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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Isn't he consulting for the Jests now? If so, I would think he couldn't get too specific and this douche host goes off script and tries to pull a fast one. I can understand his anger if that's the case...
  2. I'd change her bank account, so I could retire...
  3. You don't have to use that gate, do you? Everyone crowds the first gate they see, which is gate 5, just keep walking and the last entrance (7) will take no longer than 5 minutes to get in. i know, i know....shhhhh...But i haven't had any issues getting in...
  4. Wow, you got 3 years!
  5. Damn, I forgot about the Tuesday deal....
  6. Leon Seals....Just because he had one of the all time great Bills nicknames!
  7. Since we lost St. Doug, we really can't compete with that...
  8. Did I win..? Edit...crap, wrong thread!
  9. better check her Sunday church times, could conflict with football season...
  10. Tough to tell for sure. From this angle, it looks like the puck bounces off the glass. I can't blame the refs in any way. Even if the puck did hit the glove, that's even tough to call on replay... https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/4966B31B5A1201770102169993216_14294985142b00571ccf.8295.mp4?versionId=Kmf_kCcqFFfO4hrcqNhJdPil.f6f8UQk
  11. What area of IT? I was out of work recently and went through most of the WNY IT channels to find employment, I was pretty surprised at the amount of IT jobs available (at least in the IT Security sector). But there are many different areas of IT, so with some additional information I could definitely point you in the right direction.
  12. certain simulators are set for 50 plays before the 20% comes up, some are set to 100. But yes, 20% is 20%, bottom line is someone with low odds will win...
  13. Kind of like the Kentucky Derby, you have a few favorites, but wouldn't be surprised if a long shot won it...I'll be watching on my cell, Hip start at 8. FNC would go nuts if Buffalo wins it and would be even louder if the Leafs get it....Can't wait.....1 time Buffalo....
  14. It's a huge upset no matter who wins the lottery with that logic, the other teams are closer to 90%+ chance of not getting the #1...
  15. Connor McDavid..."I love Buffalo"... http://sabres.buffalonews.com/2015/04/17/mcdavid-i-love-buffalo-its-a-great-place/
  16. If I gave you 3 guesses, you'd probably get it. He's attending an insurance convention...ok, maybe you wouldn't have gotten that one... http://wivb.com/2015...weets-approval/
  17. For the life of me, I do not understand the anti-homer campaign on this board. I want a home town announcer, I want to listen to someone that's more on the Bills or Sabres side than the opponents. I much prefer that over neutral. I loved how they aired 3 different broadcasts for the NCAA finals, the Wisconsin feed, Duke feed, and neutral, i thought that was an awesome idea. And if you think Murph is the ultimate "homer", you don't listed to many other team feeds. I have heard the Titan broadcasters clap after good plays. The Chicago White Socks television play by play guy uses "we" and "us" to describe the team, he'll say "we need a hit here" or "we need a strike out here guys", and actually has some bashing comments against the opponent. This is just a couple examples of true "homers". While I don't want clapping or cheering or referring to the Bills using "us" or "we", I do want someone who is on the Bills and Sabres side... As far as Sal, I think he's fine. I don't think he's great, but he's knowledgeable and does his homework. I listed to WGR a lot, and while I don't love some of the personalities, i will listen. I don't like a lot of my friends opinions on the local sports teams, but I still hang out with them. Sal pretty much took the same road to radio personality as the Bull Dog., hard work and loving the job, and I give him credit for that....
  18. I haven't watched much Rangers hockey this year, but after watching the game last night, i was very impressed. That's a very good hockey club, passing, speed, physical play, and good goal tending, that's going to be a tough team to beat.
  19. Long, but good article on Eichel before his freshman season at BU... http://hockeyjournal.com/news/colleges/Jack_Eichel_arrives_at_Boston_University_college
  20. Like this one... http://www.mancaveworldwide.com/
  21. We are far removed the from the Marv GM "nice guy" era...
  22. Definitely doesn't look like the first time that has happened to the kid...
  23. The Dude abides...
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