customers, but a "gold mine" is a reach. Edit - found the episode... Chapul - Cricket-Filled Protien Bars http://www.chapul.com found a youtube video, around the 2 minute mark. t's a sideways view, but good for listening. My bad, they did make a deal with M Cuban. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bngvOOcKVXU
  11. I pay 8k in taxes and my house is more than $100,000 dollars less. Paid almost $100,000 in taxes in the 12 years we've lived in Amherst. oh yeah, the taxes suck... Add another 10k/year the past couple years for daycare... Plus justifying my Bills season tickets on a yearly basis... :censored:
  12. Here are a few condo options: http://www.ultimatebuffalohomesearch.com/listings/areas/3651/community/Downtown+Buffalo/propertytype/CONDO/
  13. Buffalo's charge continues. From UB Medical, to the Waterfront development, to TP dropping big bucks on the Harbor Center and most likely more to come, and on and on, it's really booming. I listened to Ted Black on WGR recently, and like JW, he lives in the Elmwood villiage and loves it, i think he may have been talking with Sal on GR at the time as he lives there as well. But they were talking about how much they love the Elmwood area and city. There is still work to do, but it's all headed in the right direction. The past 2 winters have been pretty brutal, but the past 2 summers have been great. And the summer weather is very good, as opposed to somewhere like Chicago, where heat waves are 10x worse than any winter weather in Buffalo. I can take the cold, just dress for it, but I hate the heat. Lot's of activities and festivals in the summer and more and more happenings in the winter as well. I live in Amherst now and really like the area, but If i were single, I would definitely move downtown.
  14. Arizona games will be huge, better be Hackett in net. Arizona hasn't won in regulation since Feb. 3rd, they are the ones that have the eye on the prize..
  15. Fire Irbe! He talked Nolan into starting Lindback over Hackett... Look at these numbers....just stupid numbers to put up with this D... Enroth: BUF 3.27 GAA, .903 sv pct; DAL: 3.35-.873 Neuvirth: BUF 2.99 GAA, .918 sv pct; NYI 2.56-.889 Lindback: BUF 2.41 GAA, .934 sv pct; DAL 3.71-.875
  16. they're saying Myers is playing well now because of less pressure. he was the #1 D man, playing against the top lines and racking up the minutes in Buffalo and now he's just playing a less significant role and performing better. yada, yada, yada, Whatever...But I agree, as much as Kane is going to help next year, trading those 2 slugs made this team better.
  17. they may have just joined the group and told them all about the Alexandria safe zone. We really don't know the timeline. The traveling part really doesn't bother me at all, you're always on the move in this world. There's no doubt the exiled people will play a role, they just don't mention something like that for nothing. They could have joined up with a DC crew, anything is possible.
  18. We've discussed this in the past and I think most agree that the exiled ASZ people are a part of the Wolves. They left people to die, only to protect themselves. But that appears the be their groups philosophy as we saw in the construction site scene. Next week should be another good episode. What will the fallout from the latest run cluster be? Aiden is dead, parents will be pissed. The other D-bag will probably blame Glenn for the whole thing. Glenn will not take Noah's death well, that was pretty gruesome to watch from about a foot away. How will Rick and Carol deal with Pete the abusive husband? Where does Pete get all his beer? he must have a nice stash. Will Tara be ok? Gabriel is losing it, he most likely will do something idiotic to jeopardize everyone. What will Rick do when Maggie tells him about the good father? Damn, only 2 episodes left...
  19. ha...those are the type of lines I remember from the Lost thread...
  20. Game is Friday on TNT @ 2:10... Let the Hurley rumors begin... http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/blog/morning_roundup/2015/03/hurley-s-name-is-floated-for-alabama-job.html
  21. They were at Santora's in Williamsville. They showed the reaction on the news, lots of phones recording the moment. Keep searching or check out wivb or wgrz website, if not up now, it should be up soon. Congrats State University of New York at Buffalo!!!
  22. Wow, just wow. Need some time to process all that. What an episode!
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